Genesis 40:7-23
<06440> [Wherefore.]
sad today <07451 03117 06440> [look ye so sadly to-day. Heb. are your faces evil.]
interpretations <06623> [Do not, etc.]
vine <01612> [a vine.]
took <03947> [And I took, etc.]
From this we find that wine anciently was the mere expressed juice of the grape, without fermentation. The {saky,} or cup-bearer, took the bunch, pressed the juice into the cup, and instantly delivered it to his master.
squeezed <07818> [pressed.]
hand .................. hand <03027 03709> [hand.]
meaning <06623> [This.]
three .... three <07969> [The three.]
three <07969> [within.]
Pharaoh .............. Pharaoh's <06547> [shall.]
reinstate <05375 07218> [lift up thine head. or, reckon.]
remember ...... well ......... mention <02142 03190> [think on me. Heb. remember me with thee. on me.]
show <06213> [shew.]
kidnapped <01589> [stolen.]
Hebrews <05680> [the Hebrews.]
done <06213> [done.]
chief <08269> [the chief.]
baskets ... white bread <02751 05536> [white baskets. or, baskets full of holes.]
goods <04639> [bake-meats. Heb. meat of Pharaoh, the work of a baker, or cook.]
three <07969> [within.]
decapitate <05375 07218> [lift up thy head from off thee. or, reckon thee and take thy office from thee. hang thee.]
birds <05775> [and the birds.]
third day <03117 07992> [third day.]
day <03117> [birthday.]
lifted <05375> [lifted up. or, reckoned.]
placed ... cup <03563 05414> [gave the cup.]
impaled <08518> [he hanged.]
forgot <07911> [but forgat him.]