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Ezekiel 1:22-26


like <01823> [the likeness.]

ice <07140> [crystal.]

The Hebrew {kerach,} which generally denotes ice, doubtless here signifies crystal, ([krystallos,] from [kryos,] cold, ice, and [stellomai,] to concrete,) as it is rendered by the LXX. and Vulgate. It is a very large class of silicious minerals, hard, pellucid, naturally colourless, of regularly angular figures, and of simple plates; not flexible, nor elastic, but giving fire with steel; not fermenting by acid menstrua, but calcinable in a strong fire. There are three orders of pure crystal: the first is perfect columnar crystals, with double pyramids, of eighteen planes, in an hexangular pyramid at each end; the second is that of perfect crystals, without a column, of twelve or sixteen planes, in two hexangular pyramids: and the third is that of imperfect crystals, with single pyramids, of ten or twelve planes, in an hexangular or pentangular column. Terrible crystal seems to denote that which was well cut and polished, vividly refracting the rays of light.


wings <03671> [their wings.]

beings ...... covering <03680> [which.]


sound ......... sound ....... voice <06963> [like.]

sound ......... sound ....... voice <06963> [as the voice.]

sound ......... sound ....... voice <06963> [as the noise.]


still <07503> [and had.]


Above <04605> [And above.]

Abp. Newcome judiciously observes, "We need not allegorize the circumstances of this august vision too minutely. Many of them augment the splendour of the scene, while others, no doubt, have much significance; which should be pointed out rather by a correct judgement, than a luxuriant imagination."

heads <07218> [over.]

like ... throne ...... throne .... form <01823 03678> [the likeness of a.]

like ................. appeared <04758> [as the.]

like ................. appeared ..... man <0120 04758> [the appearance of a man.]

Exodus 24:10


saw <07200> [saw.]

sapphire <05601> [of a sapphire stone.]

The Hebrew {sappir,} is without doubt the sapphire; which is a most beautiful precious stone of a fine blue colour, second only to the diamond in lustre, hardness, and value. The ancient oriental sapphire is supposed to have been the same as the lapis lazuli. It glitters with golden spots; and is of an azure or sky-blue colour, but rarely intermixed with purple. The ruby and topaz are considered of the same genus.

clear <02892> [in his clearness.]

Revelation 4:2-3


I was <1096> [I was.]

throne .......... it <2362> [a throne.]

and .......... seated <2532 2521> [and one.]


like jasper .......... like <3664 2393> [like a.]

a rainbow <2463> [a rainbow.]

like ........... like ..... of emerald <3664 4664> [like unto.]

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