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Exodus 20:4


Leviticus 26:1


make <06213> [Ye shall.]

pillar <04676> [standing image. or, pillar. image of stone. or, figured stone. Heb. a stone of picture.]

Deuteronomy 17:2-7


one .... villages <08179 0259> [within any of thy gates.]

The expression, "within any of thy gates," denoted all residing in the cities, and all who went in and came out at the gates of them; so that it included the inhabitants of the whole land.

man <0376> [man.]

breaks <05674> [in transgressing.]


sun <08121> [the sun.]

permitted <06680> [which.]


must <01875> [enquired.]


stone <05619 068> [stone them.]



witnesses <05707> [of the witnesses.]

purge <01197> [So thou.]

Deuteronomy 27:15


Cursed .... one <0779 0376> [Cursed be.]

makes <06213> [maketh.]

something abhorrent <08441> [an abomination.]

sets it up <07760> [and putteth.]

people <05971> [And all.]

Amen <0543> [Amen.]

To each of the curses the people were to say Amen, as well as to the blessings; to denote a profession of their faith in the truth of them, that they were the real declarations of the wrath of God; and an acknowledgement of the equity of these curses. It was such an imprecation upon themselves, as strongly obliged them to have nothing to do with those evil practices on which the curse is entailed. We read of those who entered a curse to walk in God's law. Ne 10:29. All the people, by saying this Amen, became bound one for another, that they would observe God's laws, by which every man was obliged, as far as he could, to prevent his neighbour from breaking these laws, and to reprove those that had offended, lest they should bear sin and the curse for them.

Deuteronomy 31:16


die <07901> [thou shalt.]

die <07901> [sleep. Heb. lie down.]

{Shochaiv,} "lying down:" it signifies to rest, take rest in sleep, and metaphorically, to die. Though much stress cannot be safely laid upon this expression to prove the immortality of the soul, or that the people, in the time of Moses, had a distinct notion of its separate existence; yet is was understood in this sense by Jonathan, who paraphrases the words thus: "Thou shalt lie down in the dust with thy fathers; and thy soul {nishmatoch) shall be laid up in the treasury of the life to come, with thy fathers."

prostitute <02181> [and go a.]

reject .... break <05800 06565> [forsake me.]

break ... covenant <06565 01285> [break my.]

Deuteronomy 31:29


corrupt yourselves ... turn <07843 05493> [corrupt yourselves.]

Disaster .............. wickedly <07451> [and evil.]

days ... come <03117 0319> [the latter days.]

Joshua 19:40-48


Zorah <06881> [Zorah.]

Situated on the frontiers of Dan and Judah, tens miles north from Eleutheropolis, towards Nicoplis, according to Eusebius, not far from Caphar Sorek.


Ir Shemesh <05905> [Irshemesh.]

Supposed by some to be the same as Beth-shemesh in the tribe of Judah; but this latter city is evidently distinguished from it by being assigned by the tribe of Judah to the Levites. (ch. 21:16.) Ir-shemesh rendered [polis Sammaus] by the LXX., seems to be the same as Emmaus or Nicopolis, 22 miles south-east from Lydda, according to the Old Jerusalem Itinerary.


Shaalabbin <08169> [Shaalabbin.]

Eusebius calls it [Salaba,] and places it in Samaria: and Jerome calls it Salebi, (Eze 48,) and joins it to Ajalon and Emmaus.

[Shaalbim. Ajalon.]

This appears to be the Ajalon which Jerome places two miles from Nicopolis or Emmaus, in the road to Jerusalem.


Timnah <08553> [Thimnathah.]

[Timnath. Ekron.]

Ekron is placed by Eusebius between Ashdod and Jamnia, eastward; and probably the ruined village of Tookrair, mentioned by Dr. Richarson, situated on the top of a hill, and which he says seems to have been a place of considerable consequence, occupies its site.


Gibbethon <01405> [Gibbethon.]

Baalath <01191> [Baalath.]


Gath Rimmon <01667> [Gath-rimmon.]


front <04136> [before. or, over against. Japho. or, Joppa.]


territory <01366> [the coast.]

Leshem .................. it ... renamed <03959 07121> [called Leshem.]


Psalms 78:58-61


pagan shrines <01116> [their high.]

jealous <07065> [moved.]

pagan shrines ........ idols <01116 06456> [with.]


God <0430> [God.]

completely <03966> [greatly.]



strong <05797> [his strength.]

That is, the ark, where his power and glory were displayed.

splendor <08597> [glory.]

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