Deuteronomy 12:1
These [are] the statutes
and judgments
in the land
which the LORD
of thy fathers
it, all the days
that ye live
upon the earth
Deuteronomy 21:1-23
Then thy elders
unto the cities
which [are] round about
him that is slain
And it shall be, [that] the city
[which is] next
unto the slain man
even the elders
of that city
in the yoke
And the elders
of that city
the heifer
unto a rough
the heifer's
there in the valley
And the priests
the sons
of Levi
for them the LORD
thy God
in the name
of the LORD
and by their word
shall every controversy
and every stroke
be [tried]: {word: Heb. mouth}<05061>
And all the elders
of that city
[that are] next
unto the slain
their hands
over the heifer
in the valley
unto thy people
not innocent
unto thy people
of Israel's
And the blood
them. {unto thy people of: Heb. in the midst, etc}<01818>
the [guilt of] innocent
from among
[that which is] right
in the sight
of the LORD
to war
and the LORD
thy God
them into thine hands
them captive
her home
to thine house
her head
her nails
{pare: or, suffer to grow: Heb. make, or, dress}<06856>_;
the raiment
of her captivity
in thine house
her father
and her mother
a full
and after
and she shall be thy wife
If a man
have two
and another
him children
and [if] the firstborn
be hers that was hated
Then it shall be, when
he maketh his sons
not make the son
the son
[which is indeed] the firstborn
the son
[for] the firstborn
him a double
for he [is] the beginning
of his strength
the right
of the firstborn
[is] his. {that...: Heb. that is found with him}<01062>
If a man
the voice
of his father
or the voice
of his mother
unto them:<0517>_,
Then shall his father
and his mother
unto the elders
of his city
and unto the gate
of his place
And all the men
of his city
him with stones
from among
you; and all Israel
And if a man
have committed a sin
worthy of
him on a tree