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Ezekiel 24:26


Ezekiel 24:2


write <03789> [write.]

very ............. very <06106> [of this.]

Ezekiel 24:4-7



choice <04005> [the choice.]

heap up <01754> [burn. or, heap.]


Woe <0188> [Woe.]

pot <05518> [to the pot.]

removed <03318> [bring.]

lot <01486> [let no.]


blood <01818> [her blood.]

pour <08210> [she poured.]

Ezekiel 24:2


write <03789> [write.]

very ............. very <06106> [of this.]

Ezekiel 36:17-21


defiled <02930> [they defiled.]

uncleanness <02932> [as the.]


poured ........... shed <08210> [I poured.]

blood <01818> [for the.]


scattered <06327> [I scattered.]

behavior <01870> [according to their way.]


profaned <02490> [they profaned.]

The Jews, when thus scattered, appeared to them an abject and wretched company of people. They were recognized as the worshippers of Jehovah wherever they went; but they were looked upon as a viler and more worthless race than any of the idolaters among whom they were driven. Many would ascribe their wickedness to the tendency of their religion, which they abhorred, and not to their having acted inconsistently with it; and regard their miseries, not as the punishment of their sins, but as proofs of God's inability to protect them. This profanation of his holy name, Jehovah was determined to wipe away, by shewing mercy unto them.

people <05971> [These.]


Jeremiah 39:2-8


fourth <07243> [A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. the fourth.]

This was the month Tammuz, which commences with the first moon of July: the siege had lasted just eighteen months.

broke <01234> [was.]


other officers <08269 07611> [all the.]

Nergal-Sharezer .......... Nergal-Sharezer <05371> [Nergalsharezer.]

Nebo-Sarsekim <08310> [Sarsechim.]

These were the principal commanders; but Dr. Blayney thinks that, instead of six persons, we have in reality but three, as the name that follows each is the title of the office. Thus Nergal-Sharezer, who was Samgar-nebo, or keeper, i.e., priest of Nebo; Sarsechim, who was Rab-saris, or chief eunuch; and Nergal-sharezer, who was Rab-mag, or chief magi; as the words {mog} in Persian, {magoos} in Arabic, {magooshai} in Syriac, and [magos <\\See definition 3097\\>,] in Greek, signify; and we learn from Justin and Curtius that the magi attended the king in war.


Zedekiah <06667> [when]

walls <02346> [betwixt.]



plains <06160> [in the plains.]

Riblah <07247> [Riblah.]

Hamath <02574> [Hamath.]

sentence <04941 01696> [gave judgment upon him. Heb. spake with him judgments.]


sons put to death ................... put to death <07819 01121> [slew the.]

forced to watch <05869> [before.]

put to death ................ nobles .... put to death <07819 02715> [slew all.]


put out <05786> [he put.]

chains <05178> [chains. Heb. two brasen chains, or fetters.]


burned down <08313> [burned.]

tore <05422> [and brake.]

Jeremiah 52:4-14


ninth year <08141 08671> [A.M. 3414. B.C. 590. the ninth year.]

tenth ..... tenth month <06224 02320 06218> [in the tenth month.]

set up camp <02583> [pitched.]


fourth <07243> [A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. the fourth.]

famine <07458> [the famine.]


city ............. city ........................ city <05892> [the city.]

<0582> [all the men.]



captured <08610> [they took.]

Riblah <07247> [Riblah.]

Hamath <02574> [Hamath.]


put to death ................ put to death <07819> [slew.]

put to death ................ put to death <07819> [he slew.]


Zedekiah's eyes ................. led <05869 06667 05414> [put out the eyes of Zedekiah. Heb. blinded Zedekiah.]

chains <05178> [chains. or, fetters. prison. Heb. house of the wards.]


fifth <02549> [fifth.]

tenth <06218> [the tenth.]

It appears from the parallel passage of Kings, that Nebuzar-adan came from Riblah to Jerusalem on the seventh of the fifth month; but it seems that he did not set fire to the temple and city till the tenth day, being probably occupied on the intervening days in taking the vessels out of the house of the Lord, and collecting together all the riches that could be found. In memory of this calamity, the Jews devote two fasts to this day; the seventeenth of the fourth month, which falls in June, for the destruction of Jerusalem, and the ninth of the fifth month, which falls in July, for the destruction of the temple; both of which are mentioned by Zechariah as kept from this event till his time, a period of seventy years, under the names of the fast of the fourth month, and fast of the fifth month.

nineteenth <08672> [the nineteenth.]

captain .... royal guard <07227 02876> [captain of the guard. or, chief marshal. Heb. chief of the executioners, or slaughtermen, and so.]

14 39:9 Ge 37:36 *margins [All]

served <05975> [served. Heb. stood before.]


burned down .............. including <08313> [burned.]

royal <04428> [the king's.]


tore <05422> [brake.]

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