Kidung Jemaat
Philippians 3:11
Haruskah Hanya Penebus [KJ.430]
1. Haruskah hanya hanya Penebus memikul salib b'rat?
O, tidak, tapi kita pun tak luput berpenat.
Kol 1:24
Ibr 13:13
1 Ptr 4:13
2. Kupikul salibku terus sehingga akhirnya kudapat
dari Penebus mahkota yang baka.
Mrk 8:34
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:1
3. Kelak di pinggir laut kristal mahkota itu pun
kus'rahkan sambil bersyukur di kaki Penebus.
Why 4:6, 10
4. Betapa orang yang kudus, sehabis berlelah,
di sorga berbahagia terhapus d'ritanya.
Why 7:17
5. O, salib, kau junjunganku, mahkota mulia.
Kau, Yesus, kebangkitanku, hidupku s'lamanya.Yoh 11:25
Rm 6:6
Flp 3:10-11
1 Ptr 1:3
Play Mahkota Duri yang Kejam [KJ.219] ( The Head That Once Was Crowned )
1. Mahkota duri yang kejam menyiksa Penebus,
di ganti tajuk pemenang yang agung dan kudus.
Mrk 15:17
Why 14:14
2. Tempat tertinggi pemenang yang baka padaNya diberi,
Sang Maharaja semesta dan Surya abadi.
Flp 2:9-11
Ef 1:20-22
1 Ptr 3:22
Why 19:16
Mal 4:2
3. Di sorga dan di dunia namaNya dikenal;
terpancar dari kasihNya bahagia kekal.
4. Salib yang hina dan seram penuh anugerah;
dan nama orang beriman di sorga tertera.
Luk 10:20
Ibr 12:23
Why 3:5
Why 21:27
5. Mengikut Tuhan, kita pun sengsara dan menang.
Bahagialah yang bertekun di dalam kasihNya.2 Kor 2:14
Flp 3:10-11
Rm 2:6-7
6. SalibNya pohon alhayat, pembawa kurnia,
penuh harapan dan berkat, pujian umatNya.Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
Play Mari, Bersukacita [KJ.200]
1. Mari bersukacita, terima kabar baik! Habislah dukacita;
terbitlah t'rang ajaib! Yesus yang tersekap di kubur yang gelap
disambut fajar t'rang sebagai Pemenang!
Mrk 15:46
Mrk 16:1-8
Kol 2:15
Why 1:18
2. Ia pun dimakamkan; puaslah seteru. Tiada mereka sangka
t'lah bangkit Penebus! Kumandang jayaNya mengisi dunia
dan panji Pemenang berkibar cemerlang!
Mat 28:18-20
Mrk 16:20
Kis 1:8
Kis 4:33
Kol 1:6, 23
1 Tim 3:16
3. Oleh adegan ini gembira hatiku; tak lagi kutakuti ancaman seteru.
'Ku beriman teguh: Yesus jaminanku.
SalibNya kupegang, niscaya 'ku menang.
Rm 8:37
1 Kor 15:57
1 Yoh 5:4-5
Why 17:14
4. Bagai anggota Kristus, terpaut padaNya, tanpa cemas kuikut
di jalan jayaNya. Di maut yang kelam, betapa pun seram,
Tuhanku beserta dengan kuasaNya!
Rm 6:3-4
Flp 3:10-11
Mzm 23:4
5. Rajaku sudah masuk kemuliaanNya: amanlah tujuanku di jalan dunia!
Jauhlah, hai lawanku! Tuhan di pihakku: Perisai dan Teman;
OlehNya 'ku tent'ram!
Mat 25:31
Mrk 16:19
Mzm 6:9
6. Sampai ke dalam sorga 'ku ikutlah terus; di pintuNya tersurat
amanat Penebus: "Yang tadi berlelah, dapat mahkotanya;
yang mati dalamKu, bahagia penuh!"1 Kor 9:25
2 Tim 4:8
Why 14:13
Play Yesus Kristus Memerintah [KJ.220]
1. Yesus Kristus memerintah tak terbatas, tak terhingga:
alam semesta sujud. Dunia patut memaklumkan:
"Yesus Kristus itu Tuhan!" Bangsa-bangsa, bertelut!
Yes 9:6
Ef 1:20-22
Mzm 96:10
Flp 2:9-11
2. Raja-raja yang perkasa dan segala yang berkuasa
mengagungkan namaNya; baik di sorga, baik di bumi
kehendakNya dipenuhi; tiap mahluk menyembah!
Mat 28:18
Why 5:13-14
3. Mahakuasa hanya Allah, tidak ada yang setara:
Ia Tuhan Yang Esa. Yang setara hanya Kristus,
Putra Tunggal Allah itu: KerajaanNya baka!
Yer 10:6-7
Flp 2:6
4. Ia Raja yang bertakhta beserta dengan BapaNya,
dikitari kerubim, dan kuasa yang sempurna
atas bumi maupun sorga kepadaNya diberi.
Ibr 1:3-4
Ibr 12:2
Why 5:6
Why 22:1, 3
5. Kita s'lamat dalam Dia, ditebus dengan kasihNya
dan darahNya yang kudus. Pendamaian yang lestari,
t'rang dan hidup yang abadi disampaikan Penebus.
Ibr 9:11-14
Why 5:9
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
6. Hanya Yesus Kristus saja yang menjadi dasar G'reja
dan Kepala umatNya. Dibeli dengan darahNya
dan dibaptis dengan RohNya, kita hidup s'lamanya!
