(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
Kidung Jemaat
John 14:15
John 14:21
John 15:14
Galatians 5:13-14
Dengar Panggilan Tuhan [KJ.357]
Mahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58] ( Love Divine, All Loves Excelling )
Galatians 5:1
Mahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58] ( Love Divine, All Loves Excelling )
John 14:21
John 15:10
[Joh 15:10] Abide, O Dearest Jesus
[Joh 15:10] He Whispers His Love To Me
[Joh 15:10] His Love Can Never Fail
[Joh 15:10] In Heavenly Love Abiding
John 15:14
[Joh 15:14] Best Friend To Have Is Jesus, The
[Joh 15:14] My Wonderful Friend
[Joh 15:14] Since Jesus Is My Friend