Mark 9:1-5
will ... experience <1089> [taste.]
kingdom <932> [the kingdom.]
later <3326> [after.]
Peter <4074> [Peter.]
high <5308> [an high.]
he was transfigured <3339> [transfigured.]
16:12 Ex 34:29-35 Isa 33:17 53:2 Mt 17:2 Lu 9:29 Joh 1:14
Ro 12:2 2Co 3:7-10 Php 2:6-8 3:21 2Pe 1:16-18 Re 1:13-17 20:11 [All]
his clothes <846 2440> [his raiment.]
more <3029> [exceeding.]
<3756> [no.]
appeared <3700> [appeared.]
Elijah <2243> [Elias.]
Moses was the founder of the Jewish polity, and Elias the most zealous reformer and prophet of the Jewish church; and their presence implied that the ministry of Christ was attested by the law and the prophets.
[Elijah. Moses.]
<2076> [it is.]