Kidung Jemaat
John 17:20-23
Dalam Dana Penuh Kerusuhan [KJ.260]
1. Dalam dunia penuh kerusuhan, ditengah kemelut permusuhan
datanglah KerajaanMu; di Gereja yang harus bersatu, agar nyata
manusia baru, datanglah KerajaanMu!
Yoh 17:21-23
Ef 4:24
Kol 3:10-11
2. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu!
3. Memerangi gelap kemiskinan, menyinarkan terang keadilan
datanglah KerajaanMu; di lautan, di gunung, di ladang
dan di badai, di pasar, di jalan datanglah KerajaanMu!
Luk 3:10-14
4. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu!
5. Dalam hati dan mulut dan tangan dengan kasih, dengan
kebenaran datanglah KerajaanMu; kar'na Kaulah empunya semua,
demi Kristus umatMu berdoa: datanglah KerajaanMu!
Mat 5:3-10
Mat 6:13
6. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu! Play Di Dalam Kristus Bertemu [KJ.259] ( In Christ There is No East Or West )
1. Di dalam Kristus bertemu seluruh dunia;
terpadu umat Penebus di dalam kasihNya.
Yoh 17:21-23
Rm 12:5
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
Why 5:9
Why 7:9
2. Semua hati terlebur di dalam TubuhNya,
berkarya akrab dan tekun di pelayananNya.
Ef 4:3-6
3. Bergandeng tanganlah erat apapun bangsamu:
pengabdi Bapa yang kudus, tentulah kawanku.
Kol 3:11
Mrk 3:35
4. Di dalam Kristus bertemu seluruh dunia;
cerminan kasih Penebus umatNya yang esa.Play Di Seluruh Dunia [KJ.255]
1. Di seluruh dunia satu umatNya, satu dalam baptis
dan satu Jalannya; menuju sejahtera sorga yang senang
kita maju dalam cah'ya sinar yang terang.
Yoh 17:11-23
Rm 12:5
Ef 4:3-6
Kol 3:11
Yoh 14:6
2. Beda bangsa, bahasa, kulit dan tempat, namun satu iman
kita dalam kasihNya. Di dunia yang t'rus resah ada harapan:
Yesus-Kebenaran kita-Tuhan Dialah!
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
Kol 3:11
Why 5:9
Flp 2:11
3. Manusia berlelah dalam dunia, tapi damai yang sentosa
tak didapatnya. Kenallah Pelindungmu, Damai yang benar:
Yesus-Jalan, Kebenaran, Hidup yang kekal!Ef 2:14
Yoh 14:6
Play Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya Hidupku [KJ.405] ( Be Thou My Vision )
1. Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya hidupku; asal Kau ada, yang lain
tak perlu. Siang dan malam Engkau kukenang; di hadiratMu
jiwaku tenang!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 8:12
2. Kaulah Hikmatku, Firman hidupku; Kau besertaku dan 'ku
besertaMu. Engkau Bapaku, aku anakMu; denganMu, Tuhan,
'ku satu penuh.
Yoh 6:68
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
Yoh 17:21
3. Kaulah bagiku tempat berteduh; Kaulah perisai dan benteng
teguh. Sukacitaku kekal dalamMu; Kuasa sorgawi,
Engkau kuasaku!
Mzm 18:3
Mzm 46:8, 12
Mzm 91:2
4. Tak kuhiraukan pujian fana; hanya Engkaulah pusaka
baka! Raja di sorga, Engkau bagiku harta abadi, bahagia penuh!
Flp 3:7
Mzm 16:5
Mzm 73:26
5. Bila saatnya 'ku menang, t'rimalah daku di sorga cerlang!
Apa pun kini hendak kutemu, Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya hidupku!Why 22:4
Play Kita Satu di Dalam Tuhan [KJ.256]
1. Kita satu di dalam Tuhan, satu G'reja yang esa.
Marilah bertolong-tolongan, kau dan aku, s'muanya.
Marilah bertolong-tolongan, kau dan aku, s'muanya.
Yoh 17:21-23
Rm 12:5
Ef 4:3-6
Kol 3:11
Gal 6:2
1 Ptr 4:10
2. Hujan, air dan matahari Tuhan b'rikan s'muanya,
bulan, bintang memuji-muji memenuhi semesta.
Bulan, bintang memuji-muji memenuhi semesta.
Im 26:4-5
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 147:7-9
Mzm 148:3
3. Tuhan s'lalu memelihara s'luruh alam semesta,
kita pun disuruhNya juga, menyatakan kasihNya.
Kita pun disuruhNya juga, menyatakan kasihNya.Mzm 104:10-18
Play Tuhan Allah Hadir [KJ.17]
1. Tuhan Allah hadir pada saat ini. Hai sembah sujud disini.
Diam dengan hormat, tubuh serta jiwa, tunduklah menghadap Dia.
Marilah, umatNya, hatimu serahkan dalam kerendahan.
