NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Leviticus 1:11

1:11 <05439> bybo <04196> xbzmh <05921> le <01818> wmd <0853> ta <03548> Mynhkh <0175> Nrha <01121> ynb <02236> wqrzw <03069> hwhy <06440> ynpl <06828> hnpu <04196> xbzmh <03409> Kry <05921> le <0853> wta <07819> jxsw(1:11)

1:11 kai <2532> sfaxousin <4969> auto <846> ek <1537> plagiwn tou <3588> yusiasthriou <2379> prov <4314> borran enanti <1725> kuriou <2962> kai <2532> prosceousin oi <3588> uioi <5207> aarwn <2> oi <3588> iereiv <2409> to <3588> aima <129> autou <846> epi <1909> to <3588> yusiasthrion <2379> kuklw

Zechariah 12:10

12:10 <01060> rwkbh <05921> le <04843> rmhk <05921> wyle <04843> rmhw <03173> dyxyh <05921> le <05594> dpomk <05921> wyle <05594> wdpow <01856> wrqd <0834> rsa <0853> ta <0413> yla <05027> wjybhw <08469> Mynwnxtw <02580> Nx <07307> xwr <03389> Mlswry <03427> bswy <05921> lew <01732> dywd <01004> tyb <05921> le <08210> ytkpsw(12:10)

12:10 kai <2532> ekcew <1632> epi <1909> ton <3588> oikon <3624> dauid kai <2532> epi <1909> touv <3588> katoikountav ierousalhm <2419> pneuma <4151> caritov <5485> kai <2532> oiktirmou <3628> kai <2532> epibleqontai <1914> prov <4314> me <1473> any <473> wn <3739> katwrchsanto kai <2532> koqontai <2875> ep <1909> auton <846> kopeton <2870> wv <3739> ep <1909> agaphton <27> kai <2532> odunhyhsontai <3600> odunhn <3601> wv <3739> epi <1909> prwtotokw <4416>

Acts 2:36-38

2:36 asfalwvoun ginwsketwoikov israhloti kaikurion autonkai cristonepoihsen yeovtouton tonihsoun onumeiv estaurwsate <4717> (5656)

2:37 akousantevkatenughsan kardianeipon provton petronkai touvloipouv apostolouvti poihswmenadelfoi

2:38 petrovde provautouv metanohsatebaptisyhtw umwnen twonomati ihsoucristou eivafesin twnamartiwn umwnkai lhmqesyedwrean touagiou pneumatov

Acts 3:15

3:15 tonde archgonthv zwhvapekteinate oyeov hgeirennekrwn ouhmeiv marturevesmen <1510> (5748)

Acts 3:26

3:26 uminprwton anasthsavyeov tonpaida autouapesteilen eulogountaen twapostrefein apotwn ponhriwn[umwn]

Acts 4:10-12

4:10 gnwstonestw uminkai pantitw lawisrahl otien twonomati ihsoucristou tounazwraiou onumeiv estaurwsateo yeovhgeiren nekrwnen toutwoutov paresthkenumwn ugihv

4:11 outovestin liyovo exouyenhyeivumwn twnoikodomwn ogenomenov kefalhngwniav

4:12 kaiouk estinallw oudenih swthriaoude garonoma estinupo tonouranon todedomenon anyrwpoiven wdei

Acts 4:26-28

4:26 paresthsanbasileiv thvghv kaioi arcontevsunhcyhsan toauto katatou kurioukai katatou cristouautou

4:27 sunhcyhsanep alhyeiaven thpolei tauthepi tonagion paidasou ihsounon ecrisavte kaipontiov pilatovsun eynesinkai laoivisrahl

4:28 poihsaih ceirsou kaih boulhprowrisen <4309> (5656) genesyai <1096> (5635)

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