Job 42:7-17
Eliphaz <0464> [Eliphaz.]
anger ....................... servant <0639 05650> [My.]
spoken ........................... spoken <01696> [ye have.]
take <03947> [Therefore.]
From this it appears that Job was considered as a priest, not only to his own family, but also to others. For his children he offered burnt offerings, (ch. 1:5,) and now he is to make the same kind of offerings, accompanied with intercession, in behalf of his three friends. This is a full proof of the innocence and integrity of Job.
seven bulls ... seven <06499 07651> [seven bullocks.]
<03212> [go.]
offer <05927> [offer.]
servant Job ........... servant Job ................................... servant Job <0347 05650> [my servant Job shall.]
<06440> [him. Heb. his face, or person.]
deal <06213> [lest.]
did <06213> [did.]
<06440> [Job. Heb. the face of Job.]
restored <07725> [turned.]
prayed <06419> [when.]
Lord ............... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
Job ............. doubled ....... Job <03254 0347 04932> [gave Job twice as much as he had before. Heb. added all that had been to Job unto the double.]
brothers <0251> [all his brethren.]
comforted <05110> [they bemoaned.]
each <0376> [every man.]
Lord <03068> [So.]
14,000 <0702> [he had.]
women <0802> [no.]
granted <05414> [gave.]
After <0310> [After.]
How long he had lived before his afflictions we cannot tell: if we could rely upon the LXX., all would be plain, which adds here, [ta de panta ete ezesen diakosia tessarakonta.] "And all the years he lived were two hundred and forty."
140 <03967> [an.]
saw <07200> [and saw.]