1 Raj 8:10-11
2 Taw 7:2-3
Mzm 99:1, 5, 9
Yes 57:15
Yeh 44:4
Hab 2:20
2. Tuhan Allah hadir, Yang dimuliakan dalam sorga siang - malam
"Suci, suci, suci" untuk selamanya dinyanyikan malak sorga.
Ya Allah, t'rimalah pujian jemaat beserta malaikat.
Yes 6:2-3
Why 4:8
3. Kami menanggalkan hasrat sia - sia, keinginan manusia;
jiwa raga kami, hidup seluruhnya, Tuhan, kaulah yang empunya.
Dikaulah, Yang Esa, patut dimuliakan seberhana alam.
Tit 2:12-14
4. Raja yang mulia, biarlah hambaMu mengagungkan selalu,
hingga aku ini sungguh beribadat sama seperti malaikat,
dan benar mendengar firmanMu, ya Tuhan, agar kulakukan!
Ul 30:14
Mat 7:24
Yak 1:22
5. Kau bagai udara sumber kehidupan dan tempat gerak semua.
Laut tak terhingga, buatlah diriku layak menyelami Dikau:
Kau penuh dalamku, aku didalamMu: Kau kerinduanku!
Yoh 17:21
6. Suraya Mahasuci biarlah cahyaMu hangat menyentuh wajahku.
Bagai kuntum bunga, bila disinari, memekar ke matahari,
'ku telah berserah: biar Kau berkarya dalam segalanya.
Mal 4:2
7. Jadikanlah aku hamba bersahaja dalam damai dan sejaht'ra.
Sucikanlah aku, agar Kau kupandang dalam roh dan kebenaran.
Arahku padaMu: wajahMu kucari kin da abadi.Yoh 4:23
John 17:20-23
[Joh 17:21] What Time The Evening Shadows Fall
What time the evening shadows fall
Around the Church on earth,
When darker forms of doubt appall,
And new false lights have birth;
Then closer should her faithful band
For truth together hold,
Hell’s last devices to withstand,
And safely guard her fold.O Father, in that hour of fear,
Thy Church on earth do keep,
Thine altar to the last to rear,
And feed Thy fainting sheep;
May she the holy truths attest
Apostles taught of yore,
Nor quit the faith by saints confessed,
Though tempted ne’er so sore.O Christ, who for Thy flock didst pray
That all might be as one,
Unite us all ere fades the day,
Thou sole begotten Son;
The East, the West, together bind
In love’s unbroken chain;
Give each one hope, one heart, one mind,
One glory, and one gain.O Spirit, Lord of light and life,
The Church with strength renew,
Compose the angry voice of strife,
All jealousies subdue;
Do Thou in ever quickening streams
Upon Thy saints descend,
And warm them with reviving beams,
And guide them to the end.Great Three in One, great One in Three,
Our hymns of prayer receive,
And teach us all from sin to flee,
And live as we believe;
So, pure in faith, our thoughts and speech,
And acts that faith shall own;
So shall we to Thy presence reach,
And know as we are known.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 17:22] Christian Hearts, In Love United
Christian hearts, in love united,
Seek alone in Jesus rest;
Has He not your love excited?
Then let love inspire each breast;
Members on our Head depending
Lights reflecting Him, our Sun,
Brethren His commands attending,
We in Him, our Lord, are one.Come, then, come, O flock of Jesus,
Covenant with Him anew;
Unto Him Who conquered for us,
Pledge we love and service true;
And should our love’s union holy
Firmly linked no more remain,
Wait ye at His footstool lowly,
Till He draw it close again.Grant, Lord, that with Thy direction,
“Love each other,” we comply,
Aiming with unfeigned affection
Thy love to exemplify;
Let our mutual love be glowing,
Thus will all men plainly see,
That we, as on one stem growing,
Living branches are in Thee.O that such may be our union,
As Thine with the Father is,
And not one of our communion
E’er forsake the path of bliss;
May our light ’fore men with brightness,
From Thy light reflected, shine;
Thus the world will bear us witness,
That we, Lord, are truly Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 17:22] No Form Of Human Framing
No form of human framing, no bond of outward might,
Can bind Thy Church together, Lord, and all her flocks unite;
But, Jesus, Thou hast told us how unity must be:
Thou art with God the Father one, and we are one in Thee.The mind that is in Jesus will guide us into truth,
The humble, open, joyful mind of ever-learning youth;
The heart that is in Jesus will lead us out of strife,
The giving and forgiving heart that follows love in life.Wherever men adore Thee, our souls with them would kneel;
Wherever men implore Thy help, their trouble we would feel;
And where men do Thy service, though knowing not Thy sign,
Our hand is with them in good work, for they are also Thine.Forgive us, Lord, the folly that quarrels with Thy friends,
And draw us near to Thy heart, where every discord ends;
Thou art the crown of manhood, and Thou of God the Son;
O Master of our many lives, in Thee our life is one.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 17:22] O God Of Love, To Thee We Bow
O God of love, to Thee we bow,
And pray for these before Thee now,
That, closely knit in holy vow,
They may be in Thee one.When days are filled with pure delight,
When paths are plain and skies are bright,
Walking by faith and not by sight,
May they be in Thee one.When stormy winds fulfill Thy will,
And all their good seems turned to ill,
Then, trusting in Thee completely, still
