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Isaiah 40:19-31

The workman
<05258> (8804)
a graven image
and the goldsmith
<06884> (8802)
<07554> (8762)
it over with gold
and casteth
<06884> (8802)
He that [is] so impoverished
<05533> (8794) (8676) <05534> (8765)
that he hath no oblation
<0977> (8799)
a tree
[that] will not rot
<07537> (8799)_;
he seeketh
<01245> (8762)
unto him a cunning
to prepare
<03559> (8687)
a graven image
[that] shall not be moved
<04131> (8735)_.
{is so...: Heb. is poor of oblation}
Have ye not known
<03045> (8799)_?
have ye not heard
<08085> (8799)_?
hath it not been told
<05046> (8717)
you from the beginning
have ye not understood
<0995> (8689)
from the foundations
of the earth
[It is] he that sitteth
<03427> (8802)
upon the circle
of the earth
and the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
thereof [are] as grasshoppers
that stretcheth out
<05186> (8802)
the heavens
as a curtain
and spreadeth them out
<04969> (8799)
as a tent
to dwell in
<03427> (8800)_:
{It is...: or, Him that}
That bringeth
<05414> (8802)
the princes
<07336> (8802)
to nothing; he maketh
<06213> (8804)
the judges
<08199> (8802)
of the earth
as vanity
Yea, they shall not be planted
<05193> (8738)_;
yea, they shall not be sown
<02232> (8795)_:
yea, their stock
shall not take root
<08327> (8782)
in the earth
and he shall also blow
<05398> (8804)
upon them, and they shall wither
<03001> (8799)_,
and the whirlwind
shall take
<05375> (8799)
them away as stubble
To whom then will ye liken
<01819> (8762)
me, or shall I be equal
<07737> (8799)_?
<0559> (8799)
the Holy One
Lift up
<05375> (8798)
your eyes
on high
and behold
<07200> (8798)
who hath created
<01254> (8804)
these [things], that bringeth out
<03318> (8688)
their host
by number
he calleth
<07121> (8799)
them all by names
by the greatness
of his might
for that [he is] strong
in power
not one
<05737> (8738)_.
Why sayest
<0559> (8799)
thou, O Jacob
and speakest
<01696> (8762)_,
O Israel
My way
is hid
<05641> (8738)
from the LORD
and my judgment
is passed over
<05674> (8799)
from my God
Hast thou not known
<03045> (8804)_?
hast thou not heard
<08085> (8804)_,
[that] the everlasting
the LORD
the Creator
<01254> (8802)
of the ends
of the earth
<03286> (8799)
not, neither is weary
<03021> (8799)_?
[there is] no searching
of his understanding
He giveth
<05414> (8802)
to the faint
and to [them that have] no might
he increaseth
<07235> (8686)
Even the youths
shall faint
<03286> (8799)
and be weary
<03021> (8799)_,
and the young men
shall utterly
<03782> (8800)
<03782> (8735)_:
But they that wait
<06960> (8802)
upon the LORD
shall renew
<02498> (8686)
[their] strength
they shall mount up
<05927> (8799)
with wings
as eagles
they shall run
<07323> (8799)_,
and not be weary
<03021> (8799)_;
[and] they shall walk
<03212> (8799)_,
and not faint
<03286> (8799)_.
{renew: Heb. change}

