Kidung Jemaat
Matthew 6:33
Apapun Juga Menimpamu [KJ.438] ( Be Not Dismayed Whate'er Betide / God Will Take Care of You )
1. Apapun juga menimpamu, Tuhan menjagamu.
Naungan kasihNya pelindungmu, Tuhan menjagamu.
Rm 8:37-39
2. Tuhan menjagamu waktu tenang atau tegang,
Ia menjagamu, Tuhan menjagamu.
3. Bila menanggung beban berat, Tuhan menjagamu.
Masa depanmu kelam pekat? Tuhan menjagamu.
Mat 11:28
4. Tuhan menjagamu waktu tenang atau tegang,
Ia menjagamu, Tuhan menjagamu.
5. DipeliharaNya hidupmu; Tuhan menjagamu
dan didengarkanNya doamu; Tuhan menjagamu.
Mat 6:25-34
Mzm 65:3
6. Tuhan menjagamu waktu tenang atau tegang,
Ia menjagamu, Tuhan menjagamu.
7. Cobaan apa mengganggumu? Tuhan menjagamu.
Buatlah Yesus sandaranmu; Dia menjagamu.
2 Tes 3:3
Yak 1:2-4
1 Ptr 1:6-7
8. Tuhan menjagamu waktu tenang atau tegang,
Ia menjagamu, Tuhan menjagamu.Play Berilah, Bapa, Hari Ini [KJ.468]
1. B'rilah, Bapa, hari ini kami makan secukupnya.
Dan ampuni salah kami; kami saling mengampuni:
Datang KerajaanMu! Amin.
Mat 6:11-12
2. Bukan untuk hari esok berlebihan kami cari; hanya
untuk hari ini kami mohon secukupnya: damai
KerajaanMu! Amin.
Kel 16:17-24
Mat 6:33-34
3. B'rilah, Bapa, hari ini pengampunan secukupnya;
agar kami membagikan ampun dan makanan pula
dalam KerajaanMu! Amin.Play Bila Topan K'ras Melanda Hidupmu [KJ.439] ( Count Your Blessings / When upon Life's Billows )
R:Mzm 40:6
1. Bila topan k'ras melanda hidupmu, bila putus asa dan letih lesu,
berkat Tuhan satu-satu hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
2. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
3. Adakah beban membuat kau penat, salib yang kaupikul menekan berat?
Hitunglah berkatNya, pasti kau lega dan bernyanyi t'rus penuh bahagia!
Mat 11:28
4. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
5. Bila kau memandang harta orang lain, ingat janji Kristus yang lebih permai;
hitunglah berkat yang tidak terbeli milikmu di sorga tiada terperi.
Mat 6:19-21
6. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
7. Dalam pergumulanmu di dunia janganlah kuatir, Tuhan adalah!
Hitunglah berkat sepanjang hidupmu, yakinlah, malaikat menyertaimu!
Mat 6:25-34
Flp 4:6
8. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.Play Dalam Dana Penuh Kerusuhan [KJ.260]
1. Dalam dunia penuh kerusuhan, ditengah kemelut permusuhan
datanglah KerajaanMu; di Gereja yang harus bersatu, agar nyata
manusia baru, datanglah KerajaanMu!
Yoh 17:21-23
Ef 4:24
Kol 3:10-11
2. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu!
3. Memerangi gelap kemiskinan, menyinarkan terang keadilan
datanglah KerajaanMu; di lautan, di gunung, di ladang
dan di badai, di pasar, di jalan datanglah KerajaanMu!
Luk 3:10-14
4. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu!
5. Dalam hati dan mulut dan tangan dengan kasih, dengan
kebenaran datanglah KerajaanMu; kar'na Kaulah empunya semua,
demi Kristus umatMu berdoa: datanglah KerajaanMu!
Mat 5:3-10
Mat 6:13
6. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu! Play Selama Bumi Didiami [KJ.298]
1. Selama bumi didiami, berbunga t'rus, berbuah baik,
Engkau, ya Allah, Bapa kami; sembah syukur padaMu naik!
Kej 8:22
Im 26:4-5
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 67:7-8
2. Selama orang berbahasa dan bangsa-bangsa bertemu,
sabda kasihMu berkuasa dan nama Yesus disebut.
