Isaiah 29:15-21
<06009> [seek.]
5:18,19 28:15,17 30:1 Job 22:13,14 Ps 10:11-13 64:5,6
Ps 139:1-8 Jer 23:24 Eze 8:12 9:9 Zep 1:12 Re 2:23 [All]
work <04639> [and their works.]
sees <07200> [Who seeth.]
thinking is perverse <02017> [your turning.]
potter ......................... potter <03335> [as the potter's.]
pottery <03336> [or shall.]
very <04213> [yet a very.]
Lebanon <03844> [Lebanon.]
orchard .... orchard <03759> [the fruitful.]
deaf <02795> [the deaf.]
10-12,24 35:5 42:16-18 De 29:4 Ps 119:18 Pr 20:12
Jer 31:33,34 Mt 11:5 13:14-16 16:17 Mr 7:37 Lu 4:18 7:22
Joh 6:45 Ac 26:18 2Co 3:14-18 4:2-6 Eph 1:17-19 5:14 1Pe 2:9
Re 3:18 [All]
downtrodden <06035> [meek.]
61:1 Ps 25:9 37:11 149:4 Zep 2:3 Mt 5:5 11:29 Ga 5:22,23
Eph 4:2 Php 2:1-3 Jas 1:21 2:5 3:13-18 1Pe 2:1-3 [All]
again <03254> [increase. Heb. add. the poor.]
delight <01523> [rejoice.]
tyrants <06184> [the terrible.]
those who taunt <03887> [the scorner.]
love to do <08245> [and all.]
those <0120> [make.]
arbitrates <06983> [and lay.]
deprive <05186> [and turn.]