NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Acts 5:29


must <1163> [We.]

Exodus 1:17


feared God <03372 0430> [feared God.]

Exodus 1:1


Exodus 12:30


great cry <01419 06818> [and there was a great cry.]

No people were more remarkable and frantic in their mournings than the Egyptians. When a relative died, every one left the house, and the women, with their hair loose, and their bosoms bare, ran wild about the street. The men also, with their apparel equally disordered, kept them company; all shrieking, howling, and beating themselves. What a scene of horror and distress must now have presented itself, when there was not a family in Egypt where there was not one dead!

Exodus 14:16


lift up <07311> [lift.]

sea ................ sea <03220> [the sea.]

This sea was what is called in Scripture {yam suph,} "the sea of weeds;" so called, according to Mr. Bruce, from the vast quantity of coral which grows in it. In the LXX. it is called [thalassa erythra,] and by the Latins {Rubrum mare,} and we from them the Red Sea; so called it is supposed, from {Edom} (red) or Esau, whose territories extend to its coasts. It separates Arabia from Egypt and Ethiopia, and is computed to be 150 leagues in length from Suez to the straits of Babelmandel. The upper part is divided into two gulfs, that to the East called the Elanitic, from the city Elana at the northern extremity, and that to the west, the Heroopolitic, from the city of Heroopolis. The former is called by the Arabians Bahr el Akaba, the sea of Akaba; and the latter Bahr el Kolzum, the sea of destruction, or Clysm‘; which was that which the Israelites passed.

Israelites <01121> [and the.]

Exodus 21:11

Exodus 22:14


borrows <07592> [borrow.]

it ..... borrowed ..... pay <07999> [make it good.]

Exodus 22:2


breaking <04290> [breaking.]

blood <01818> [no blood.]

Exodus 16:15


<04478> [It is manna. or, What is this? or, It is a portion.]

bread <03899> [This is.]

Exodus 16:2


Exodus 26:16-20


projections <03027> [tenons. Heb. hands.]


forty silver bases ......... bases ............. bases <0705 0134 03701> [forty sockets of silver.]

Daniel 3:18


be <01934> [be it.]

don't <0383> [that.]

Daniel 6:10


Daniel <01841> [when.]

windows <03551> [his windows.]

kneeling <01289> [he kneeled.]

Three <08532> [three.]

thanks <03029> [gave.]

just as .... been accustomed <06903 01934> [as he.]

Hosea 5:11


<06231> [oppressed.]

determined <02974> [he willingly.]

Amos 7:16


listen <08085> [hear.]

prophesy <05012> [Prophesy.]

preach <05197> [and drop.]

Micah 6:16


implement ... regulations ... Omri <06018 08104 02708> [the statutes of Omri are kept. or, he doth much keep the, etc.]

practices <04639> [the works.]

<03212> [ye walk.]

make <05414> [that.]

appalling sight <08047> [desolation. or, astonishment. therefore.]

Matthew 22:21


give <591> [Render.]

Caesar's ........ to Caesar ...... Caesar's <2541 3588> [are Caesar's.]

This conclusion is drawn from their own maxims and premises. They held that "wherever the money of any king is current, there the inhabitants acknowledge that king for their lord." Now, by admitting that this was C‘sar's coin, and by consenting to receive it as the current coin of their country, they in fact acknowledged their subjection to his government, and of course their obligation to pay the tribute demanded of them. This answer was full of consummate wisdom, and it completely defeated the insidious designs of his enemies. He avoided rendering himself odious to the Jewish people by opposing their notions of liberty, or appearing to pay court to the emperor, without exposing himself to the charge of sedition and disaffection to the Roman government.

and <2532> [and.]

Hebrews 11:23


faith <4102> [faith.]

child ... beautiful <3813 791> [a proper child.]

That is, a fine, beautiful, or fair child, as our translators render [asteios <\\See definition 791\\>] in Ac 7:20; which was in their time the sense of proper, from the French propre.

and they were ... afraid <2532 5399> [and they.]

king's <935> [the king's.]

Revelation 13:3-10


<3391> [one.]

to have been killed <4969> [wounded. Gr. slain. and his.]

whole <3650> [all.]


they worshiped ............. and they worshiped ........... and <2532 4352> [And they.]

they worshiped ............. and they worshiped ........... and <2532 4352> [and they.]

Who ... like ..... Who <5101 3664> [Who is like.]

Who ....... Who is able <5101 1410> [who is able.]


a mouth <4750> [a mouth.]

and ... and ....... ruling authority ... forty-two <2532 1849> [and power.]

to exercise <4160> [to continue. or, to make war.]


opened <455> [he opened.]

So ..... his .......... his ... and his <2532 846> [and his.]

So ................ and ......... dwell <2532 4637> [and them.]


to go <4160> [to make.]

and .... He .... ruling authority ....... and <2532 1849> [and power.]


all <3956> [all.]

<3739> [whose.]

Lamb <721> [Lamb.]

since <575> [from.]



<4863 1536> [that leadeth.]

is to be killed ........... be killed <1536 615> [he that killeth.]

<5602> [Here.]

Revelation 14:9-12


A third <5154> [the third.]

<1536> [If.]


will ... drink <4095> [drink.]

in ............ with <1722> [into.]

he will be tortured <928> [be.]

in front of ...... in front of <1799> [in the.]


smoke <2586> [smoke.]

forever <1519> [for.]

no <3756> [no.]


<2076> [is.]

obey <5602 5083> [here are.]

faith <4102> [the faith.]

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