Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 4:1--8:22
- Hujan, Hujan [KJ.70]
1. Hujan, hujan, tak hentinya hujan turun menderas;
empat puluh hari hujan, hujan lagi, jadi air bah.
Kej 7:10-12
Ibr 11:7
2 Ptr 2:5
2. Pohon, hewan dan semua orang mati tenggelam;
dalam banjir ini gunung yang tertinggi ikut terbenam.
3. Hidup, hidup, masih ada hidup dalam air bah:
Nuh yang membawanya atas p'rintah Allah, dalam bahtera!
4. Bapa, ibu, anak dan menantu, hewan pun serta
hidup dalam baht'ra sampai di saatnya surut air bah.
5. Isi baht'ra s'lamat bersejaht'ra, bumi pun kering.
Allah ikat janji: lihatlah pelangi elok berseri!Kej 9:8-17
Play - Manusia yang Meluku [KJ.335]
R:Yak 1:17
1. Manusia yang meluku, menaburkan benih, tetapi kesuburan
Tuhanlah yang memb'ri. Air hujan dikirimNya dan
panas yang segar. Akhirnya padi tumbuh, menghijau dan mekar.
2 Kor 9:10
1 Kor 3:7
Kej 8:22
Im 26:4-5
Ul 11:14-15
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 147:7-9
2. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra.
3. Semua diciptaNya, yang jauh, yang dekat: samudera yang luas dan
rimba yang lebat. Tak satu dilupakan, semua dibela, dan kita dib'ri
makan tak kunjung bersela.
Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
4. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra.
5. Ya Bapa, t'rima kasih; yang sudi kau memb'ri kepada ciptaanMu:
berkat dan rezeki. Tiada teruraikan kasihMu yang besar; terpujilah Kau,
Bapa, rahmani dan jabar.
6. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra. Play - Selama Bumi Didiami [KJ.298]
1. Selama bumi didiami, berbunga t'rus, berbuah baik,
Engkau, ya Allah, Bapa kami; sembah syukur padaMu naik!
Kej 8:22
Im 26:4-5
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 67:7-8
2. Selama orang berbahasa dan bangsa-bangsa bertemu,
sabda kasihMu berkuasa dan nama Yesus disebut.
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
3. Burung di langit Kausuapi, bunga di ladang berseri;
tak usah kami pun kuatir: seluruh hidup Kauberi.
Mzm 147:9
Mat 6:25-34
4. Kaulah Terang dan Hidup kami; padaMu maut menyerah.
Kristuslah Roti yang sorgawi dan kami jadi TubuhNya.
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
2 Tim 1:10
Why 1:18
Yoh 6:32-58
Rm 12:5
5. Patut sujud segala mahluk yang hidup dari tanganMu;
ya Bapa, oleh hadiratMu harapan anakMu teguh.Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 145:15-16
Yes 45:23
Why 4:11
Play - Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
1. Tuhan, Pencipta semesta, Kaulah Yang Mahamulia;
sungguh besar karunia yang Kauberi.
Why 4:11
2. KasihMu nyata terjelma di sinar surya yang cerah,
di sawah dan tuaiannya yang Kauberi.
Kej 8:22
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 67:7-8
3. Puji syukur terimalah atas berkat anugerah
di rumah yang sejahtera yang Kauberi.
4. Kau merelakan Put'raMu, supaya dunia ditebus;
denganNya kurnia penuh t'lah Kuberi.
Rm 8:32
Ef 1:7, 14
5. Kau mencurahkan Roh Kudus dengan segala
yang perlu: hidup, kuasa, kasihMu Engkau beri.
Gal 5:22-23
6. Tidak terbalas kurnia, ampunan dosa dunia
dan pengharapan yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mzm 116:12
Mi 6:6
1 Yoh 2:2
7. Hilanglah harta yang fana; yang kami cari hanyalah
harta sorgawi yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mat 6:19-21
8. Pemb'rian kami s'lamanya dari tanganMu asalnya;
yang Kauterima itulah yang Kauberi.
1 Taw 29:13-14
9. Terima hormat dan sembah, terima hidup dan kerja
serta sekalian benda yang Kauberi.Why 5:12-13
Play - Ya Tuhan, pada Saat Dibaptiskan [KJ.307]
1. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan, kami terima tanda kasihMu;
air bah pernah membawa kematian, tetapi s'lamat isi baht'ra Nuh.
Kej 7-8
Ibr 11:7
2 Ptr 2:5
2. Firaun yang melawan tujuanMu di Laut Merah sudah tenggelam,
tapi umatMu dapat hidup baru dan bersyukur di pantai seberang.
Kel 14-15
Why 15:2-4
3. Dan Yunus yang menyangkal panggilannya Kau tenggelamkan di gelora laut,
namun firmanMu mengembalikannya menjadi tanda hidup dari maut.
