NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Job 9:8

9:8 <03220> My <01116> ytmb <05921> le <01869> Krwdw <0905> wdbl <08064> Myms <05186> hjn(9:8)

9:8 o <3588> tanusav ton <3588> ouranon <3772> monov <3441> kai <2532> peripatwn <4043> wv <3739> ep <1909> edafouv <1475> epi <1909> yalasshv <2281>

Psalms 93:3-4

93:3 <01796> Mykd <05104> twrhn <05375> wavy <06963> Mlwq <05104> twrhn <05375> wavn <03068> hwhy <05104> twrhn <05375> wavn(93:3)

93:3 (92:3) ephran oi <3588> potamoi <4215> kurie <2962> ephran oi <3588> potamoi <4215> fwnav <5456> autwn <846>

93:4 <03068> hwhy <04791> Mwrmb <0117> ryda <03220> My <04867> yrbsm <0117> Myryda <07227> Mybr <04325> Mym <06963> twlqm(93:4)

93:4 (92:4) apo <575> fwnwn <5456> udatwn <5204> pollwn <4183> yaumastoi <2298> oi <3588> metewrismoi thv <3588> yalasshv <2281> yaumastov <2298> en <1722> uqhloiv <5308> o <3588> kuriov <2962>

Psalms 104:3

104:3 <07307> xwr <03671> ypnk <05921> le <01980> Klhmh <07398> wbwkr <05645> Mybe <07760> Mvh <05944> wytwyle <04325> Mymb <07136> hrqmh(104:3)

104:3 (103:3) o <3588> stegazwn en <1722> udasin <5204> ta <3588> uperwa <5253> autou <846> o <3588> tiyeiv <5087> nefh <3509> thn <3588> epibasin autou <846> o <3588> peripatwn <4043> epi <1909> pterugwn <4420> anemwn <417>

Mark 6:48

6:48 kaiidwn basanizomenouvtw elauneino anemovenantiov autoivperi tetarthnfulakhn thvnuktov ercetaiautouv peripatwnthv yalasshvkai hyelen

John 6:19

6:19 elhlakotevwv stadiouveikosi penteh triakontayewrousin ihsounperipatounta thvyalasshv kaiegguv touploiou ginomenonefobhyhsan <5399> (5675)

Revelation 10:2

10:2 kaiecwn thceiri autoubiblaridion hnewgmenoneyhken podaautou tondexion epithv yalasshvton deeuwnumon epithv ghv

Revelation 10:5

10:5 kaio aggelovon eidonthv yalasshvkai epithv ghvhren ceiraautou thndexian eivton ouranon

Revelation 10:8

10:8 kaih fwnhhn hkousatou ouranoupalin lalousanemou kailegousan biblionto hnewgmenonth ceiritou aggeloutou estwtovthv yalasshvkai epithv ghv

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