John 20:16-17
Mary <3137> [Mary.]
She <1565> [She.]
Rabboni <4462> [Rabboni.]
Do ... touch <680> [Touch.]
Or rather, "embrace me not," or, "cling not to me," [me <\\See definition 3361\\> mou <\\See definition 3450\\> hapsomai,] "Spend no more time with me now in joyful gratulations: for I am not yet immediately going to ascend to my Father; you will have several opportunities of seeing me again; but go and tell my disciples that I shall depart to my Father and your Father."
me ............. my brothers ......... my ....... my <3450 80> [my brethren.]
I have .... ascended ............ I am ascending <305> [I ascend.]
Father .............. Father ... your Father ...... your <3962 5216> [your Father.]
your ..... God ... your God <5216 2316> [your God.]