Yun 1-2
Mat 12:40
4. Dan Yesus juga rela dibaptiskan, di sungai Yordan nyata artinya:
ketika itu Dia Kautahbiskan untuk menghapus dosa dunia.
Mat 3:13-17
Yoh 1:29-34
5. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan kami beroleh pengasihanMu:
Kristus t'lah bangkit dari kematian; dalamNya Kaubangkitkan kami pun.Rm 6:34Kol 2:12
Lamentations 1:1--5:22
- Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24a]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, dosaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu,
Tak dapat 'ku bertahan.
Rat 3:55
2. Namun, ya Tuhan, padaMu terdapat pengampunan;
kesalahanku Kautebus, kasihMu Kautunjukkan.
Tiada insan yang benar, tetapi rahmatMu yang besar:
Terpujilah namaMu!
Mzm 32:1
3. 'Ku menantikanMu teguh, rahmatMu kudambakan;
tak kuandalkan jasaku, firmanMu kuharapkan.
Lebih dari pengawal pun menunggu fajar bertekun,
Kutunggu Dikau, Tuhan!
4. Hai Israel, berharaplah kepada Tuhan saja!
Maha Pengasih Dialah, Penolong kaum percaya.
UmatNya dibebaskanNya dari segala dosanya;
Dib'riNya hidup baru!Mat 1:21
Tit 2:14
- Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24b]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, doaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu, tak dapat 'ku bertahan - Hai Umat, Nyanyilah [KJ.232]
1. Hai umat, nyanyilah, rayakan hari ini!
Mujizat Allahmu masyhurkanlah disini!
T'lah turun Roh Kudus membangkit laskarNya;
Semoga kini pun semua tergerak.
Kis 2:1-13
2. Ya Roh karunia, Penghibur dan Penolong,
sekarang datanglah; berkatMu kami mohon.
Baptisan dan Firman membangun umatMu,
Supaya kami pun berbuahlah penuh.
Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
Ef 5:26
Gal 5:22-23
3. Kaupilih umatMu menjadi tubuh Kristus.
Kembali lahirlah umatMu dalam Yesus.
Di PerjamuanNya. Kau hadir bekerja
membuat hambaMu cerminan kasihNya.
1 Kor 12:13
Yoh 3:5-7
Tit 3:5
1 Ptr 1:3, 23
4. Yang hidup oleh Roh, yang bangkit oleh
Firman dan oleh kurnia berbuah kar'na iman,
Muliakan Allahmu dan puji kasihNya,
Yang baru dan segar selama-lamanya.Rat 3:22-23
Play - Insan, Tangisi Dosamu [KJ.157]
1. Insan, tangisi dosamu! Ingatlah, Kristus menempuh jalan
penuh sengsara dan bagai hamba terendah Ia kosongkan diriNya
menjadi Perantara. Yang mati dihidupkanNya, yang sakit disembuhkanNya,
yang hilang Ia cari, berkurban diri akhirnya, memikul dosa dunia diatas kayu salib.
Rat 3:39
Yak 4:9
Flp 2:7
Ibr 12:24
Mat 11:5
Luk 15:3-10
Yoh 1:29
2. Syukur, pujian dan sembah kepada Dia angkatlah yang mati bagi kita.
Ikutlah Dia yang menang, pikullah salib dan beban dengan bersukacita!
KasihNya perkenankanlah dan dalam kuasa namaNya kalahkanlah yang jahat.
Ingat darahNya yang kudus, yang bagi Allah, Bapamu, berharga tinggi amat!Why 5:12
Mrk 8:34
Play - Setiap Pagi RahmatMu [KJ.321]
1. Setiap pagi rahmatMu segar dan baru bagiku; sepanjang hari
tak henti karunia yang Kauberi.
Rat 3:22-23
2. O Bintang Fajar yang cerah, cahayaMu curahkanlah,
sehingga hati pun penuh dengan terang dan rahmatMu.
2 Ptr 1:19
Why 22:16
2 Kor 4:6
Ef 1:17-18
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Halaukan g'lap di dunia, kuasa jahat usirlah;
berilah damai yang penuh, dibimbing oleh tanganMu.
4. Buatlah jalan kami t'rang meskipun dunia tak tent'ram;
dengan percaya yang teguh kuatkan kami, umatMu!Play - Tuhan Melawat UmatNya [KJ.214]
1. Tuhan melawat umatNya; malam menjadi pagi!
Dalam terang hadiratNya kita dihibur lagi!
Luk 1:78-79
Luk 7:16
2. Habis menanggung mautNya di atas kayu salib,
kuburNya ditinggalkanNya: Ia telah kembali!
