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Exodus 13:14

And it shall be when thy son
<07592> (8799)
thee in time to come
<0559> (8800)_,
What [is] this? that thou shalt say
<0559> (8804)
unto him, By strength
of hand
the LORD
brought us out
<03318> (8689)
from Egypt
from the house
of bondage
{in...: Heb. to morrow}

Deuteronomy 31:10-13

And Moses
<06680> (8762)
them, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
At the end
of [every] seven
in the solemnity
of the year
of release
in the feast
of tabernacles
When all Israel
is come
<0935> (8800)
to appear
<07200> (8736)
the LORD
thy God
in the place
which he shall choose
<0977> (8799)_,
thou shalt read
<07121> (8799)
this law
before all Israel
in their hearing
<06950> (0)
the people
<06950> (8685)_,
and women
and children
and thy stranger
that [is] within thy gates
that they may hear
<08085> (8799)_,
and that they may learn
<03925> (8799)_,
and fear
<03372> (8804)
the LORD
your God
and observe
<08104> (8804)
to do
<06213> (8800)
all the words
of this law
And [that] their children
which have not known
<03045> (8804)
[any thing], may hear
<08085> (8799)_,
and learn
<03925> (8804)
to fear
<03372> (8800)
the LORD
your God
as long as
ye live
in the land
whither ye go over
<05674> (8802)
to possess
<03423> (8800)

Psalms 78:5-6

For he established
<06965> (8686)
a testimony
in Jacob
and appointed
<07760> (8804)
a law
in Israel
which he commanded
<06680> (8765)
our fathers
that they should make them known
<03045> (8687)
to their children
That the generation
to come
might know
<03045> (8799)
[them, even] the children
[which] should be born
<03205> (8735)_;
[who] should arise
<06965> (8799)
and declare
<05608> (8762)
[them] to their children

TIP #03: Try using operators (AND, OR, NOT, ALL, ANY) to refine your search. [ALL]
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