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Isaiah 14:1-15

For the LORD
will have mercy
<07355> (8762)
on Jacob
and will yet choose
<0977> (8804)
and set
<03240> (8689)
them in their own land
and the strangers
shall be joined
<03867> (8738)
with them, and they shall cleave
<05596> (8738)
to the house
of Jacob
And the people
shall take
<03947> (8804)
them, and bring
<0935> (8689)
them to their place
and the house
of Israel
shall possess
<05157> (8694)
them in the land
of the LORD
for servants
and handmaids
and they shall take them captives
<07617> (8802)_,
whose captives
<07617> (8802)
they were; and they shall rule
<07287> (8804)
over their oppressors
<05065> (8802)_.
{whose...: Heb. that had taken them captives}
And it shall come to pass in the day
that the LORD
shall give thee rest
<05117> (8687)
from thy sorrow
and from thy fear
and from the hard
wherein thou wast made to serve
<05647> (8795)_,
That thou shalt take up
<05375> (8804)
this proverb
against the king
of Babylon
and say
<0559> (8804)_,
How hath the oppressor
<05065> (8802)
<07673> (8804)_!
the golden city
<07673> (8804)_!
{proverb: or, taunting speech} {golden...: or, exactress of gold}
hath broken
<07665> (8804)
the staff
of the wicked
[and] the sceptre
of the rulers
<04910> (8802)_.
He who smote
<05221> (8688)
the people
in wrath
with a continual
<01115> <05627>
he that ruled
<07287> (8802)
the nations
in anger
is persecuted
[and] none
<02820> (8804)_.
{a continual...: Heb. a stroke without removing}
The whole earth
is at rest
<05117> (8804)_,
[and] is quiet
<08252> (8804)_:
they break forth
<06476> (8804)
into singing
Yea, the fir trees
<08055> (8804)
at thee, [and] the cedars
of Lebanon
[saying], Since thou art laid down
<07901> (8804)_,
no feller
<03772> (8802)
is come up
<05927> (8799)
against us.
from beneath is moved
<07264> (8804)
for thee to meet
<07125> (8800)
[thee] at thy coming
<0935> (8800)_:
it stirreth up
<05782> (8790)
the dead
for thee, [even] all the chief ones
of the earth
it hath raised up
<06965> (8689)
from their thrones
all the kings
of the nations
{Hell: or, The grave} {chief...: Heb. leaders, or, great goats}
All they shall speak
<06030> (8799)
and say
<0559> (8799)
unto thee, Art thou also become weak
<02470> (8795)
as we? art thou become like
<04911> (8738)
unto us?
Thy pomp
is brought down
<03381> (8717)
to the grave
[and] the noise
of thy viols
the worm
is spread
<03331> (8714)
under thee, and the worms
How art thou fallen
<05307> (8804)
from heaven
O Lucifer
of the morning
<07837> (8676) <03213> (8685)_!
[how] art thou cut down
<01438> (8738)
to the ground
which didst weaken
<02522> (8802)
the nations
{O Lucifer: or, O day star}
For thou hast said
<0559> (8804)
in thine heart
I will ascend
<05927> (8799)
into heaven
I will exalt
<07311> (8686)
my throne
the stars
of God
I will sit
<03427> (8799)
also upon the mount
of the congregation
in the sides
of the north
I will ascend
<05927> (8799)
above the heights
of the clouds
I will be like
<01819> (8691)
the most High
Yet thou shalt be brought down
<03381> (8714)
to hell
to the sides
of the pit

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