Matthew 18:25-35
ordered <2753> [commanded.]
[worshipped him. or, besought him. have.]
had compassion <4697> [moved.]
one hundred <1540> [an hundred.]
Rather, "a hundred denarii," as our penny does not convey one seventh of the meaning. This would amount to about 3Å“. 2s. 6d. English; which was not one six hundred thousandth part of the 10,000 talents, even calculating them as Roman talents.
silver coins <1220> [pence.]
"The Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after five shillings the ounce is sevenpence halfpenny."
throat and started to choke <4155> [and took.]
Be patient <3114> [Have.]
Instead <235> [but.]
very <4970> [they.]
and went <2532 2064> [and came.]
Evil <4190> [O thou.]
<2532> [even.]
turned ... over <3860> [and delivered.]
will do <4160> [do.]
from <575> [from.]