Mark 1:23-45
a man <444> [a man.]
<1436> [Let.]
Holy One <40> [the Holy One.]
rebuked <2008> [rebuked.]
After throwing ... into convulsions <4682> [torn.]
They were ... amazed <2284> [they were.]
<3754> [for.]
they entered <2064> [entered.]
mother-in-law <3994> [wife's.]
they spoke <3004> [they tell.]
by ... taking <2902> [and took.]
she began to serve <1247> [ministered.]
was evening <1096 3798> [at even.]
So ........... and ...... But he would ... permit <2532 863> [and suffered.]
to speak because <3754 2980> [speak, because they. or, say that they.]
Everyone <3956> [All.]
Let ... go <71> [Let.]
For <1063> [for.]
preaching <2784> [preached.]
Galilee <1056> [Galilee.]
Galilee was a province of Palestine, being bounded, says Josephus, on the west by Ptolemais and mount Carmel; on the south by the country of Samaria and Scythopolis, on the river Jordan; on the east by the cantons of Hyppos, Gadara, and Gaulon; and on the north by the confines of the Tyrians. It was divided into Lower and Upper Galilee;--Upper Galilee, so called from its being mountainous, was termed Galilee of the Gentiles (Mt 4:15,) because inhabited, says Strabo, by Egyptians, Arabians, and Phoenicians, and comprehended the tribes of Asher and Naphtali; the Lower Galilee contained the tribes of Zebulun and Issachar, and was sometimes termed the Great Field. It was, says Josephus, very populous and rich, containing 204 cities and towns.
So ............ and casting out <2532 1544> [and cast.]
came <2064> [there.]
a leper <3015> [a leper.]
fell to ... knees <1120> [kneeling.]
If you are willing <1437 2309> [if thou.]
Moved with compassion <4697> [moved.]
I am willing <2309> [I.]
<2112> [immediately.]
show <1166> [shew.]
for .... as a testimony <4012 1519 3142> [for a testimony.]
he began <756> [and began.]
able <1410> [could.]