NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 25:23


Two nations ....... two <01471 08147> [Two nations.]

Two ........ two <08147> [two manner.]

older <07227> [the elder.]

Genesis 27:40


sword <02719> [thy sword.]

serve <05647> [serve.]

tear off <06561> [that thou.]

Genesis 36:31-43


kings ........... king <04428> [the kings.]

reigned ....... before .... ruled <06440 04427> [before there.]

Moses may here allude to the promise which God made to Jacob (ch. 35:11,) that kings should proceed from him; and here states that these kings reigned before that prophecy began to be fulfilled.


Bozrah <01224> [A.M. cir. 2135. B.C. cir. 1869. Bozrah.]

Bozrah, Bezer, or Bostra, was situated in Arabia Deserta, and the eastern part of Edom; and, according to Eusebius, was 24 miles from Edrei. It afterwards belonged to Moab, and was given by Moses to Reuben, but again reverted to Edom. It is now called Boszra; and is described by Burckhardt as the largest town in the Haouran, including its ruins, though only inhabited by about twelve or fifteen families. It is situated in the open plain, two hours distant from Aare, and is at present the last inhabited place in the south-east extremity of the Haouran. It is of an oval shape, it greatest length being from east to west; and its circumference three quarters of an hour.


Temanites <08489> [A.M. cir. 2177. B.C. cir. 1827. Temani.]

Eusebius places Teman, or Th‘man, which probably gave name to "the land of Temani," in Arabia Petr‘a, five miles from Petra, and says there was a Roman garrison there.


[A.M. cir. 2219. B.C. cir. 1785.]


[A.M. cir. 2261. B.C. cir. 1743.]


Rehoboth <07344> [A.M. cir. 2303. B.C. cir. 1701. Rehoboth.]


[A.M. cir. 2315. B.C. cir. 1659.]


Hadad <01924> [A.M. cir. 2387. B.C. cir. 1617. Hadar.]

[Hadad Pai.]

After his death was an aristocracy.


[Second aristocracy of dukes, from A.M. cir. 2471, B.C. cir.]

1533; to A.M. cir. 2513, B.C. cir. 1491. And these.

chiefs ............... chief ... chief ... chief <0441> [dukes.]

Alvah <05933> [Alvah. or, Aliah.]


chief ... chief ...... chiefs <0441> [the dukes.]

settlements ...... possessed <04186 0272> [their.]

father <01> [father.]

Edom .................. Edomites <0123> [the Edomites. Heb. Edom.]

Genesis 36:2


Esau <06215> [Esau.]

Adah <05711> [Adah. or, Bashemath.]

Oholibamah <0173> [Aholibamah.]

[Judith. the daughter.]

We ought, most probably, to read here and in ver. 14, as in ver. 20, "the son of Zibeon;" which is the reading of the Samaritan, Septuagint, (and Syriac, in ver. 2,) and which Houbigant and Kennicott contend to be genuine.

Genesis 8:14


From this, it appears, that Noah was in the ark a complete solar year, or 365 days; for he entered it on the 17th day of the 2nd month, in the 600th year of his life, and continued in it till the 27th day of the 2nd month, in the 601st year of his life, as we see above.

Genesis 8:2


fountains <04599> [fountains.]

rain <01653> [the rain.]

Genesis 3:9


Genesis 8:20


built <01129> [builded.]

clean animal ... clean <0929 02889> [clean beast.]

burnt offerings <05930> [burnt.]

Psalms 108:9-10


Moab <04124> [Moab.]

make <07993> [I cast.]

Philistia <06429> [over Philistia.]


lead me into ....... bring me <05148> [who will lead.]

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