Exodus 8:16-17
Extend <05186> [Stretch.]
gnats <03654> [lice.]
The word {kinnim} is rendered by the LXX. [skiphes, skipes,] or [skn‚phes,] and by the Vulgate {sciniphes,} Gnats; and Mr. Harmer supposes he has found out the true meaning in the word {tarrentes,} a species of worm. Bochart, however, seems to have proved that lice, and not gnats, are meant; because, 1. they sprang from the dust, and not from the waters; 2. they were on both man and beast, which cannot be said of gnats; 3. their name is derived from {koon,} to make firm, fix, establish, which cannot agree with gnats, flies, etc., which are ever changing place, and almost constantly on the wing; 4. the term {kinnah} is used by the Talmudists to express the louse. This insect must have been a very dreadful and afflicting plague to the Egyptians, and especially to the priests, who were obliged to shave all their hair off, and to wear a single linen tunic, to prevent vermin harbouring about them.
gnats ... people ............ gnats <0120 03654> [lice in man.]
Exodus 9:14
send .... plagues <07971 04046> [send all.]
know <03045> [that thou.]
Exodus 9:22
Exodus 9:25
struck ................... struck .... grows <05221 06212> [smote every.]
Exodus 10:14-15
locusts ........................... locusts <0697> [the locusts.]
was very severe <03966 03515> [very grievous.]
before <06440> [before.]
covered <03680> [For they.]
ate <0398> [did eat.]
Exodus 10:19
very <03966> [a mighty.]
blew <08628> [cast. Heb. fastened. the Red sea.]
Exodus 18:22
normal <06256> [at all seasons.]
difficult <01419> [great.]
judge ............. bring ........... judge .............. bear <0935 08199 05375> [they shall.]
Exodus 20:24
altar <04196> [altar.]
burnt offerings <05930> [burnt.]
place <04725> [in all places.]
bless <01288> [will bless thee.]
Exodus 34:3
Exodus 38:24
gold ................. gold <02091> [All the gold.]
If we follow the estimation of the learned Dean Prideaux, the value of the twenty-nine talents, and 730 shekels of gold, will be 198,347Å“. 12s. 6d. The value of the silver contributed by 603,550 Israelites, at half a shekel, or 1s. 6d. per man, will amount to 45,266Å“. 5s. The value of the 70 talents, 2,400 shekels of brass, will be 513Å“. 17s. The gold weighed 4,245 pounds; the silver, 14,603 pounds; and the brass, 10,277 pounds, troy weight. The total value of all the gold, silver, and brass, will consequently amount to 244,127Å“. 14s. 6d.; and the total weight of these three metals will amount to 29,124 pounds troy, which reduced to avoirdupois weight, is equal to fourteen tons, 226 pounds!--It may, perhaps, seem difficult to imagine how the Israelites should be possessed of so much wealth in the desert; but it should be remembered, that their ancestors were opulent men before they came into Egypt; that they were further enriched by the spoils of the Egyptians and Amalekites; and that it is probable, they traded with the neighbouring nations who bordered on the wilderness. There appear to be three reasons why so much riches should have been employed in the construction of the tabernacle, etc. 1. To impress the people's minds with the glory and dignity of the Divine Majesty, and the importance of his service. 2. To take out of their hands the occasion of covetousness. 3. To prevent pride and vain glory, by leading them to give up to the divine service even the ornaments of their persons.
wave offering <08573> [offering.]
shekels ...... shekel <08255> [the shekel.]