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2 Kings 16:1-2


seventeenth <07651> [seventeenth.]

Ahaz <0271> [Ahaz.]


do ... pleased <06213 03477> [did not.]

2 Kings 1:1-8


Moab <04124> [Moab.]

After ... died <0310 04194> [after the.]


lattice <07639> [a lattice.]

The flat roofs of the eastern houses are generally surrounded by a parapet wall breast high; but instead of this, some terraces are guarded with balustrades only, or latticed work. Of the same kind, probably, was the lattice, or net, as the term {shevacha} seems to import, through which Ahaziah fell into the court. This incident proves the necessity of the law for the formation of battlements for roof, (De 22:8,) which God graciously dictated from Sinai, which furnishes a beautiful example of his paternal care and goodness; for the terrace was a place where many offices of the family were performed, and business frequently transacted.

injured <02470> [was sick.]

Baal Zebub <01176> [Baal-zebub.]

[Beelzebub. god.]

survive <02421> [whether.]


angelic messenger ............ messengers <04397> [angel.]

Elijah <0452> [Elijah.]

Get <06965> [Arise.]

God .................... god <0430> [it.]

way <01980> [ye go.]


<03381> [Thou shalt, etc. Heb. The bed whither thou art gone up, thou shalt not come down from it. but shalt.]


replied .......... told ................... says <0559> [Thus saith.]

lie on <03381> [therefore.]


man <0376 04941> [What manner of man was he? Heb. What was the manner of the man?]


hairy man <01167 08181> [an hairy man.]

That is, he wore a rough garment, either made of camels' hair, as that of John Baptist, or of a skin, dressed with the hair on. Sir J. Chardin informs us, in a MS. note on this place, cited by Mr. Harmer, that the eastern dervishes and fakeers are clothed just as Elijah was, with a hairy garment, girded with a leathern girdle.

Matthew 1:9


Jotham Jotham <2488> [Joatham.]

[Jotham. Achaz.]

[Ahaz. Ezekias.]


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