Kidung Jemaat
Luke 15:10
Dengan Lembut Tuhanku [KJ.354] ( In Tenderness He Sought Me )
1. Dengan lembut tuhanku di dalam kasihNya mencari akan
daku yang hilang, bercela. Bahana syukur terdengar,
seisi sorga mengg'legar.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 15:3-10
Luk 19:10
2. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
3. Dosaku t'lah dibasuh sehingga 'ku sembuh; bisikNya kepadaku,
"Engkaulah milikKu!" SuaraNya yang lembut merdu
telah menghibur hatiku.
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
1 Ptr 2:9
4. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
5. Padaku ditunjukkan semua lukaNya, mahkota duri tajam,
curahan darahNya. 'Ku takjub kar'na Tuhanku menjadi
kurban bagiku.
Yoh 15:13
6. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
7. Di haribaan Tuhan kulihat kasihNya dan dalam kekaguman
kuhitung berkatNya. Tak kunjung puas rasanya memuji-
muji namaNya.
8. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
9. Kunanti hari Tuhan yang indah dan cerah di kala Tuhan
datang memanggil umatNya berkumpul pada sisiNya
jadi pengantin suciNya.
Flp 3:20
Mat 25:34
Ef 5:25-27
10. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
Play Insan, Tangisi Dosamu [KJ.157]
1. Insan, tangisi dosamu! Ingatlah, Kristus menempuh jalan
penuh sengsara dan bagai hamba terendah Ia kosongkan diriNya
menjadi Perantara. Yang mati dihidupkanNya, yang sakit disembuhkanNya,
yang hilang Ia cari, berkurban diri akhirnya, memikul dosa dunia diatas kayu salib.
Rat 3:39
Yak 4:9
Flp 2:7
Ibr 12:24
Mat 11:5
Luk 15:3-10
Yoh 1:29
2. Syukur, pujian dan sembah kepada Dia angkatlah yang mati bagi kita.
Ikutlah Dia yang menang, pikullah salib dan beban dengan bersukacita!
KasihNya perkenankanlah dan dalam kuasa namaNya kalahkanlah yang jahat.
Ingat darahNya yang kudus, yang bagi Allah, Bapamu, berharga tinggi amat!Why 5:12
Mrk 8:34
Play Ya Cahya Kasih, Jalanku Kelam [KJ.411] ( Lead, Kindly Light )
1. Ya Cahya kasih, jalanku kelam; o, bimbinglah!
Rumahku jauh, gelap pun mencekam; o, bimbinglah!
Tak usah nampak akhir jalanku; cukup selangkah saja bagiku.
Yoh 8:12
2. Semula aku rasa tak perlu bimbinganMu, tetapi kini
kupegang teguh bimbinganMu. Dulu 'ku hidup
congkak-bermegah; ya Tuhanku, jangan Kau ingatlah!
Mzm 73:23
3. 'Ku yakin kuasa dan anug'rahMu membimbingku.
Di bukit, ngarai, di samud'ra pun Kau bimbing t'rus.
Fajar terbit dan nampak bagiku senyum malaikat yang menyambutku.Luk 15:10
Matthew 7:21
[Mat 7:21] Come! Tune Your Heart
Come! tune your heart, to bear its part,
And celebrate Messiah’s feast with praises, with praises;
Let love inspire the joyful choir,
While to the God of love, glad hymns it raises, it raises.Exalt His Name; with joy proclaim,
God loved the world, and through His Son forgave us, forgave us;
Oh! what are we, that, Lord, we see
Thy wondrous love, in Christ Who died to save us, to save us!Your refuge place in His free grace,
Trust in His Name, and day by day repent you, repent you;
Ye mock God’s Word, who call Him Lord,
And follow not the pattern He hath lent you, hath lent you.O Christ, to prove for Thee my love
In brethren Thee my hands shall clothe and cherish, and cherish,
To each sad heart sweet hope impart,
When worn with care, with sorrow nigh to perish, to perish.Come! praise the Lord; in Heav’n are stored
Rich gifts for those who here His Name esteemèd, esteemèd;
Alleluia; Alleluia;
Rejoice in Christ, and praise Him ye redeemèd, redeemèd.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ezekiel 33:11
[Eze 33:11] Would Jesus Have The Sinner Die?
Would Jesus have the sinner die?
Why hangs He then on yonder tree?
What means that strange expiring cry?
(Sinners, He prays for you and me)
“Forgive them, Father, O forgive,
They know not that by Me they live,”
“They know not that by Me they live!”Jesus descended from above,
Our loss of Eden to retrieve,
Great God of universal love,
If all the world through Thee may live,
In us a quickening Spirit be,
And witness Thou hast died for me,
And witness Thou hast died for me!Thou loving, all-atoning Lamb,
Thee—by Thy painful agony,
Thy bloody sweat, Thy grief and shame,
Thy cross and passion on the tree,
Thy precious death and life—I pray,
Take all, take all my sins away,
Take all, take all my sins away!O let me kiss Thy bleeding feet,
And bathe and wash them with my tears!
The story of Thy love repeat
In every drooping sinner’s ears,
That all may hear the quickening sound,
Since I, even I, have mercy found,
Since I, even I, have mercy found.O let Thy love my heart constrain!
