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Deuteronomy 10:17


God ... God ... gods ........... God <0430 0410> [God of gods.]

lords <0113> [Lord of lords.]

great <01419> [a great.]

unbiased <05375> [regardeth.]

Deuteronomy 10:2


put <07760> [thou shalt.]

Deuteronomy 7:22


expel <05394> [put out. Heb. pluck off. thou mayest.]

As the Israelites were not yet sufficiently numerous to fill the whole land occupied by these nations; and as wild and ferocious animals might be expected to multiply where the place was but thinly peopled, therefore God informs them that their extermination from before them should be gradual. Haynes says, "The approaching to Cana, at the close of the day, as we did, is at once terrifying and dangerous. The surrounding country swarms with wild beasts, such as tigers, leopards, jackals, etc., whose cries and howling, I doubt not, would strike the boldest traveller, who had not been frequently in a like situation, with the deepest sense of horror."

Deuteronomy 7:1


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Hittites <02850> [the Hittites.]

With respect to the situation of these nations in the land of Canaan, Calmet remarks, that the Canaanites chiefly inhabited Phoenecia; the Hittites, the mountains south of the promised land; the Hivites, mount Ebal, and Gerizim, and towards Hermon; the Girgashites, beyond Jordan, towards the lake of Gennesareth, the Jebusistes, about Jerusalem; the Amorites, the mountains west of the Dead Sea, and part of the land of Moab; and that the Perizzites were probably not a distinct nation, but villagers scattered through the country.

many ................ numerous <07227> [greater.]

Deuteronomy 16:1


month ............... month <02320> [the month.]

Passover <06453> [the passover.]

This word comes from the Hebrew verb {pasach,} to pass, to leap or skip over. The destroying angel passed over the houses marked with the blood of the Paschal Lamb, so the wrath of God passes over those whose souls sprinkled with the blood of Christ. 1Co 5:7. As the paschal lamb was killed before Israel was delivered, so by the death of Christ, we have redemption through his blood. It was killed before the tables of the law were delivered to Moses, or Aaron's sacrifices were enjoined; thus deliverance comes to men, not by the works of the law, but by the only true passover, the Lamb of God. Ro 3:25. Heb 9:14. It was killed the first month of the year, which prefigured that Christ should suffer death in that month. Joh 18:28. it was killed in the evening. Ex 12:6. Christ suffered at that time of the day. Mt 27:46. Heb 1:2. At even the sun sets; at Christ's passion, universal darkness was upon the whole earth. The passover was roasted with fire, denoting the sharp and dreadful pains that Christ should suffer, not only from men, but God also. It was to be eaten with bitter herbs, Ex 12:8; not only to put them in remembrance of their bitter bondage in Egypt, but also to testify our mortification to sin, and readiness to undergo afflictions for Christ, Col 1:24; and likewise to teach us the absolute necessity of true repentance in all that would profitably feed by faith on Christ, the true paschal lamb.

month ............... month <02320> [for in.]

Nehemiah 4:14


[Be ye not afraid.]

Remember <02142> [remember.]

great <01419> [great.]

fight <03898> [fight.]

Nehemiah 9:32


God <0430> [our God.]

keeps <08104> [keepest.]

hardship <08513> [trouble. Heb. weariness. little before thee.]

befallen .... kings ................... kings <04672 04428> [come upon us. Heb. found us. on our kings.]

days .......... day <03117> [since the time.]

Job 36:26


God <0410> [God.]

knowledge <03045> [we.]

number <04557> [neither.]

Psalms 48:1


song <07892> [A.M. 3489. B.C. 515. (Title.) Song.]

This Psalm is supposed to have been sung at the dedication of the second temple; though some think it was composed on the victory obtained by Jehoshaphat.

Korahites <01121> [for. or, of.]

46:1 *title

great <01419> [Great.]

worthy <03966> [greatly.]

city <05892> [city.]

hill <02022> [mountain.]

Psalms 96:4


Lord <03068> [For the.]

worthy ...... more <03966> [and greatly.]

awesome <03372> [he is.]

Psalms 135:5


know <03045> [I know.]

Psalms 145:3


great <01419> [Great.]

fathom ... greatness <01420 02714> [and his greatness is unsearchable. Heb. and of his greatness there is no search.]

Jeremiah 32:18-19


show <06213> [shewest.]

punish <07999> [recompensest.]

great <01419> [the Great.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


great <01419> [Great.]

deeds <05950> [work. Heb. doing.]

see <05869> [for.]

reward <05414> [to give.]

Malachi 1:11


east <04217> [from.]

As the preceding verse was a prediction of the abolition of the Levitical priesthood, so this is a prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles, and the spiritual priesthood of the Gospel times. As none but priests of Aaron's race might burn incense before Jehovah, a total change of the external administration of the sacred ordinances is evidently predicted.

name ................. name ..... name <08034> [my name.]

<04725> [and in.]

Incense <06999> [incense.]

east ...... name ................. name ..... name <04217 08034> [for.]

Revelation 19:17


one angel <1520 32> [an angel.]

<3004> [saying.]

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