Judges 5:1
Deborah ....... sang <01683 07891> [Sang Deborah.]
This verse briefly recites the subject of this inspired song, which consists of eight stanzas: The first opens with a devout thanksgiving. The second describes the magnificent scenes at Mount Sinai, etc. The third states the apostasy and consequent punishment of the Israelites. The fourth contrasts their present happy state. The fifth censures the recreant tribes of Reuben, Gad, etc. The sixth records the defeat of the confederate kings of Canaan. The seventh contains a panegyric on Jael. And the eight describes the fond anticipations and disappointment of the mother of Sisera.
Judges 14:1-20
Timnah <08553> [Timnath.]
get ..... wife <03947 0802> [get her.]
relatives <0251> [thy brethren.]
uncircumcised <06189> [uncircumcised.]
right <03474> [she pleaseth me well. Heb. she is right in mine eyes.]
Lord's <03068> [it was of the Lord.]
That is, God permitted it, that it might be a means of bringing about the deliverance of Israel. Such marriages were forbidden to the Israelites, to keep them separate from the idolatrous nations.
ruling <04910> [had dominion.]
attacking <07125> [against him. Heb. in meeting him.]
spirit <07307> [the Spirit.]
empowered ............... easily <08156> [rent him.]
Now it is not intimated that he did this by his own natural strength; but by the supernatural strength communicated by the Spirit of the Lord coming mightily upon him; which strength was not at his own command, but was, by the will of God, attached to his hair and nazarate.
tell <05046> [he told.]
marry ..... aside <03947 05493> [to take her.]
swarm <05712> [a swarm.]
It is probable, that the flesh had been entirely consumed off the bones, which had become dry; and the body having been throw into some private place, (for Samson turned aside to visit it,) a swarm of bees had formed their combs in the cavity of the dry ribs, or region of the thorax; nor was it a more improper place than a hollow rock.
hosted ... party ...... customary ..... do <06213 04960> [made there.]
thirty <07970> [thirty.]
riddle <02420> [a riddle.]
seven <07651> [the seven.]
linen robes <05466> [sheets. or, shirts.]
This will receive illustration from Mr. Jackson's description of the Moorish dress:--"It resembles that of the ancient patriarchs, as represented in paintings; (but the paintings are taken from Asiatic models:) that of the men consists of a red cap and turban, a ({kumja}) shirt, which hangs outside of the drawers, and comes below the knee; a ({caftan}) coat, which buttons close before, and down to the bottom with large open sleeves; over which, when they go out of doors, they throw carelessly, and sometimes elegantly, a {hayk,} or garment of white cotton, silk, or wool, five or six yards long, and five feet wide. The Arabs often dispense with the {caftan,} and even with the shirt, wearing nothing but the {hayk.}"
sets <02487> [change.]
eats <0398> [Out of the eater.]
could <03201> [they could.]
fourth day <03117 07637> [on the seventh day.]
The LXX. reads "on the fourth day;" with which the Syriac and Arabic agree. This, as Dr. Wall observes, is certainly right; for it appears from ver. 17, that she wept the remainder of the seven days; for which there could have been no time, if they did not threaten her till the seventh.
Trick <06601> [Entice.]
burn up <08313> [lest we burn.]
make ... poor <03423> [take that we have. Heb. possess us, or, impoverish us.]
hate <08130> [Thou dost.]
told .............. told ............ tell <05046> [I have not.]
[the seven, or, the rest of the seven days. she lay.]
told ............ told <05046> [and she told.]
spirit <07307> [the Spirit.]
clothes <02488> [spoil. or, apparel.]
best man <04828> [given to.]
<07462> [his friend.]