1 Kor 3:10-11
Kol 1:18
1 Kor 6:20
1 Kor 7:23
Kis 1:4-5
Kis 11:16
7. Hai pedosa, buka hati, orang sakit, harap lagi
dan yang miskin, bangunlah! Lubuk hati dibersihkan
dan yang sakit dipulihkan, adil hukum rahmatNya.
Yes 35:3-6
8. Walau salib dunia ini sementara mengiringi hidup
orang beriman, takkan dapat memisahkan kita dari
kasih Tuhan, hingga ringanlah beban.
2 Kor 1:5-7
Flp 3:10-11
1 Ptr 4:13
Rm 8:37-39
9. Bersyukur, bersukaria, umat Tuhan, puji Dia
di seluruh dunia! Persiapkanlah jalanNya
dan lambaikan daun palma: Ia datang segera!
Yes 40:3
Mrk 1:3
Yoh 12:13
Why 7:9
Why 22:7, 12, 20
10. Aku pun tak ketinggalan mengelukanNya di jalan,
aku pun mengikutNya.Yesus Kristus memerintah
tak terbatas, tak terhingga! Puji Raja mulia!Play
Matthew 6:9
[Mat 6:9] Eternal Power, Whose High Abode
Eternal Power, whose high abode
Becomes the grandeur of a God,
Infinite lengths beyond the bounds
Where stars resolve their little rounds!The lowest step around Thy seat,
Rises too high for Gabriel’s feet;
In vain the favored angel tries
To reach Thine height with wond’ring eyes.There while the first archangel sings,
He hides his face behind his wings,
And ranks of shining thrones around
Fall worshiping, and spread the ground.Lord, what shall earth and ashes do?
We would adore our Maker, too;
From sin and dust to Thee we cry,
The Great, the Holy, and the High.Earth from afar has heard Thy fame,
And worms have learned to lisp Thy Name;
But, O! the glories of Thy mind
Leave all our soaring thoughts behind.God is in Heaven, and men below;
Be short our tunes, our words be few;
A solemn reverence checks our songs,
And praise sits silent on our tongues.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] Father In Heaven, Hear Us Today
Father in Heaven, hear us today;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
O let Thy kingdom come, O let Thy will be done,
By all beneath the sun, as in the skies.Father in Heaven, hear us today;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
Giver of daily food, Fountain of truth and good,
Be all our hearts imbued with love like Thine.Father in Heaven, hear us today;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
Lead us in paths of light, save us from sin and blight,
King of all love and might, glorious for aye.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] Father Of All, To Thee
Father of all, to Thee
With loving hearts we pray,
Through Him, in mercy given,
The Life, the Truth, the Way;
From Heav’n, Thy throne, in mercy shed
Thy blessings on each bended head.Father of all, to Thee
Our contrite hearts we raise,
Unstrung by sin and pain,
Long voiceless in Thy praise;
Breathe Thou the silent chords along,
Until they tremble into song.Father of all, to Thee
We breathe unuttered fears,
Deep hidden in our souls,
That have no voice but tears;
Take Thou our hand, and through the wild
Lead gently each trustful child.Father of all, may we
In praise our tongues employ,
When gladness fills the soul
With deep and hallowed joy;
In storm and calm give us to see
The path of peace which leads to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] Jesus, Kneel Beside Me
Jesus, kneel beside me,
In the dawn of day;
Thine is prayer eternal—
Teach me how to pray!Master, work beside me
In the shining sun;
Gently guide Thy servant
Till the work be done.Savior, watch beside me
In the closing light;
Lo, the evening cometh—
Watch with me this night!Birds are winging homeward,
Sun and shadow cease;
Savior, take my spirit
To Thy perfect peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowèd be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil,
For Thine is the kingdom
And the power, and the glory, forever.
Amen.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Philippians 4:1
[Phi 4:1] Stand Fast For Christ Thy Savior
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
Stand fast whate’er betide!
Keep thou the Faith, unstained, unshamed,
By keeping at His side;
Be faithful, ever faithful,
Where’er thy lot be cast,Refrain
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
Stand faithful to the last!Strong founded like a lighthouse,
That stands the storm and shock,
So be thy soul as if it shared
The granite of the rock.
Then far beyond the breakers
Let thy calm light be cast,Refrain
Stout-hearted like a soldier,
Who never leaves the fight,
But meets the foeman face to face
And meets him with his might,
So bear thee in thy battles
Until the war be past,Refrain
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
He once stood fast for thee,
And standeth still, and still shall stand
For all eternity;
Be faithful, O be faithful,
To love so true, so vast,Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Philippians 3:13
[Phi 3:13] I Have Settled The Question
I remember when the Lord spoke to my soul,
I could feel the heavy burden from me roll
When He spoke the gracious words, “Wilt thou be whole?”
Then I settled the question forever.Refrain
I have settled the question, hallelujah!
I will never turn back from the narrow way.
I am going through with Jesus, hallelujah!
Till I reach the gates of glory some sweet day.I no longer walk the ways of sinfulness,
But I daily tread the paths of righteousness
Since the day the Lord has come my life to bless
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
I will choose the holy joys that always last,
And reject sin’s pleasures that will soon be past,
To the treasures of true worth I’m holding fast,
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
Others may deny the Lord and live in sin,
But the race that I have entered I must win,
Through the pearly gates I mean to enter in,
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal