NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Acts 10:47

10:47 mhtito udwrdunatai toumh baptisyhnaioitinev topneuma toagion elabonkai hmeiv

Job 9:12-14

9:12 <06213> hvet <04100> hm <0413> wyla <0559> rmay <04310> ym <07725> wnbysy <04310> ym <02862> Ptxy <02005> Nh(9:12)

9:12 ean <1437> apallaxh <525> tiv <5100> apostreqei <654> h <2228> tiv <5100> erei autw <846> ti <5100> epoihsav <4160>

9:13 <07293> bhr <05826> yrze <07817> wxxs <08478> *wytxt {wtxt} <0639> wpa <07725> bysy <03808> al <0433> hwla(9:13)

9:13 autov <846> gar <1063> apestraptai <654> orghn <3709> up <5259> autou <846> ekamfyhsan <2578> khth <2785> ta <3588> up <5259> ouranon <3772>

9:14 <05973> wme <01697> yrbd <0977> hrxba <06030> wnnea <0595> ykna <03588> yk <0637> Pa(9:14)

9:14 ean <1437> de <1161> mou <1473> upakoushtai <5219> h <2228> diakrinei <1252> ta <3588> rhmata <4487> mou <1473>

Job 33:13

33:13 <06030> hney <03808> al <01697> wyrbd <03605> lk <03588> yk <07378> twbyr <0413> wyla <04069> ewdm(33:13)

33:13 legeiv <3004> de <1161> dia <1223> ti <5100> thv <3588> dikhv <1349> mou <1473> ouk <3364> epakhkoen pan <3956> rhma <4487>

Job 40:2

40:2 P <06030> hnney <0433> hwla <03198> xykwm <03250> rwoy <07706> yds <05973> Me <07378> brh(40:2)

40:2 mh <3165> krisin <2920> meta <3326> ikanou <2425> ekklinei <1578> elegcwn <1651> yeon <2316> apokriyhsetai authn <846>

Job 40:8-9

40:8 <06663> qdut <04616> Neml <07561> yneysrt <04941> yjpsm <06565> rpt <0637> Pah(40:8)

40:8 mh <3165> apopoiou mou <1473> to <3588> krima <2917> oiei <3633> de <1161> me <1473> allwv <243> soi <4771> kecrhmatikenai <5537> h <2228> ina <2443> anafanhv <398> dikaiov <1342>

40:9 <07481> Mert <03644> whmk <06963> lwqbw <0> Kl <0410> lak <02220> ewrz <0518> Maw(40:9)

40:9 h <2228> braciwn <1023> soi <4771> estin <1510> kata <2596> tou <3588> kuriou <2962> h <2228> fwnh <5456> kat <2596> auton <846> brontav

Daniel 4:35

4:35 <05648> tdbe <04101> hm <0> hl <0560> rmayw <03028> hdyb <04223> axmy <01768> yd <0383> ytya <03809> alw <0772> aera <01753> *yrydw {yradw} <08065> ayms <02429> lyxb <05648> dbe <06634> hybumkw <02804> Nybysx <03809> hlk <0772> aera <01753> *yryd {yrad} <03606> lkw<4:32> (4:35)

4:35 kai <2532> pantev <3956> oi <3588> katoikountev thn <3588> ghn <1065> wv <3739> ouden <3762> elogisyhsan <3049> kai <2532> kata <2596> to <3588> yelhma <2307> autou <846> poiei <4160> en <1722> th <3588> dunamei <1411> tou <3588> ouranou <3772> kai <2532> en <1722> th <3588> katoikia <2733> thv <3588> ghv <1065> kai <2532> ouk <3364> estin <1510> ov <3739> antipoihsetai th <3588> ceiri <5495> autou <846> kai <2532> erei autw <846> ti <5100> epoihsav <4160>

Romans 9:20-26

9:20 wanyrwpe menoungesu tivei antapokrinomenovyew mherei plasmatw plasantime epoihsav

9:21 houk eceio kerameuvtou phlouek touautou furamatovpoihsai meneiv timhnskeuov ode eivatimian

9:22 eide yelwnyeov endeixasyaiorghn kaignwrisai dunatonautou hnegkenpollh makroyumiaskeuh orghvkathrtismena apwleian

9:23 inagnwrish ploutonthv doxhvautou episkeuh eleouva prohtoimasendoxan

9:24 ouvkai ekalesenou mononex ioudaiwnalla kaiex eynwn

9:25 wvkai entw wshelegei oulaon moulaon moukai thnouk hgaphmenhn <25> (5772) hgaphmenhn <25> (5772)

9:26 kaiestai twtopw ouerreyh oulaov mouumeiv ekeiklhyhsontai yeouzwntov <2198> (5723)

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