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2 Kings 22:10


Shaphan ............... Shaphan <08227> [Shaphan.]

king ................. king <04428> [the king.]

2 Kings 22:19


spirit <03824> [thine heart.]

humbled <03665> [humbled.]

appalling <08047> [a desolation.]

tore <07167> [hast rent.]

wept <01058> [wept.]

heard ............................... heard <08085> [I also have.]

2 Kings 22:2


approved ............... right <03477 03225> [right.]

<03212> [walked.]

deviate <05493> [turned.]

2 Kings 1:16-18


sent <07971> [Forasmuch.]

Baal Zebub <01176> [Baal-zebub.]

Literally, "the lord of flies;" or, as the LXX. render, [Baal mwean theon,] Baal the fly god. See note on Ex 8:24.

[on which thou are gone up.]

In the East there is usually at the end of each chamber a little gallery, raised three or four feet above the floor, with a balustrade in front, to which they go up by a few steps: here they place their beds; an allusion to which situation is involved in this declaration of Elijah's, and frequently referred to in the Sacred Scriptures: see Ge 49:4.


Jehoram ......... Jehoram <03088> [Jehoram.]

As it is said in ch. 3:1, that he began his reign in the eighteenth of Jehoshaphat, it is supposed that Jehoshaphat admitted his son Jehoram to reign with him eight or nine years before his death. "The second year that Jehoram was Prorex, and the eighteenth of Jehoshaphat."

second <08147> [in the second.]


scroll <05612> [in the book.]

2 Kings 1:1


Moab <04124> [Moab.]

After ... died <0310 04194> [after the.]

Jonah 3:6


reached <01697> [word.]

got <06965> [and he arose.]

<03680> [and covered.]

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