3. Murid-muridNya tercengang, kar'na tak menyadari
bahwa Mesias t'lah menang atas set'ru terakhir.
Luk 24:12, 37
1 Kor 15:26
4. Sion penuh keluh-kesah, kidung diganti tangis;
duka menimpa jiwanya awan menutup langit.Yes 3:26
Rat 1:4
Amos 8:10
5. Hai putri Sion, nyanyilah! Janganlah susah hati:
dalam cahaya hidupNya dukamu diobati!
Yes 52:9
Zef 3:14
Zkh 2:10
Yes 61:2-3
6. Puji-pujian mulutmu kini segar kembali:
oleh kuasa Roh Kudus kubur dibuka lagi!
7. Nyanyi seputar dunia bahwa Tuhanmu bangkit!
FirmanNya tinggal beserta dan mengobarkan hati!
Luk 24:32
8. Umat percaya, bangunlah, nyanyi tiap hari;
hiduplah bersejahtera, t'rima berkat ilahi!
9. Takhta mengganti salibNya dalam terang sorgawi;
kita di KerajaanNya hidup kekal abadi!Mat 25:31
Why 5:6
Why 7:17
Play - Tuhan, Betapa Banyaknya [KJ.393]
1. Tuhan, betapa baiknya berkat yang Kauberi,
istimewa rahmatMu dan hidup abadi.
2. T'rima kasih, ya Tuhanku atas keselamatanku!
Padaku telah Kauberi hidup bahagia abadi.
3. Sanak saudara dan teman Kaub'ri kepadaku;
berkat terindah ialah 'ku jadi anakMu.
Rm 8:14-17
1 Yoh 3:1-2
4. T'rima kasih, ya Tuhanku atas keselamatanku!
Padaku telah Kauberi hidup bahagia abadi.
5. Setiap hari rahmatMu tiada putusnya:
hendak kupuji namaMu tetap selamanya.
Rat 3:22-23
6. T'rima kasih, ya Tuhanku atas keselamatanku!
Padaku telah Kauberi hidup bahagia abadi.Play
Genesis 4:1--8:22
[Gen 4:8] When Adam Fell
When Adam fell, he quickly lost
God’s image, which he once possessed:
See all our nature since could boast
In Cain, his first-born son, expressed!The sacrifice the Lord ordained
In type of the Redeemer’s blood,
Self-righteous reasoning Cain disdained,
And thought his own first-fruits as good.Yet rage and envy filled his mind,
When, with a fallen, downcast look,
He saw his brother favor find,
Who God’s appointed method took.By Cain’s own hand, good Abel died,
Because the Lord approved his faith;
And, when his blood for vengeance cried,
He vainly thought to hide his death.Such was the wicked murderer Cain,
And such by nature still are we,
Until by grace we’re born again,
Malicious, blind and proud, as he.Like him the way of grace we slight,
And in our own devices trust;
Call evil good, and darkness light,
And hate and persecute the just.The saints, in every age and place,
Have found this history fulfilled;
The numbers all our thoughts surpass
Of Abels, whom the Cains have killed!Thus Jesus fell—but O! His blood
Far better things than Abel’s cries:
Obtains His murderers peace with God,
And gains them mansions in the skies.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 5:22] O Let Me Walk With Thee
O let me walk with Thee, my God,
As Enoch walked in days of old;
Place Thou my trembling hand in Thine,
And sweet communion with me hold;
E’en though the path I may not see,
Yet, Jesus, let me walk with Thee.I cannot, dare not, walk alone;
The tempest rages in the sky,
A thousand snares beset my feet,
A thousand foes are lurking nigh.
Still Thou the raging of the sea,
O Master! let me walk with Thee.If I may rest my hand in Thine,
I’ll count the joys of earth but loss,
And firmly, bravely journey on;
I’ll bear the banner of the cross
Till Zion’s glorious gates I see;
Yet, Savior, let me walk with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 6:3] Hour-glass, The
Alas! how swift the moments fly!
How flash the years along!
Scarce here, yet gone already by,
The burden of a song.
See childhood, youth, and manhood pass,
And age, with furrowed brow;
Time was—Time shall be—drain the glass—
But where in Time is now?Time is the measure but of change;
No present hour is found;
The past, the future, fill the range
Of Time’s unceasing round.