May they be in Thee one.Whate’er in life shall be their share
Of quickening joy or burdening care,
In power to do and grace to bear,
May they be in Thee one.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 17:22] Thou God Of All, Whose Spirit Moves
Thou God of all, whose spirit moves
From pole to silent pole,
Whose purpose binds the starry spheres
In one stupendous whole,
Whose life, like light, is freely poured
On all beneath the sun,
To Thee we lift our hearts, and pray
That Thou wilt make us one.One in the patient company
Of those who heed Thy will,
And steadfastly pursue the way
Of Thy commandments still;
One in the holy fellowship
Of those who challenge wrong,
And lift the spirit’s sword to shield
The weak against the strong.One in the truth that makes men free,
The faith that makes men brave;
One in the love that suffers long
To seek, and serve, and save;
One in the vision of Thy peace,
The kingdom yet to be,
When Thou shalt be the God of all,
And all be one in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 17:22] Whom Oceans Part, O Lord, Unite
Whom oceans part, O Lord, unite
To love Thy Name and seek Thy light;
Though from each other far we be,
Let none, O Christ, be far from Thee.On many a distant island shore
Still let men see Heav’n’s opened door;
’Mid silent hills, beneath fresh skies,
Let Bethel’s shining ladder rise.Our sons and daughters guide in truth;
Take for Thyself the flower of youth;
Afar from home, through gain or loss,
Keep them true hearted to Thy cross.Whom oceans part, O Lord, unite—
One commonwealth for God and right;
A ransomed people, strong and free,
To bring the whole wide world to Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 17:22] Eternal Ruler Of The Ceaseless Round
Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round
Of circling planets singing on their way,
Guide of the nations from the night profound
Into the glory of the perfect day,
Rule in our hearts, that we may ever be
Guided and strengthened and upheld by Thee.We are of Thee, the children of Thy love,
The brothers of Thy well belovèd Son;
Descend, O Holy Spirit, like a dove
Into our hearts, that we may be as one;
As one with Thee, to Whom we ever tend;
As one with Him our Brother and our Friend.We would be one in hatred of all wrong,
One in our love of all things sweet and fair;
One with the joy that breaketh into song,
One with the grief that trembleth into prayer,
One in the power that makes Thy children free
To follow truth, and thus to follow Thee.O clothe us with Thy heavenly armor, Lord,
Thy trusty shield, Thy sword of love divine;
Our inspiration be Thy constant Word;
We ask no victories that are not Thine;
Give or withhold, let pain or pleasure be,
Enough to know that we are serving Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 17:22] Father Of All, From Land And Sea
Father of all, from land and sea
The nations sing, “Thine, Lord, are we,
Countless in number, but in Thee
May we be one.”O Son of God, whose love so free
For men did make Thee Man to be,
United to our God in Thee
May we be one.Thou, Lord didst once for all atone;
Thee may both Jew and Gentile own
Of their two walls the Corner Stone,
Making them one.In Thee we are God’s Israel,
Thou art the world’s Emmanuel,
In Thee the saints forever dwell,
Millions but one.Thou art the Fountain of all good,
Cleansing with Thy most precious blood,
And feeding us with angels’ food,
Making us one.Join high and low, join young and old
In love that never waxes cold;
Under one Shepherd, in one fold,
Make us all one.O Spirit blest, who from above,
Cam’st gently gliding like a dove
Calm all our strife, give faith and love;
O make us one.O Trinity in Unity,
One only God, in Persons Three,
Dwell ever in our hearts; like Thee
May we be one.So, when the world shall pass away,
May we awake with joy and say,
“Now in the bliss of endless day
We all are one.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 17:22] Thou, Who At Thy First Eucharist Didst Pray
Thou, who at Thy first Eucharist didst pray
That all Thy Church might be forever one,
Grant us that ev’ry Eucharist to say
With longing heart and soul, “Thy will be done.”
O may we all one bread, one body be,
Through this blest sacrament of unity.For all Thy Church, O Lord, we intercede;
Make Thou our sad divisions soon to cease;
Draw us the nearer each to each, we plead,
By drawing all to Thee, O Prince of Peace;
Thus may we all one bread, one body be,
Through this blest sacrament of unity.We pray Thee too for wand’rers from Thy fold;
O bring them back, good Shepherd of the sheep,
Back to the faith which saints believed of old,
Back to the Church which still that faith doth keep;
Soon may we all one bread, one body be,
Through this blest sacrament of unity.So, Lord, at length when sacraments shall cease,
May we be one with all Thy Church above,
One with Thy saints in one unbroken peace,
One with Thy saints in one unbounded love;
More blessèd still, in peace and love to be
One with the Trinity in Unity.Play source: Cyberhymnal