Deuteronomy 14:1-19
children <01121> [the children.]
cut <01413> [ye shall not.]
The heathen nations not only did these things in honour of their gods, but in grief for the death of a relative.
wild goat <0689> [the wild goat.]
The word {akko,} according to the LXX. and Vulgate, signifies the {tragelephus,} or goat-deer; so called from its resemblance to both species. Dr. Shaw states that an animal of this kind is found in the East, where it is called {fisht–ll,} and {lerwee.} pygarg. or, bison. Heb. dishon. The {pygarg,} [pygargos,] or white-buttocks, according to the LXX.; and Dr. Shaw states that the {liƒmee,} as the Africans call it, is exactly such an animal; being of the same shape and colour as the antelope, and of the size of a roebuck.
wild oryx <08377> [the wild ox.]
{Theo,} probably the {oryx} of the Greeks, a species of large stag; and the {Bekkar el wash} of Dr. Shaw.
On this verse remark, that the clean beast must both chew the cud and part the hoof: two distinct characteristics, or general signs, by which the possibility of error arising from the misinterpretation of names is obviated. When God directs, his commands are not of doubtful interpretation.
pig <02386> [the swine.]
touch <05060> [touch.]
kite <07201> [the glede.]
{RaÆ’h,} probably the same as {daÆ’h,} rendered vulture in Le 11:14, where six of Dr. Kennicott's codices read some animal of the hawk or vulture kind: LXX. [gupa,] vulture.
owl <08464> [the night.]
{Tachmas,} probably the bird which Hasselquist calls {strix orientalis}, or oriental owl.
seagull <07828> [the cuckow.]
{Shachpaph,} probably the sea-gull or mew.
white owl <08580> [the swan.]
{Tinshemeth,} probably, as Michaelis supposes, the goose.
carrion vulture <07360> [gier.]
{Rachamah,} probably a species of vulture, still called in Arabic by the same name.
cormorant <07994> [the cormorant.]
{Shalach,} probably the cataract, or plungeon, a sea fowl.
hoopoe <01744> [the lapwing.]
{Doocheephath,} the {upupa,} or hoop, a beautiful but very unclean bird.