Isaiah 44:9-20

They that make
<03335> (8802)
a graven image
[are] all of them vanity
and their delectable things
<02530> (8803)
shall not profit
<03276> (8686)_;
and they [are] their own witnesses
they see
<07200> (8799)
not, nor know
<03045> (8799)_;
that they may be ashamed
<0954> (8799)_.
{delectable: Heb. desirable}
Who hath formed
<03335> (8804)
a god
or molten
<05258> (8804)
a graven image
[that] is profitable
<03276> (8687)
for nothing
Behold, all his fellows
shall be ashamed
<0954> (8799)_:
and the workmen
they [are] of men
let them all be gathered together
<06908> (8691)_,
let them stand up
<05975> (8799)_;
[yet] they shall fear
<06342> (8799)_,
[and] they shall be ashamed
<0954> (8799)
The smith
<01270> <02796>
with the tongs
both worketh
<06466> (8804)
in the coals
and fashioneth
<03335> (8799)
it with hammers
and worketh
<06466> (8799)
it with the strength
of his arms
yea, he is hungry
and his strength
he drinketh
<08354> (8804)
no water
and is faint
<03286> (8799)_.
{with the tongs: or, with an axe}
The carpenter
<02796> <06086>
stretcheth out
<05186> (8804)
[his] rule
he marketh it out
<08388> (8762)
with a line
he fitteth
<06213> (8799)
it with planes
and he marketh it out
<08388> (8762)
with the compass
and maketh
<06213> (8799)
it after the figure
of a man
according to the beauty
of a man
that it may remain
<03427> (8800)
in the house
He heweth him down
<03772> (8800)
and taketh
<03947> (8799)
the cypress
and the oak
which he strengtheneth
<0553> (8762)
for himself among the trees
of the forest
he planteth
<05193> (8804)
an ash
and the rain
doth nourish
<01431> (8762)
[it]. {strengtheneth: or, taketh courage}
Then shall it be for a man
to burn
<01197> (8763)_:
for he will take
<03947> (8799)
thereof, and warm
<02552> (8799)
himself; yea, he kindleth
<05400> (8686)
[it], and baketh
<0644> (8804)
yea, he maketh
<06466> (8799)
a god
and worshippeth
<07812> (8691)
[it]; he maketh
<06213> (8804)
it a graven image
and falleth down
<05456> (8799)
He burneth
<08313> (8804)
thereof in
the fire
with part
thereof he eateth
<0398> (8799)
he roasteth
<06740> (8799)
and is satisfied
<07646> (8799)_:
yea, he warmeth
<02552> (8799)
[himself], and saith
<0559> (8799)_,
I am warm
<02552> (8804)_,
I have seen
<07200> (8804)
the fire
And the residue
thereof he maketh
<06213> (8804)
a god
[even] his graven image
he falleth down
<05456> (8799)
unto it, and worshippeth
<07812> (8691)
[it], and prayeth
<06419> (8691)
unto it, and saith
<0559> (8799)_,
<05337> (8685)
me; for thou [art] my god
They have not known
<03045> (8804)
nor understood
<0995> (8799)_:
for he hath shut
<02902> (8804)
their eyes
that they cannot see
<07200> (8800)_;
[and] their hearts
that they cannot understand
<07919> (8687)_.
{shut: Heb. daubed}
And none considereth
<07725> (8686)
in his heart
neither [is there] knowledge
nor understanding
to say
<0559> (8800)_,
I have burned
<08313> (8804)
of it in
the fire
yea, also I have baked
<0644> (8804)
upon the coals
thereof; I have roasted
<06740> (8799)
and eaten
<0398> (8799)
[it]: and shall I make
<06213> (8799)
the residue
thereof an abomination
shall I fall down
<05456> (8799)
to the stock
of a tree
{considereth...: Heb. setteth to his heart} {the stock...: Heb. that which comes of a tree?}
He feedeth
<07462> (8802)
on ashes
a deceived
<02048> (8795)
hath turned him aside
<05186> (8689)_,
that he cannot deliver
<05337> (8686)
his soul
nor say
<0559> (8799)_,
[Is there] not a lie
in my right hand

Isaiah 45:20

<06908> (8734)
yourselves and come
<0935> (8798)_;
draw near
<05066> (8690)
ye [that are] escaped
of the nations
they have no knowledge
<03045> (8804)
that set up
<05375> (8802)
the wood
of their graven image
and pray
<06419> (8693)
unto a god
[that] cannot save
<03467> (8686)_.

Hosea 8:4-6

They have set up kings
<04427> (8689)_,
but not by me: they have made princes
<07786> (8689)_,
and I knew
<03045> (8804)
[it] not: of their silver
and their gold
have they made
<06213> (8804)
them idols
that they may be cut off
<03772> (8735)_.
Thy calf
O Samaria
hath cast
<02186> (8804)
[thee] off; mine anger
is kindled
<02734> (8804)
against them: how long [will it be] ere
they attain
<03201> (8799)
to innocency
For from Israel
[was] it also: the workman
<06213> (8804)
it; therefore it [is] not God
but the calf
of Samaria
shall be broken in pieces

Habakkuk 2:18-19

What profiteth
<03276> (8689)
the graven image
that the maker
<03335> (8802)
thereof hath graven
<06458> (8804)
it; the molten image
and a teacher
<03384> (8688)
of lies
that the maker
<03335> (8802)
of his work
<0982> (8804)
therein, to make
<06213> (8800)
{maker of...: Heb. fashioner of his fashion}
unto him that saith
<0559> (8802)
to the wood
<06974> (8685)_;
to the dumb
<05782> (8798)_,
it shall teach
<03384> (8686)_!
Behold, it [is] laid
<08610> (8803)
over with gold
and silver
and [there is] no breath
at all in the midst
of it.

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