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Leviticus 23:10


enter ..................... bring <0935> [When.]

gather <07114> [and shall.]

sheaf <06016> [sheaf. or, handful. Heb. omer. the first fruits.]

This offering was a public acknowledgement of the bounty and goodness of God for the kindly fruits of the earth. From the practice of the people of God, the heathen borrowed a similar one, founded on the same reason.

Exodus 22:29


hold back <0309> [shalt not delay.]

[the first of they ripe fruits. Heb. they fulness. liquors.]

Heb. tear. the firstborn.

Exodus 23:16


Feast ... Harvest ................ Feast <07105 02282> [feast of harvest.]

Ingathering <0614> [in-gathering.]

Exodus 23:19


first .... firstfruits <07225 01061> [first of the.]

cook ... young goat <01310 01423> [Thou shalt not seethe a kid.]

The true sense of this passage seems to be that assigned by Dr. Cudworth, from a MS. comment of a Kara‹te Jew. "It was a custom with the ancient heathens, when they had gathered in all their fruits, to take a kid, and boil it in the dam's milk; and then in a magical way, to go about and sprinkle all their trees, and fields, and gardens, and orchards with it, thinking by these means, that they should make them fruitful, and bring forth more abundantly in the following year. Wherefore, God forbad his people, the Jews, at the time of their in-gathering, to use any such superstitious or idolatrous rite."

Exodus 34:22


Feast ... Weeks ........... Feast <07620 02282> [feast of weeks.]

[year's end. Heb. revolution of the year.]

Exodus 34:26


first <07225> [first.]

cook <01310> [seethe.]

Numbers 15:17

Numbers 15:19-21


The oblation before prescribed seems to have been a general acknowledgment from the people at large; but this was an oblation from every one that reaped a harvest: who was required, previously to tasting it himself, to offer a portion of dough as a heave-offering to the Lord. This is supposed to have been given to the priests in their several cities, and not carried to the tabernacle.


cake <02471> [a cake.]

offering ...... raised offering <08641> [the heave-offering.]


Deuteronomy 26:1-2



take <03947> [That thou shalt.]

go .... place <01980 04725> [go unto.]

Proverbs 3:9-10



Romans 8:23


who have <2192> [which have.]

we ... also <2532 2249> [even we.]

await <553> [waiting.]

redemption <629> [the redemption.]

Romans 8:1


no <3762> [no.]

in <1722> [in.]

<4043> [who.]

Colossians 1:20


by making peace <1517> [having made peace. or making peace.]

to reconcile <604> [reconcile.]

all things ................. on earth .... in <1093 1722 3956 1909> [things in earth.]

James 1:18


By ... sovereign plan <1014> [his own.]

message <3056> [with.]

a kind <5100> [kind.]

Revelation 14:4


for <1063> [for.]

follow <3739 3588 190> [which follow.]

These ...... have ... defiled ......... These ............ These were redeemed <3778 3435 59> [These were.]

were redeemed <59> [redeemed. Gr. bought.]

[the first fruits.]

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