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Job 40:5-24

have I spoken
<01696> (8765)_;
but I will not answer
<06030> (8799)_:
yea, twice
but I will proceed no further
<03254> (8686)_.
Then answered
<06030> (8799)
the LORD
unto Job
out of the whirlwind
and said
<0559> (8799)_,
Gird up
<0247> (8798)
thy loins
now like a man
I will demand
<07592> (8799)
of thee, and declare
<03045> (8685)
thou unto me.
Wilt thou also disannul
<06565> (8686)
my judgment
wilt thou condemn
<07561> (8686)
me, that thou mayest be righteous
<06663> (8799)_?
Hast thou an arm
like God
or canst thou thunder
<07481> (8686)
with a voice
like him?
<05710> (8798)
thyself now [with] majesty
and excellency
and array
<03847> (8799)
thyself with glory
and beauty
Cast abroad
<06327> (8685)
the rage
of thy wrath
and behold
<07200> (8798)
every one [that is] proud
and abase
<08213> (8685)
<07200> (8798)
on every one [that is] proud
[and] bring him low
<03665> (8685)_;
and tread down
<01915> (8798)
the wicked
in their place.
<02934> (8798)
them in the dust
[and] bind
<02280> (8798)
their faces
in secret
<02934> (8803)_.
Then will I also confess
<03034> (8686)
unto thee that thine own right hand
can save
<03467> (8686)
Behold now behemoth
which I made
<06213> (8804)
with thee; he eateth
<0398> (8799)
as an ox
{behemoth: probably an extinct animal of some kind}
Lo now, his strength
[is] in his loins
and his force
[is] in the navel
of his belly
He moveth
<02654> (8799)
his tail
like a cedar
the sinews
of his stones
are wrapped together
<08276> (8792)_.
{He...: or, He setteth up}
His bones
[are as] strong
pieces of brass
his bones
[are] like bars
of iron
He [is] the chief
of the ways
of God
he that made
<06213> (8802)
him can make
<05066> (0)
his sword
to approach
<05066> (8686)
[unto him].
Surely the mountains
bring him forth
<05375> (8799)
where all the beasts
of the field
<07832> (8762)_.
He lieth
<07901> (8799)
under the shady trees
in the covert
of the reed
and fens
The shady trees
<05526> (8799)
him [with] their shadow
the willows
of the brook
compass him about
<05437> (8799)_.
Behold, he drinketh up
<06231> (8799)
a river
[and] hasteth
<02648> (8799)
not: he trusteth
<0982> (8799)
that he can draw up
<01518> (8799)
into his mouth
{he drinketh up: Heb. he oppresseth}
He taketh
<03947> (8799)
it with his eyes
[his] nose
pierceth through
<05344> (8799)
{He...: or, Will any take him in his sight, or, bore his nose with a gin?}

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