John 11:47-50
called .... together <4863> [gathered.]
What <5101> [What.]
we allow <863> [we let.]
everyone <3956> [all.]
and ... Romans .... and ...... and <2532 4514> [and the.]
Caiaphas <2533> [Caiaphas.]
You <5210> [Ye.]
Matthew 21:15
chief priests <749> [when.]
Hosanna <5614> [Hosanna.]
they became indignant <23> [they were.]
Luke 19:47-48
<2258> [taught.]
chief priests <749> [the chief priests.]
they could ... find <2147> [could.]
hung on his words <1582 191 846> [were very attentive to hear him. or, hanged on him.]
[Kremannumi <\\See definition 2910\\> autou <\\See definition 847\\> akouo <\\See definition 191\\>,] literally, "they hung upon him hearing;" which is beautifully expressive of their earnest attention, and high gratification.
Acts 4:16-17
What <5101> [What.]
plain <1110> [a notable.]
and ... cannot <2532 3756> [and we.]
spreading <3363 1268> [that it.]
<547> [let.]
Acts 5:27-28
they stood <2476> [set.]
We gave .... orders not <3853 3756 3361> [Did not.]
you intend <1014> [intend.]
blood <129> [blood.]