Thy love for every sinner free,
That every fallen soul of man
May taste the grace that found out me;
That all mankind with me may prove
Thy sovereign everlasting love,
Thy sovereign everlasting love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eze 33:11] Yea, As I Live, Jehovah Saith
Yea, as I live, Jehovah saith,
I would not have the sinner’s death,
But that he turn from error’s ways,
Repent, and live through endless days.To us therefore Christ gave command:
“Go forth and preach in every land;
Bestow on all My pardoning grace
Who will repent and mend their ways.“All those whose sins ye thus remit
I truly pardon and acquit;
And those whose sins ye do retain
Condemned and guilty shall remain.“What ye shall bind, that bound shall be;
What ye shall loose, that shall be free;
Unto My church the keys are giv’n
To ope and close the gates of Heav’n.”The words which absolution give
Are His Who died that we might live;
The minister whom Christ has sent
Is but His humble instrument.When ministers lay on their hands,
Absolved by Christ the sinner stands;
He who by grace the Word believes
The purchase of His blood receives.All praise, eternal Son, to Thee
For absolution full and free,
In which Thou showest forth Thy grace;
From false indulgence guard our race.Praise God the Father and the Son
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
As ’twas, is now, and so shall be
World without end, eternity!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 15:10
[Luk 15:10] Good News
Good news! good news of a soul redeemed,
A penitent forgiven!
Good news! good news that another friend
Is on the way to Heaven!Refrain
Rejoice! rejoice! there’s joy today
In the land beyond the river;
Another gem for His diadem,
A star to shine forever.Good news! good news that another heart
Has learned redemption’s story;
Good news! good news that another voice
Will sing His praise in glory.Refrain
Good news! good news that another life
Will show the power of Jesus,
Will prove the might of the saving grace
Which daily, hourly frees us.Refrain
Good news! good news that another hand
Will precious seed be sowing,
Another guide to lead straying feet
Where living streams are flowing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 15:10] Ring The Bells Of Heaven
Ring the bells of Heaven! There is joy today,
For a soul, returning from the wild!
See, the Father meets him out upon the way,
Welcoming His weary, wandering child.Refrain
Glory! Glory! How the angels sing:
Glory! Glory! How the loud harps ring!
’Tis the ransomed army, like a mighty sea,
Pealing forth the anthem of the free.Ring the bells of Heaven! There is joy today,
For the wanderer now is reconciled;
Yes, a soul is rescued from his sinful way,
And is born anew a ransomed child.Refrain
Ring the bells of Heaven! Spread the feast today!
Angels, swell the glad triumphant strain!
Tell the joyful tidings, bear it far away!
For a precious soul is born again.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 15:10] There Is Sound Of Rejoicing
There is sound of rejoicing around the great throne,
A whisper of myriad wings;
For the foe that accuseth us lies cast down,
And the choir of angels sings—Refrain
Salvation, and honor, and majesty be,
Lord of all power and might unto Thee.And the soul may approach to her God without dread,
In moment of praise of prayer;
“Fear ye not,” the bright angels of God have said,
“Glad tidings of joy we bear.”Refrain
But the hour draweth nigh when the angel shall stand
With foot on the silent shore;
By the Lord he shall swear, as he lifts his hand,
And that Time shall be no more.Refrain
And the thunders shall roll, and the dead, great and small,
At the throne of the Judge shall stand;
And the song shall re sound thro’ the heav’nly hall,
Of the saints at God’s right hand.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 15:10] There Is Joy
When a sinner comes, as a sinner may,
There is joy, there is joy;
When he turns to God in the Gospel way,
There is joy, there is joy.Refrain
There is joy among the angels,
And their harps with music ring,
When a sinner comes repenting,
Bending low before the King.When a soul is born in the kingdom bright,
There is joy, there is joy;
When it walks by faith in the Gospel light,
There is joy, there is joy.Refrain
When a pilgrim comes to the river wide,
There is joy, there is joy;
When he dwells secure on the other side,
There is joy, there is joy.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 15:10] There Was Joy In Heaven
There was joy in Heaven,
There was joy in Heaven,
When this goodly world to frame
The Lord of might and mercy came;
Shouts of joy were heard on high,
And the stars sang from the sky,
Glory to God in Heav’n.There was joy in Heaven,
There was joy in Heaven,
When the billows heaving dark,
Sank around the stranded ark,
And the rainbow’s watery span
Spake of mercy, hope to man,
And peace with God in Heav’n.There was joy in Heaven,
There was joy in Heaven,
When of love the midnight beam
Dawned on the towers of Bethlehem,
And along the echoing hill
Angels sang, “On earth good will,
And glory in the Heav’n!”There was joy in Heaven,
There was joy in Heaven,
When the soul that went astray
Turns to Christ, the living Way,
And, by grace of Heav’n subdued,
Breathes a prayer of gratitude,
Oh, there is joy in Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 15:10] Why Do The Holy Angels Sing?
Why do the holy angels sing?
Why do the heav’nly arches ring
With anthems sweet from seraphs bright,
With glittering crowns and robes of white?Refrain
They sing of the Lamb that was slain,
The Savior that lives again,
The Root and the Offspring of David,
The bright and Morning Star!Glory to Thee, our God, they cry,
Maker of earth, and sea, and sky,
To Thee our highest strains belong,
Thou great Inspirer of our song.Refrain
Beautiful world where all is bright,
Rivers of gold and fields of light,
In murmured tones of joy prolong
The echo of the angels’ song.Refrain
Well may the holy angels sing,
Well may the heav’nly arches ring,
With anthems sweet from choirs above,
They sing of God, and God is love.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal