2 Samuel 7:12-16
time <03117> [And when.]
die <07901> [sleep.]
raise up <06965> [I will set.]
build <01129> [He shall.]
<03559> [I will stablish.]
father <01> [I will be.]
sins <05753> [If he.]
father ............. correct <01 03198> [I will.]
loyal love <02617> [But my.]
removed ...... removed ....... removed <05493> [as I took.]
13 Ge 49:10 2Ki 19:34 1Ch 17:13,14 Ps 45:6 72:5,17-19
Ps 89:36,37 Isa 9:7 Da 2:44 7:14 Mt 16:18 Lu 1:32,33
Joh 12:34 Heb 1:8 Re 11:15 [All]
2 Samuel 7:29
willing ... bless ............................ blessed <01288 02974> [let it please thee to bless. Heb. be thou pleased and bless.]
permanently <05769> [for ever.]