Where, then is now? In realms above,
With God’s atoning Lamb,
In regions of eternal love,
Where sits enthroned I AM.Then pilgrim, let thy joys and tears
On Time no longer lean;
But henceforth all thy hopes and fears
From earth’s affections wean:
To God let votive accents rise;
With truth, with virtue, live;
So all the bliss that Time denies
Eternity shall give.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 6:3] Sinner, Come To Jesus
Oh, sinner, turn to Jesus now,
No longer make delay;
Since Jesus died on Calvary,
And opened up the way.Refrain
Oh won’t you come to Jesus, be saved today,
He’s earnestly pleading for all;
The time will come when ’twill be too late,
Too late to answer the call.The invitation is to you,
Oh, come without delay;
While Jesus pleads so tenderly,
Now won’t you come today?Refrain
The Lord has been so good to you,
And saved you from all harm;
But still He says, “My Spirit shall
Not always strive with man.”Refrain
The time will come, when Christ will say,
Your days on earth are o’er;
When you are doomed and cast away,
You’ll hear My voice no more.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 6:3] Time, With An Unwearied Hand
Time, with an unwearied hand,
Pushes round the seasons past,
And in life’s frail glass, the sand
Sinks apace, not long to last:
Many, well as you or I,
Who last year assembled thus;
In their silent graves now lie,
Graves will open soon for us!Daily sin, and care, and strife,
While the Lord prolongs our breath,
Make it but a dying life,
Or a kind of living death:
Wretched they, and most forlorn,
Who no better portion know;
Better ne’er to have been born,
Than to have our all below.When constrained to go alone,
Leaving all you love behind;
Entering on a world unknown,
What will then support your mind?
When the Lord His summons sends,
Earthly comforts lose their power;
Honors, riches, kindred, friends,
Cannot cheer a dying hour.Happy souls who fear the Lord
Time is not too swift for you;
When your Savior gives the word,
Glad you’ll bid the world adieu:
Then He’ll wipe away your tears,
Near Himself appoint your place;
Swifter fly, ye rolling years,
Lord, we long to see Thy face.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 6:16] Upper Window, The
When God spoke unto Noah, and told him to build the ark,
The Lord knew well the vessel would cheerless be and dark,
So God said, “Build a window, with outlook toward the sky,
That when it’s dark and lonesome, you’ll see Me standing by.Refrain
“The storms will come, but fear not, oh, children, I am nigh,
And through the upper window, you’ll see Me standing by.“It may be that affliction will rack and rend your frame,
Until your mortal body is seared with fevered flame;
But do not be discouraged, just lift your tear-dimmed eye,
And through the upper window, you’ll see Me standing by.Refrain
“Perhaps you’ll suffer losses, like houses, lands, and gold,
And you will feel you’re homeless, and penniless, and old;
But sweetest peace and comfort will lift your painful sigh,
When through the upper window, you’ll see Me standing by.Refrain
“It may be that bereavement will take a loved one dear,
A soul that brought you gladness, real happiness and cheer;
But it will cheer your sad heart, when loved ones from you fly,
When through the upper window, you’ll see Me standing by.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 7:1] Out Of The Ark
They dreamed not of danger, those sinners of old,
Whom Noah was chosen to warn;
By frequent transgressions their hearts had grown cold,
They laughed his entreaties to scorn;
Yet daily he called them, “Oh come, sinners, come,
Believe and prepare to embark!
Receive ye the message, and know there is room
For all who will come to the Ark.”Refrain
Then come, come, oh, come;
There’s refuge alone in the Ark;
Receive ye the message, and know there is room
For all who will come to the Ark.He could not arouse them, unheeding they stood,
Unmoved by his warning and prayer;
The prophet passed in from the oncoming flood,
And left them to hopeless despair;
The floodgates were opened, the deluge came on,
The heavens as midnight grew dark;
Too late, then they turned, every foothold was gone,
They perished in sight of the Ark.Refrain
O sinners, the heralds of mercy implore,
They cry like the patriarch, “Come”;
The Ark of salvation is moored to your shore,
Oh, enter while yet there is room!
The storm cloud of justice rolls dark overhead,
And when by its fury you’re tossed,
Alas, of your perishing souls ’twill be said,
“They heard—they refused—and were lost!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 8:10] Welcome For Me
Like a bird on the deep, far away from its nest,
I had wandered, my Savior, from Thee,
But Thy dear loving voice called me home to Thy breast,
And I knew there was welcome for me.Refrain
Welcome for me, Savior, from Thee;
A smile and a welcome for me;
Now, like a dove, I rest in Thy love,
And find a sweet refuge in Thee.I am safe in the ark; I have folded my wings
On the bosom of mercy divine;
I am filled with the light, of Thy presence so bright,
And the joy that will ever be mine.Refrain
I am safe in the ark, and I dread not the storm,
Though around me the surges may roll;
I will look to the skies, where the day never dies,
I will sing of the joy in my soul.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 8:22] Bountiful Harvest
We praise Thee, O Lord, for the bountiful harvest
That now has been gathered and garnered with care;
Rewarding the toil of the sower and reaper,
While all in its blessings may share.Refrain
For the bountiful harvest
We praise Thee, we thank Thee and bless Thee, O Lord:
For the bountiful harvest
We praise Thee and bless Thee, O Lord.We praise Thee, O Lord, for the bountiful harvest,
We praise Thee for sunshine, the dew and the rain;
For soft summer breezes so gracefully bending
The bright golden billows of grain.Refrain
We praise Thee, O Lord, for the wonderful token
That shines as it shone on Thy servants of old,
The pledge and assurance that seedtime and harvest
From earth Thou wilt never withhold.Refrain
We praise Thee, O Lord, for Thy wonderful mercies,
And while to Thy glory our voices we raise,
O Thou that regardest the prayers of Thy people,
Accept our thanksgiving and praise.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 8:22] God The Father! Whose Creation
God the Father! Whose creation
Gives to flowers and fruits their birth,
Thou, whose yearly operation
Brings the hour of harvest mirth,
Here to Thee we make oblation
Of the August-gold of earth.God the Word! the sun, maturing
With his blessèd ray the corn,
Spake of Thee, O Sun enduring,
Thee, O everlasting Morn!
