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Genesis 19:14-15


marry <03947> [which.]

get <06965> [Up.]

But ....... ridiculing <06711> [as one.]


hurried <0213> [hastened.]

here <04672> [are here. Heb. are found. iniquity. or, punishment.]

Genesis 19:22


cannot <03201> [for.]

called <07121> [called.]

Zoar <06820> [Zoar. i.e., little.]

Genesis 19:1


And there came two angels. Or, rather, "the two angels came," referring to those mentioned in the preceding chapter, and there called "men." It seems, (from ch. 18, ver. 22,) that these two angels were sent to Sodom, while the third, who was the Lord or Jehovah, remained with Abraham.

got up <06965> [rose.]

bowed down <07812> [bowed.]

Genesis 19:11


blindness <05575> [with blindness.]

The word {sanverim,} rendered "blindness," and which occurs only here, and in 2 Ki 6:18, is supposed to denote dazzlings, deceptions, or confusions of sight from excessive light; being derived by Schultens, who is followed by Parkhurst, from the Arabic {sana,} to pour forth, diffuse, and nor, light. Dr. Geddes, to the same purpose, thinks it is compounded of the Arabic {sana,} which signifies a flash, and or, light. The Targums, in both places where it occurs, render it by eruptions, or flashes of light, or as Mercer, in Robertson, explains the Chaldee word, irradiations.

trying <03811> [that they.]

Genesis 19:1


And there came two angels. Or, rather, "the two angels came," referring to those mentioned in the preceding chapter, and there called "men." It seems, (from ch. 18, ver. 22,) that these two angels were sent to Sodom, while the third, who was the Lord or Jehovah, remained with Abraham.

got up <06965> [rose.]

bowed down <07812> [bowed.]

Genesis 19:3


urged <06484> [pressed.]

feast <04960> [a feast.]

bread ... without yeast <04682> [unleavened.]

Psalms 121:1


song <07892> [(Title.) A Song.]

120:1 *title

<05375> [I will, etc. or, Shall I lift up my eyes to the hills? whence should my help come?]

<05375> [lift up.]

Matthew 3:7


Pharisees <5330> [the Pharisees.]

offspring <1081> [O generation.]

Who <5101> [who.]

flee <5343> [flee.]

Matthew 24:16-18



on <1909> [which.]

roof <1430> [the house-top.]

Hebrews 2:3


how <4459> [How.]

such a great <5082> [so.]

<2983> [began.]

was confirmed <950> [and was.]

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