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Exodus 30:1-9


[The Samaritan inserts the first ten verses of this chapter after ver. 32 of chap. 26.]

altar <04196> [an altar.]

burning incense <04729 07004> [to burn incense.]

Where so many sacrifices were offered, it was essentially necessary to have some pleasing perfume to counteract the disagreeable smells that must have arisen from the slaughter of so many animals, the burning of so much flesh, the sprinkling of the blood. No blood was ever sprinkled on this altar, except once a year, on the grand day of expiation. It was called also the golden altar (Nu 4:11); and the incense was as constantly burnt on it every day, as the morning and evening sacrifice of a lamb was burnt on the brazen altar.


horns <07161> [the horns.]


overlay .... pure <06823 02889> [overlay it.]

top <01406> [top. Heb. roof. sides. Heb. walls.]


rings <02885> [rings.]

two ........... two flanks ......... two <06763 08147> [two corners. Heb. ribs.]



curtain <06532> [vail.]

front ............ testimony before ... atonement lid ...... testimony <06440 03727 05715> [before the mercy seat that is over the testimony.]

The words [lpny hkprt ashr `l h`dt,] {liphney haccapporeth asher Æ’l haaiduth,} "before the mercy-seat that is over the testimony," are thought to be a repetition of the preceding clause, [lpn` hprkt 'sha `l 'rn h`dt,] {liphney happarocheth asher Æ’l aron haaiduth,} "before the vail that is by the ark of the testimony; the word [hprkt,] <\\See definition 06532\\>,] {happarocheth,} "the vail," being corrupted, by transposing the letters into [hkprt,] <\\See definition 03727\\>,] {hacapporeth,} "the mercy-seat," and the word ['rn,] <\\See definition 0727\\>,] {aron,} "ark," omitted. This repetition, as Dr. Kennicott observes, places the altar of incense before the mercy-seat, and consequently in the Holy of Holies! Now this could not be, as the altar of incense was attended every day, and the Holy of Holies entered only once in the year. The five words which appear to be a repetition are wanting in twenty-six of Kennicott's and Rossi's MSS. and in the Samaritan Text.

meet <03259> [I will.]


[sweet incense. Heb. incense of spices.]

attends <03190> [dresseth.]


up <05927> [lighteth. or, setteth up. Heb. causeth to ascend. at even.]

Heb. between the two evens.

12:6 *marg:

regular <08548> [a perpetual.]


Exodus 30:34-36


spices <05561> [unto thee.]

gum <05198> [stacte. Heb. nataph.]

The Jews and others suppose it to be what was afterwards called the balm of Jericho, or Gilead.

onycha <07827> [onycha.]

The word {shechaileth} is generally allowed to denote onycha, (nail-fish, from its form,) as it is rendered by the LXX. and Vulgate. It is the shell of the purpura, and of the whole class of murex; and serves as the basis of the principal perfumes in India.

galbanum <02464> [galbanum.]

{Chelbenah,} (probably from {chalay,} milk or gum, and {lavan,} white,) is the gummy, resinous juice of an umbelliferous plant, the {bubon gumniferum} of Linn‘us, growing in Syria, Persia, and Africa. It rises with a ligneous stalk from eight to ten feet, and is garnished with leaves at every joint. The top of the stalk is terminated by an umbel of yellow flowers which are succeeded by oblong channelled seeds, which have a thin membrane or wing on their border. When any part of the plant is broken, there issues out a little thin juice, of a cream colour, of a fat, tough substance, like gum ammoniac, composed of many small, shining grains, of a strong, piercing smell and a sharp, warm taste.

frankincense <03828> [frankincense.]


incense <07004> [perfume.]

work <04639> [after the.]

finely <04414> [tempered. Heb. salted.]


testimony <05715> [the testimony.]

meet <03259> [where I will.]

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