Thee in Whom our woes find curing
Thee that liftest up our horn.God the Holy Ghost! the showers
That have fattened out the grain,
Types of Thy celestial powers,
Symbols of baptismal rain,
Shadowed out the grace that dowers
All the faithful of Thy train.When the harvest of each nation
Severs righteousness from sin,
And archangel proclamation
Bids to put the sickle in,
And each age and generation
Sink to woe, or glory win;Grant that we, or young, or hoary,
Lengthened be our span or brief,
Whatsoe’er the life long story
Of our joy or of our grief,
May be garnered up in glory
As Thine own elected sheaf.Laud to Him to Whom supernal
Thrones and virtues bend the knee;
Laud to Him from Whom infernal
Powers and dominations flee;
Laud to Him the co-eternal
Paraclete, forever be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 8:22] Praise To God, Your Praises Bring
Praise to God, your praises bring;
Hearts, bow down and voices, sing
Praises to the glorious One,
All His year of wonder done.Praise Him for His budding green,
April’s resurrection scene;
Praise Him for His shining hours,
Starring all the land with flowers.Praise Him for His summer rain,
Feeding, day and night, the grain;
Praise Him for His tiny seed,
Holding all His world shall need.Praise Him for the winter’s rest,
Snow that falls on nature’s breast;
Praise for happy dreams of birth,
Brooding in the quiet earth.For His year of wonder done,
Praise to the all glorious One!
Hearts, bow down and voices, sing,
Praise and love to nature’s King!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Lamentations 1:1--5:22
[Lam 1:12] All Ye That Pass By
All ye that pass by,
To Jesus draw nigh:
To you is it nothing that Jesus should die?
Your ransom and peace,
Your surety He is:
Come, see if there ever was sorrow like His.For what you have done
His blood must atone:
The Father hath punished for you His dear Son.
The Lord, in the day
Of His anger, did lay
Your sins on the Lamb, and He bore them away.He answered for all:
O come at His call,
And low at His cross with astonishment fall!
But lift up your eyes
At Jesus’ cries:
Impassive, He suffers; immortal, He dies.He dies to atone
For sins not His own;
Your debt He hath paid, and your work He hath done.
Ye all may receive
The peace He did leave,
Who made intercession, “My Father, forgive!”For you and for me
He prayed on the tree:
The prayer is accepted, the sinner is free.
That sinner am I,
Who on Jesus rely,
And come for the pardon God cannot deny.My pardon I claim;
For a sinner I am,
A sinner believing in Jesus’ Name.
He purchased the grace
Which now I embrace:
O Father, Thou know’st He hath died in my place.His death is my plea;
My Advocate see,
And hear the blood speak that hath answered for me.
My ransom He was
When He bled on the cross;
And losing His life He hath carried my cause.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 1:12] My Savior! I Behold Thy Life
My Savior! I behold Thy life
Of not one smile and many tears;
I mark the spiritual strife,
Thy human woes, Thy human fears,
And cry, “Was ever grief like Thine,
Or debt of sin so vast as mine?”I watch Thine agonizing hour,
I see Thee by Thine own betrayed,
Alone in Pilate’s craven power,
And scourged and scornfully arrayed,
And cry, “Was ever grief like Thine
Or debt of sin so vast as mine?”I see Thee fainting on Thy way,
Reviled and mocked of all the throng,
I hear the bitter words they say,
The abject’s sneer, the drunkard’s song,
And cry, “Was ever grief like Thine,
Or debt of sin so vast as mine?”That sin in every taunt I hear,
And see in every look of scorn;
It is the Cross which Thou dost bear,
The sharpness of Thy crown of thorn:
Dear Lord, “Was ever grief like Thine,
Or debt of sin so vast as mine?”My Savior, I behold Thy death,
I hear Thy cries, Thy last words seven,
I see the scowling gaze beneath,
Above, the darkened face of Heaven,
And cry, “Was ever grief like Thine,
Or debt of sin so vast as mine?”My Savior, I behold Thy grave
In that still garden’s awful gloom,
I see Thee lying there to save
My soul from an eternal tomb,
And cry, “Was ever grief like Thine,
Or debt of sin so vast as mine?”And yet with all I hear and see
Of Death, or Passion of Thy life,
Sweet hopes are ministered to me
And voices fall with comfort rife,
That say, “Because He lived and died,
From sin thou canst be purified!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 2:19] Our Cities Cry To You, O God
Our cities cry to you, O God,
From out their pain and strife;
You made us for Yourself alone,
But we choose alien life.
