NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 22:16-18

22:16 <03173> Kdyxy <0853> ta <01121> Knb <0853> ta <02820> tkvx <03808> alw <02088> hzh <01697> rbdh <0853> ta <06213> tyve <0834> rsa <03282> Ney <03588> yk <03068> hwhy <05002> Man <07650> ytebsn <0> yb <0559> rmayw(22:16)

22:16 legwn <3004> kat <2596> emautou <1683> wmosa legei <3004> kuriov <2962> ou <3739> eineken epoihsav <4160> to <3588> rhma <4487> touto <3778> kai <2532> ouk <3364> efeisw <5339> tou <3588> uiou <5207> sou <4771> tou <3588> agaphtou <27> di <1223> eme <1473>

22:17 <0341> wybya <08179> res <0853> ta <02233> Kerz <03423> sryw <03220> Myh <08193> tpv <05921> le <0834> rsa <02344> lwxkw <08064> Mymsh <03556> ybkwkk <02233> Kerz <0853> ta <07235> hbra <07235> hbrhw <01288> Kkrba <01288> Krb <03588> yk(22:17)

22:17 h <2228> mhn <3303> eulogwn <2127> euloghsw <2127> se <4771> kai <2532> plhyunwn <4129> plhyunw <4129> to <3588> sperma <4690> sou <4771> wv <3739> touv <3588> asterav <792> tou <3588> ouranou <3772> kai <2532> wv <3739> thn <3588> ammon <285> thn <3588> para <3844> to <3588> ceilov <5491> thv <3588> yalasshv <2281> kai <2532> klhronomhsei <2816> to <3588> sperma <4690> sou <4771> tav <3588> poleiv <4172> twn <3588> upenantiwn

22:18 <06963> ylqb <08085> tems <0834> rsa <06118> bqe <0776> Urah <01471> yywg <03605> lk <02233> Kerzb <01288> wkrbthw(22:18)

22:18 kai <2532> eneuloghyhsontai <1757> en <1722> tw <3588> spermati <4690> sou <4771> panta <3956> ta <3588> eynh <1484> thv <3588> ghv <1065> any <473> wn <3739> uphkousav <5219> thv <3588> emhv <1699> fwnhv <5456>

Genesis 26:3-5

26:3 <01> Kyba <085> Mhrbal <07650> ytebsn <0834> rsa <07621> hebsh <0853> ta <06965> ytmqhw <0411> lah <0776> turah <03605> lk <0853> ta <05414> Nta <02233> Kerzlw <0> Kl <03588> yk <01288> Kkrbaw <05973> Kme <01961> hyhaw <02063> tazh <0776> Urab <01481> rwg(26:3)

26:3 kai <2532> paroikei en <1722> th <3588> gh <1065> tauth <3778> kai <2532> esomai <1510> meta <3326> sou <4771> kai <2532> euloghsw <2127> se <4771> soi <4771> gar <1063> kai <2532> tw <3588> spermati <4690> sou <4771> dwsw <1325> pasan <3956> thn <3588> ghn <1065> tauthn <3778> kai <2532> sthsw <2476> ton <3588> orkon <3727> mou <1473> on <3739> wmosa abraam <11> tw <3588> patri <3962> sou <4771>

26:4 <0776> Urah <01471> yywg <03605> lk <02233> Kerzb <01288> wkrbthw <0411> lah <0776> turah <03605> lk <0853> ta <02233> Kerzl <05414> yttnw <08064> Mymsh <03556> ybkwkk <02233> Kerz <0853> ta <07235> ytybrhw(26:4)

26:4 kai <2532> plhyunw <4129> to <3588> sperma <4690> sou <4771> wv <3739> touv <3588> asterav <792> tou <3588> ouranou <3772> kai <2532> dwsw <1325> tw <3588> spermati <4690> sou <4771> pasan <3956> thn <3588> ghn <1065> tauthn <3778> kai <2532> eneuloghyhsontai <1757> en <1722> tw <3588> spermati <4690> sou <4771> panta <3956> ta <3588> eynh <1484> thv <3588> ghv <1065>

26:5 <08451> ytrwtw <02708> ytwqx <04687> ytwum <04931> ytrmsm <08104> rmsyw <06963> ylqb <085> Mhrba <08085> ems <0834> rsa <06118> bqe(26:5)

26:5 any <473> wn <3739> uphkousen <5219> abraam <11> o <3588> pathr <3962> sou <4771> thv <3588> emhv <1699> fwnhv <5456> kai <2532> efulaxen <5442> ta <3588> prostagmata mou <1473> kai <2532> tav <3588> entolav <1785> mou <1473> kai <2532> ta <3588> dikaiwmata <1345> mou <1473> kai <2532> ta <3588> nomima <3545> mou <1473>

Psalms 105:9-11

105:9 <03446> qxvyl <07621> wtewbsw <085> Mhrba <0854> ta <03772> trk <0834> rsa(105:9)

105:9 (104:9) on <3739> dieyeto tw <3588> abraam <11> kai <2532> tou <3588> orkou <3727> autou <846> tw <3588> isaak <2464>

105:10 <05769> Mlwe <01285> tyrb <03478> larvyl <02706> qxl <03290> bqeyl <05975> hdymeyw(105:10)

105:10 (104:10) kai <2532> esthsen <2476> authn <846> tw <3588> iakwb <2384> eiv <1519> prostagma kai <2532> tw <3588> israhl <2474> diayhkhn <1242> aiwnion <166>

105:11 <05159> Mktlxn <02256> lbx <03667> Nenk <0776> Ura <0853> ta <05414> Nta <0> Kl <0559> rmal(105:11)

105:11 (104:11) legwn <3004> soi <4771> dwsw <1325> thn <3588> ghn <1065> canaan <5477> scoinisma klhronomiav <2817> umwn <4771>

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