Deuteronomy 32:41-47
sharpen <08150> [whet.]
execute <07725> [I will.]
hate <08130> [them that hate.]
arrows <02671> [make mine.]
chief <06546> [revenges.]
The word {par“th,} rendered revenges, a sense in which it never seems to be used, has rendered this passage very obscure. As the word {paira} signifies the hair of the head, both in Hebrew and Arabic, Mr. Parkhurst and others render {mairosh par“th,} "from the hairy head;" but to have this sense, the words should rather have been {mippar“th rosh,} according the Hebrew idiom. The word {far“u,} in Arabic, however, also denotes a prince or chief; and the words may be literally rendered, with the LXX., [apo kephales archonton echthron,] "from the head of the chiefs of the enemies." The hyperbaton, or transposition of words from their grammatical order, is very observable in this verse; the third member forming a continuation of the first, and the fourth of the second.
Cry <07442> [Rejoice. or, Praise his people, ye nations; or, Sing ye.]
O ye nations.
avenge <05358> [avenge.]
take <07725> [render.]
atonement <03722> [will be.]
recited <01696> [spake.]
Joshua <01954> [Hoshea. or, Joshua.]