Our goals are pleasure, gold, and power;
Injustice stalks our earth;
In vain we seek for rest, for joy,
For sense of human worth.Yet still You walk our streets, O Christ!
We know Your presence here,
Where humble Christians love and serve
In godly grace and fear.
O Word made flesh, be seen in us!
May all we say and do
Affirm You God incarnate still
And turn sad hearts to You!Your people are Your hands and feet
To serve Your world today;
Our lives, the book our cities read
To help them find your way.
O pour Your sovereign Spirit out
On heart and will and brain:
Inspire Your church with love and power
To ease our cities’ pain!O healing Savior, Prince of Peace,
Salvation’s source and sum,
For You our broken cities cry—
O come, Lord Jesus, come!
With truth Your royal diadem,
With righteousness Your rod,
O come, Lord Jesus, bring to earth
The city of our God!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] Every Morning Mercies New
Every morning mercies new
Fall as fresh as morning dew;
Every morning let us pay
Tribute with the early day:
For Thy mercies, Lord, are sure;
Thy compassion doth endure.Still the greatness of Thy love
Daily doth our sins remove;
Daily, far as east from west,
Lifts the burden from the breast;
Gives unbought to those who pray
Strength to stand in evil day.Let our prayers each morn prevail,
That these gifts may never fail;
And, as we confess the sin
And the tempter’s power within,
Every morning, for the strife,
Feed us with the Bread of Life.As the morning light returns,
As the sun with splendor burns,
Teach us still to turn to Thee,
Ever blessèd Trinity,
With our hands our hearts to raise,
In unfailing prayer and praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] God Of Our Life
God of our life, through all the circling years,
We trust in Thee;
In all the past, through all our hopes and fears,
Thy hand we see.
With each new day, when morning lifts the veil,
We own Thy mercies, Lord, which never fail.God of the past, our times are in Thy hand;
With us abide.
Lead us by faith to hope’s true promised land;
Be Thou our Guide.
With Thee to bless, the darkness shines as light,
And faith’s fair vision changes into sight.God of the coming years, through paths unknown
We follow Thee;
When we are strong, Lord, leave us not alone;
Our Refuge be.
Be Thou for us in life our daily Bread,
Our heart’s true Home when all our years have sped.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.Refrain
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.Refrain
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] Like Dews Of The Morning
Like dews of the morning Thy mercies descend,
And blessings unnumbered our pathway attend;
We feel Thou art with us, we list to Thy voice;
O Jesus our Savior, in Thee we rejoice.Refrain
We praise thee, we bless Thee,
O Savior divine,
We praise thee, we bless Thee,
We praise thee, we bless Thee,
O Savior divine;
All honor and glory forever be Thine.Though trials befall us, and clouds may arise,
We know that the sunshine will break thro’ the skies;
In light or in darkness, whate’er it may be,
If Thou art still with us, then happy are we.Refrain
Like dew at the twilight, when nature, at rest,
Has folded her blossoms to sleep on her breast;
Anew with Thy blessings our cup overflows,
While gently from labor Thou bidd’st us repose.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] New Every Morning Is The Love
New every morning is the love
Our wakening and uprising prove;
Through sleep and darkness safely brought,
Restored to life and power and thought.New mercies, each returning day,
Hover around us while we pray;
New perils past, new sins forgiven,
New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven.If, on our daily course, our mind
Be set to hallow all we find,
New treasures still, of countless price,
God will provide for sacrifice.Old friends, old scenes, will lovelier be,
As more of heaven in each we see;
Some softening gleam of love and prayer
Shall dawn on every cross and care.We need not bid, for cloistered cell,
Our neighbor and our words farewell,
Nor strive to find ourselves too high
For sinful man beneath the sky.The trivial round, the common task,
Will furnish all we ought to ask;
Room to deny ourselves, a road
To bring us daily nearer God.Seek we no more; content with these,
Let present rapture, comfort, ease—
As heaven shall bid them, come and go:
The secret this of rest below.Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love,
Fit us for perfect rest above,
And help us, this and every day,
To live more nearly as we pray.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] Sovereign Protector I Have, A
A Sov’reign Protector I have,
Unseen, yet forever at hand,
Unchangeably faithful to save,
Almighty to rule and command.
