Judges 8:4-10
exhausted <05889> [faint.]
Succoth <05523> [Succoth.]
loaves <03603> [loaves.]
thresh <01758> [tear. Heb. thresh.]
return <07725> [I come.]
tear <05422> [I will break.]
Karkor <07174> [Karkor.]
If this were the name of a place, it is no where else mentioned. Some contend that {karkor} signifies rest; and the Vulgate renders it {requiescebant,} "rested". This seems the most likely; for it is said (ver. 11) that Gideon "smote the host: for the host was secure."
peoples <01121> [children.]
peoples ... hundred <03967 05307> [fell an hundred, etc. or, an hundred and twenty thousand, every one drawing a sword]