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
3. Burung di langit Kausuapi, bunga di ladang berseri;
tak usah kami pun kuatir: seluruh hidup Kauberi.
Mzm 147:9
Mat 6:25-34
4. Kaulah Terang dan Hidup kami; padaMu maut menyerah.
Kristuslah Roti yang sorgawi dan kami jadi TubuhNya.
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
2 Tim 1:10
Why 1:18
Yoh 6:32-58
Rm 12:5
5. Patut sujud segala mahluk yang hidup dari tanganMu;
ya Bapa, oleh hadiratMu harapan anakMu teguh.Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 145:15-16
Yes 45:23
Why 4:11
Play Serahkan pada Tuhan [KJ.417]
1. Serahkan pada Tuhan seluruh jalanmu;
kuatirmu semua ditanggungNya penuh.
Sedangkan angin lalu dituntun tanganNya,
Pun jalan di depanmu, Tuhan mengaturnya.
Mzm 37:5
1 Ptr 5:7
2. Hendaklah kau percaya kepada Tuhanmu;
niscaya kau bahagia, kerjamu pun teguh.
Usahamu sendiri takkan menolongmu;
Tuhanmu mengingini doamu yang tekun.
Mzm 1:3
Yoh 15:5
3. Ya Bapa yang rahmani, Kau sungguh mengenal
yang baik bagi kami di dalam tiap hal.
Setia kaulakukan maksudMu yang tetap;
Terwujudlah semua sempurna dan lengkap.
Rm 8:28
4. Dan waktu setan maju berontak menyerang,
tak usah ragu-ragu: Allahmu yang menang!
Mustahil Allah mundur di dalam maksudNya;
RencanaNya tak luntur, teguh selamanya.
Luk 10:17-18
Ef 4:27
1 Ptr 5:8-11
Why 12:9
5. Beban kekuatiran lepaskan sajalah;
segala kesedihan tinggalkan segera.
Tak mampu kauatasi segala-galanya;
Rajamu yang abadi menyelesaikannya.
Mat 6:25-34
Mat 11:28-30
1 Ptr 5:7
1 Tes 5:24
6. Tentulah kadang-kadang tak nampak tanganNya,
bagaikan t'lah terhadang terang anugerah,
seolah-olah Tuhan tak lagi mendengar
keluhan dan seruan di saat kau gentar.
Mzm 13:2-3
Mzm 28:1
7. Tetap senantiasa percayalah teguh;
tak mungkin kau binasa di pergumulanmu.
Tuhanmu mengalihkan yang paling susah
pun menjadi kebajikan di jalan hidupmu.
Mzm 13:6
1 Kor 10:13
8. Alihkanlah, ya Tuhan, segala kemelut
dan ajar kami pula berjuang bertekun.
Setia Kau menjaga, membimbing umatMu
Di dalam perjalanan menuju sorgaMu.Play Tuhan dalam Sorga [KJ.449]
1. Tuhan dalam sorga, Khalik dunia,
mengenal semua anak-anakNya.
2. Ia mendengarkan doa dan keluh;
Tuhan siang-malam Bapa bagimu!
Mzm 145:18
Mat 7:7-11
3. Hidup dan makanan diberikanNya,
Yang membuka tangan untuk yang lemah.
Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
Mat 6:25-34
4. Mari kita cari kerajaanNya
tiap-tiap hari bagi dunia!Mat 6:33
Mark 1:35
Ya Bapa, Jamah AnakMu [KJ.459] ( Dear Lord and Father of Mankind )
1. Ya Bapa, jamah anakMu serta ampunilah, lenyapkan kerisauanku,
berilah kedamaianMu dan hidup berserah.
2. MuridMu taat mendengar panggilan kasihMu; jadikan
aku pun sedar mengikutMu dengan benar dan beriman teguh.
Mat 10:5-15
Mrk 1:25
3. Betapa suci dan teduh, betapa khidmatnya, ketika Yesus
bertelut esa denganMu, Allahku, di damai yang baka.
Mrk 1:35
Mzm 6:464. Ya Tuhanku, tenangkanlah gejolak nafsuku; prahara, api
dan gempa redalah bila kudengar suaraMu yang lembut.
