Matthew 14:28-33
order <2753> [bid.]
walked <4043> [he walked.]
when ... saw <991> [when.]
<2478> [boisterous. or, strong. Lord.]
reached out <1614> [stretched.]
caught <1949> [and caught.]
You of little faith <3640> [O thou.]
<1684> [come.]
worshiped <4352> [worshipped.]
Truly ...... of God <230 2316> [Of.]
16:16 17:5 26:63 27:43,54 Ps 2:7 Da 3:25 Mr 1:1 14:61 15:39
Lu 4:41 8:28 Joh 1:49 6:69 9:35-38 11:27 17:1 19:7 Ac 8:37
Ro 1:4 [All]