He smiles, and my comforts abound;
His grace as the dew shall descend;
And walls of salvation surround
The soul He delights to defend.Inspirer and Hearer of prayer,
Thou Shepherd and Guardian of Thine,
My all to Thy covenant care
I sleeping and waking resign.
If Thou art my Shield and my Sun,
The night is no darkness to me;
And fast as my moments roll on,
They bring me but nearer to Thee.Kind Author, and ground of my hope,
Thee, Thee, for my God I avow;
My glad Ebenezer set up,
And own Thou hast helped me till now.
I muse on the years that are past,
Wherein my defense Thou hast proved;
Nor wilt Thou relinquish at last
A sinner so signally loved!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] Sun Is On The Land And Sea, The
The sun is on the land and sea,
The day begun;
Our morning hymn begins with Thee,
Blest Three in One;
Our praise shall rise continually
Till day is done.Thy love was ever in our view,
Like stars, by night;
Thy gifts are every morning new,
O God of light;
Thy mercy, like the heavens’ blue,
Fills all our sight.We do not know what grief or care
The day may bring;
The heart shall find some gladness there,
That loves its King;
The life that serves Thee everywhere
Can always sing.All glory to the Father be,
With Christ the Son,
And, Holy Spirit, unto Thee,
Forever One;
All glory to the Trinity
While ages run!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] Sweet Is The Breath Of Morning Air
Sweet is the breath of morning air;
Sweet is the dawn, when skies are fair;
Sweeter by far than aught beside
In God’s own favor to abide.Blest be the gracious power above
For all our rest, and all His love;
For health preserved, for strength retained,
For faith renewed, and hope regained.Wake, and the song of joy up-raise;
Wake, and resound Jehovah’s praise;
Praise ye the God of death and night;
Praise ye the Lord of life and light!O, let Thy watchful care, dear Lord,
Direct each deed, and mold each word;
Check every thought that turns astray;
And guide and guard us through the day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:22] Thy Goodness, Lord, Our Souls Confess
Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confess,
Thy goodness we adore:
A spring, whose blessings never fail,
A sea without a shore.Sun, moon and stars Thy love attest,
In every cheerful ray:
Love draws the curtains of the night,
And love restores the day.Thy bounty every season crowns,
With all the bliss it yields;
With joyful clusters bend the vines,
With harvests wave the fields.But chiefly Thy compassions, Lord,
Are in the Gospel seen;
There, like the sun, Thy mercy shines,
Without a cloud between.Thy Son, Thy noblest, choicest gift,
Was from Thy bosom sent
To bear from off a sinking world
Its load of punishment.Ours is the life, the glory ours,
And His the death and shame;
Pardon, acceptance, peace, and joy,
Are published in His Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:24] My Heart Is Resting, O My God
My heart is resting, O my God—
I will give thanks and sing;
My heart is at the secret source
Of every precious thing.
Now the frail vessel Thou hast made
No hand but Thine shall fill—
For the waters of the Earth have failed,
And I am thirsty still.I thirst for springs of heavenly life,
And here all day they rise—
I seek the treasure of Thy love,
And close at hand it lies.
And a new song is in my mouth
To long loved music set—
Glory to Thee for all the grace
I have not tasted yet.Glory to Thee for strength withheld,
For want and weakness known—
And the fear that sends me to Thy breast
For what is most my own.
I have a heritage of joy
That yet I must not see;
But the hand that bled to make it mine
Is keeping it for me.There is a certainty of love
That sets my heart at rest—
A calm assurance for today
That to be poor is best—
A prayer reposing on His truth
Who hath made all things mine,
That draws my captive will to Him,
And makes it one with Thine.I will give thanks for suffering now,
For want and toil and loss—
For the death that sin makes hard and slow,
Upon my Savior’s cross—
Thanks for the little spring of love
That gives me strength to say,
If they will leave me part in Him,
Let all things pass away.Sometimes I long for promised bliss,
But it will not come too late—
And the songs of patient spirits rise
From the place wherein I wait;
While in the faith that makes no haste
My soul has time to see
A kneeling host of Thy redeemed,
In fellowship with me.There is a multitude around
Responsive to my prayer;
I hear the voice of my desire
Resounding everywhere.
But the earnest of eternal joy,
In every prayer I trace;
I see the glory of the Lord:
On every chastened face.How oft, in still communion known,
Those spirits have been sent
To share the travail of my soul,
Or show me what it meant!
And I long to do some work of love
No spoiling hand could touch,
For the poor and suffering of Thy flock
Who comfort me so much.But the yearning thought is mingled now
With the thankful song I sing;
For Thy people know the secret source
Of every precious thing.
