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2 Samuel 17:23


When ... realized <07200> [saw.]

he <06213> [followed. Heb. done. his city.]

had ............. house ...... setting ... household <06680 01004> [put his household in order. Heb. gave charge concerning his house.]

hanged <02614> [and hanged.]

2 Samuel 18:10

Genesis 40:19


three <07969> [within.]

decapitate <05375 07218> [lift up thy head from off thee. or, reckon thee and take thy office from thee. hang thee.]

birds <05775> [and the birds.]

Genesis 40:22


impaled <08518> [he hanged.]

Numbers 25:4-5


leaders <07218> [all the heads.]

hang ... up <03363> [and hang.]

Dr. Kennicott remarks, that the Samaritan and Hebrew texts must be united to make the sense of this verse complete: "And the Lord said unto Moses, Speak unto all the heads of the people; and let them slay the men that were joined to Baal-peor; and hang them up before the Lord, against the sun," etc.

fierce <02740> [that the fierce.]


judges <08199> [judges.]

<02026 0376> [Slay ye.]

Deuteronomy 21:22


punishable by death <04941 04194> [worthy of death. Heb. of the judgment of death.]

The Hebrews understand this not of putting to death by hanging, but of hanging a man up after he was stoned to death; which was done more ignominiously of some heinous malefactors. We have the examples of Rechab and Baanah, who, for murdering Ish-bosheth, were slain by David's commandment, their hand and feet cut off, and then hanged up.

[See also]

So in Nu 25:4, we read, "And the Lord said unto Moses, Take all the heads (chief men) of the people, and hang them up before the Lord against the sun, that the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned away from Israel." Among the Romans, in after ages, they hanged, or rather fastened to the tree ALIVE; and such was the cruel death of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. .# 19:6 22:26 1Sa 26:16 Mt 26:66 Ac 23:29 25:11,25 26:31

hang <08518> [thou hang.]

Joshua 8:29


king <04428> [the king.]

The kings of Canaan lay under the same curse as their subjects and probably were more deeply criminal. The reserving of the king of Ai for a solemn execution, would tend to strike terror into the other kings, contribute to the success of Israel, and give their proceedings the stamp of a judicial process, and of executing the vengeance of God upon his enemies.

sunset <08121> [as soon.]

large pile <01530 01419> [a great heap.]

Joshua 10:26


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

hung ......... hanging <08518> [hanged.]

Ezra 6:11


anyone <03606> [whosoever.]

beam <0636> [timber.]

impaled <04223> [hanged. Chal. destroyed. his house.]

Esther 9:10


ten sons .... son <01121 06235> [ten sons.]

enemy <06887> [enemy.]

property <0961> [but on the spoil.]

It does not appear that the Jews slew any person who did not rise up to destroy them: they stood for their lives; and gave full proof that they sought their own personal safety, and not the property of their enemies: though the decree in their favour gave them authority to take the property of all their adversaries.

Esther 9:13-14


king is ... inclined <02896 04428> [If it please the king.]

Esther had probably been informed by Mordecai, that there were still many enemies of the Jews who sought their destruction, who had escaped the preceding day; and therefore begged that the second day might be added to the former permission; and that the sons of Haman, who had already been slain, might be suspended on gibbets, as a terror to those who sought the destruction of the Jews.

<03117> [according unto.]

hang ... ten sons ... Haman <06235 01121 08518 02001> [let Haman's ten sons be hanged. Heb. let men hang Haman's ten sons.]

Matthew 27:5


he went out <402> [and departed.]

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