Jeremiah 18:7-10
The Clay in the Hand of the Potter (Jeremiah 18:1--19:13)
Potter's hand, The
As the clay
Lumps of clay
Jeremiah smashes the clay jar

(11 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Jeremiah 18 ;
Jeremiah 19
Jeremiah 36:3
Baruch (Jeremiah 36)
Baruch writing
Baruch writing Jeremiah's prophecies
He cut it with the penknife, and cast it into the fire
King burns the scroll, The

(29 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Jeremiah 36
Isaiah 1:16-19
A Rebellious Nation (Isaiah 1:2-31)
Isaiah Preaching (Isaiah 1)
Prophecy over Jerusalem
Oblatio munda
Door of mercy, The
Great arraignment, The

(7 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Isaiah 1
Prophet Isaiah foretelling the crucifixion and the ascension, The *
Prophet Isaiah foretelling the crucifixion and the ascension, The *
Prophet Isaiah foretelling the destruction of Jerusalem, The *
Prophet's proclaim, The
Ezekiel 18:27-30
The Soul Who Sins Will Die (Ezekiel 18)
Hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment
He realizes what he is doing and stops sinning
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Ezekiel 18
Jonah 3:8-10
Jonah in Nineveh (Jonah 3)
Nineveh. Jonah is cast up by the great fish.
Jonah preaching to the Ninevites
Jonah began to enter into the city
Finger raises, The

Jonah 4:2
Jonah's Anger at the Lord's Compassion (Jonah 4)
Jonah at Nineveh
In the shadow of grace
Jonah faces God's freedom
Jonah and the vine