The heart that ministers for Thee
In Thy own work will rest;
And the subject spirit of a child
Can serve Thy children best.Mine be the reverent, listening love,
That waits all day on Thee,
With the service of a watchful heart
Which no one else can see—
The faith that, in a hidden way
No other eye may know,
Finds all its daily work prepared,
And loves to have it so.My heart is resting, O my God,
My heart is in Thy care—
I hear the voice of joy and health
Resounding everywhere.
“Thou art my portion,” saith my soul,
Ten thousand voices say,
And the music of their glad Amen,
Will never die away.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:41] Lift Up Your Hearts
“Lift up your hearts!” We lift them, Lord, to Thee;
Here at Thy feet none other may we see;
“Lift up your hearts!” E’en so, with one accord,
We lift them up, we lift them to the Lord.Above the level of the former years,
The mire of sin, the weight of guilty fears,
The mist of doubt, the blight of love’s decay,
O Lord of Light, lift all our hearts today!Above the swamps of subterfuge and shame,
The deeds, the thoughts, that honor may not name,
The halting tongue that dares not tell the whole,
O Lord of Truth, lift every Christian soul!Above the storms that vex this lower state,
Pride, jealousy, and envy, rage, and hate,
And cold mistrust that holds e’en friends apart,
O Lord of Love, lift every brother’s heart!Lift every gift that Thou Thyself hast given;
Low lies the best till lifted up to heaven;
Low lie the bounding heart, the teeming brain,
Till, sent from God, they mount to God again.Then, as the trumpet call, in after years,
“Lift up your hearts!” rings pealing in our ears,
Still shall those hearts respond, with full accord
“We lift them up, we lift them to the Lord!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:41] We Lift Our Hearts To Thee
We lift our hearts to Thee,
O Day Star from on high!
The sun itself is but Thy shade,
Yet cheers both earth and sky.O let Thine orient beams
The night of sin disperse,
The mists of error and of vice
Which shade the universe.How beauteous nature now:
How dark and sad before!
With joy we view the pleasing change,
And nature’s God adore.O may no gloomy crime
Pollute the rising day;
Or Jesus’ blood, like evening dew,
Wash all the stains away.May we this life improve,
To mourn for errors past;
And live this short, revolving day
As if it were our last.To God—the Father, Son,
And Spirit—One in Three,
Be glory; as it was, is now,
And shall forever be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 3:55] This My Plea
What I am, Thine eye can see,
Yet I come, O Lord, to Thee.
Though my sins are crimson red,
Yet for me Thy blood was shed.Refrain
This my plea, my only plea:
Through Thy off’ring once for me,
I may cast myself on Thee,
Jesus, my Redeemer.As I am, I seek Thy face,
Kneeling at the door of grace;
O forgive this heart of mine,
Cleanse me now and seal me Thine.Refrain
As I am, O blessèd Lord,
I believe and trust Thy Word;
Let my soul no longer roam,
Take, O take the wand’rer home.Refrain
Lost, but found, my sins forgiv’n,
Child of God and heir of Heav’n;
Lost, but found, what joy is mine!
Thou dost cleanse and keep me Thine.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 5:19] Great God, How Infinite Art Thou!
Great God, how infinite art Thou!
What worthless worms are we!
Let the whole race of creatures bow,
And pay their praise to Thee.Thy throne eternal ages stood,
Ere seas or stars were made:
Thou art the ever living God,
Were all the nations dead.Nature and time quite naked lie
To Thine immense survey,
From the formation of the sky
To the great burning day.Eternity, with all its years,
Stands present in Thy view;
To Thee there’s nothing old appears;
Great God! There’s nothing new.Our lives through various scenes are drawn,
And vexed with trifling cares;
While Thine eternal thought moves on
Thine undisturbed affairs.Great God, how infinite art Thou!
What worthless worms are we!
Let the whole race of creatures bow,
And pay their praise to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Lam 5:21] Awake, O Lord, As In The Time Of Old!
Awake, O Lord, as in the time of old!
Come, Holy Spirit, in Thy power and might;
For lack of Thee our hearts are strangely cold,
Our minds but blindly groping towards the light.Doubts are abroad: make Thou these doubts to cease!
Fears are within: set Thou these fears at rest!
Strife is among us: melt that strife to peace!
Change marches onward: may all change blest!Make us to be what we profess to be;
Let prayer be prayer, and praise be heartfelt praise;
From unreality, O set us free,
And let our words be echoed by our ways.Turn us, good Lord, and so shall we be turned:
Let every passion grieving Thee be stilled:
Then shall our race be won, our guerdon earned,
Our Master looked on, and our joy fulfilled.Play source: Cyberhymnal