Jeremiah 39:4-13
Zedekiah <06667> [when]
walls <02346> [betwixt.]
plains <06160> [in the plains.]
Riblah <07247> [Riblah.]
Hamath <02574> [Hamath.]
sentence <04941 01696> [gave judgment upon him. Heb. spake with him judgments.]
sons put to death ................... put to death <07819 01121> [slew the.]
forced to watch <05869> [before.]
put to death ................ nobles .... put to death <07819 02715> [slew all.]
put out <05786> [he put.]
chains <05178> [chains. Heb. two brasen chains, or fetters.]
burned down <08313> [burned.]
tore <05422> [and brake.]
Nebuzaradan <05018> [Nebuzar-adan.]
captain .... royal guard <02876 07227> [captain of the guard. or, chief marshal. Heb. chief of the executioners, or slaughter-men. and so.]
captive .............. carried <01540> [carried.]
left behind .......... poor <07604 01800> [left of.]
time <03117> [at the same time. Heb. in that day.]
Nebuchadnezzar <05019> [Now.]
Nebuchadnezzar must have frequently heard of Jeremiah's predictions, many of which were now fulfilled, which would dispose him to respect his character and treat him with kindness.
orders <06680> [gave.]
through <03027> [to. Heb. by the hand of.]
look ....... do ....... do <05869 06213> [look well to him. Heb. set thine eyes upon him.]
do anything ...... do <06213 03972> [do him.]
Nebuzaradan <05018> [Nebuzar-adan.]