Genesis 19:12-26
here .............. city <06311 05892> [Hast.]
sons-in-law <02860> [son.]
outcry <06818> [cry.]
Lord ..... sent <03068 07971> [Lord hath.]
marry <03947> [which.]
get <06965> [Up.]
But ....... ridiculing <06711> [as one.]
hurried <0213> [hastened.]
here <04672> [are here. Heb. are found. iniquity. or, punishment.]
When ... hesitated <04102> [lingered.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
led <03318> [brought.]
said <0559> [he said.]
Run ............... Escape <04422> [Escape.]
look <05027> [look.]
great <01431> [and thou.]
disaster <07451> [lest some.]
town <05892> [this.]
survive <05315> [and my.]
I ... grant <02009 05375> [See, I.]
<06440> [thee. Heb. thy face. that.]
cannot <03201> [for.]
called <07121> [called.]
Zoar <06820> [Zoar. i.e., little.]
risen <03318> [risen. Heb. gone forth.]
Lord .................... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
sulfur <01614> [brimstone.]
The word rendered "brimstone," (q.d. brennestone, or brinnestone, {id est} burning-stone,) is always rendered by the LXX. "sulphur," and seems to denote a meteorous inflammable matter.
Lot's ... looked <05027> [looked.]
This unhappy woman, says the Rev. T. Scott, "looked back," contrary to God's express command, perhaps with a hope of returning, which latter supposition is favoured by our Lord's words, "Let him not return back: remember Lot's wife." She was, therefore, instantaneously struck dead and petrified, and thus remained to after ages a visible monument of the Divine displeasure.
pillar <05333> [and.]