Job 9:3
Job 9:15
Job 9:1
Job 4:1-21
to commune
himself from speaking
{to...: Heb. a word} {withhold...: Heb. refrain from words?}<04405>_?
[Is] not [this] thy fear
thy confidence
thy hope
and the uprightness
of thy ways
By the blast
of God
and by the breath
of his nostrils
{by the breath...: that is, by his anger}<0639>
The roaring
of the lion
and the voice
of the fierce lion
and the teeth
of the young lions
Now a thing
to me, and mine ear
a little
thereof. {secretly: Heb. by stealth}<08102>
In thoughts
from the visions
of the night
when deep sleep
on men
upon me, and trembling
which made all
my bones
{came...: Heb. met} {all: Heb. the multitude of}<06106>
the form
thereof: an image
[was] before mine eyes
[there was] silence
a voice
[saying], {there...: or, I heard a still voice}<06963>_,
in his servants
and his angels
with folly
{and his...: or, nor in his angels, in whom he put light}<08417>_:
How much less
in houses
of clay
whose foundation
[is] in the dust
the moth