Mrk 4:35-41
5. Turunkanlah sejahtera yang murni bak embun, teduhkan hati
yang resah; di hidupku wujudkanlah indahnya damaiMu.Mzm 133:3
Psalms 63:1
[Psa 63:1] Early, My God, Without Delay
Early, my God, without delay,
I haste to seek Thy face;
My thirsty spirit faints away
Without Thy cheering grace.So pilgrims on the scorching sand,
Beneath a burning sky,
Long for a cooling stream at hand,
And they must drink or die.I’ve seen Thy glory and Thy power
Through all Thy temple shine;
My God, repeat that heav’nly hour,
That vision so divine.Not all the blessings of a feast
Can please my soul so well,
As when Thy richer grace I taste,
And in Thy presence dwell.Not life itself, with all her joys,
Can my best passions move,
Or raise so high my cheerful voice,
As Thy forgiving love.Thus till my last expiring day
I’ll bless my God and King;
Thus will I lift my hands to pray,
And tune my lips to sing.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] Hand In Hand
Now begin the heavenly race—
The Savior calls today;
Let us early seek His face,
And early learn to pray.Refrain
Hand in hand we’ll journey on,
Reaching forward to the prize,
Hoping, trusting in the Lord,
Where all our vigor lies.He Who left His Father’s throne,
To suffer, bleed and die,
He Who made our grief his own,
Will every want supply.Refrain
They who on His Name believe,
And patiently endure,
Life eternal shall receive,
And find His mercy sure.Refrain
Now begin the heavenly race,
No more, no more delay;
To the healing fount of grace,
Rejoicing, haste away.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] I Hunger And I Thirst
I hunger and I thirst,
Jesu, my manna be;
Ye living waters, burst
Out of the rock for me.Thou bruised and broken Bread,
My life-long wants supply;
As living souls are fed,
O feed me, or I die.Thou true life-giving Vine,
Let me Thy sweetness prove;
Renew my life with Thine,
Refresh my soul with love.Rough paths my feet have trod
Since first their course began;
Feed me, Thou Bread of God;
Help me, Thou Son of Man.For still the desert lies
My thirsting soul before;
O living waters, rise
Within me evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] My God! Permit My Tongue
My God, permit my tongue
This joy, to call Thee mine;
And let my early cries prevail
To taste Thy love divine.My thirsty, fainting soul
Thy mercy doth implore;
Not travelers in desert lands
Can pant for water more.Within Thy churches, Lord,
I long to find my place;
Thy power and glory to behold,
And feel Thy quick’ning grace.For life without Thy love
No relish can afford;
No joy can be compared to this,
To serve and please the Lord.To Thee I’ll lift my hands,
And praise Thee while I live;
Not the rich dainties of a feast
Such food or pleasure give.In wakeful hours at night
I call my God to mind;
I think how wise Thy counsels are,
And all Thy dealings kind.Since thou hast been my help,
To Thee my spirit flies,
And on Thy watchful providence
My cheerful hope relies.The shadow of Thy wings
My soul in safety keeps;
I follow where my Father leads,
And He supports my steps.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] O God, My God, My All Thou Art!
O God, my God, my all Thou art!
Ere shines the dawn of rising day,
Thy sovereign light within my heart,
Thy all enlivening power display.For Thee my thirsty soul doth pant,
While in this desert land I live;
And hungry as I am, and faint,
Thy love alone can comfort give.In a dry land, behold I place
My whole desire on Thee, O Lord;
And more I joy to gain Thy grace,
Than all earth’s treasures can afford.More dear than life itself, Thy love
My heart and tongue shall still employ
And to declare Thy praise will prove
My peace, my glory, and my joy.In blessing Thee with grateful songs
My happy life shall glide away;
The praise that to Thy Name belongs
Hourly with lifted hands I’ll pay.Abundant sweetness, while I sing
Thy love, my ravished heart o’erflows;
Secure in Thee, my God and King,
Of glory that no period knows.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] O God, Thou Art My God Alone
O God, Thou art my God alone;
Early to Thee my soul shall cry;
A pilgrim in a land unknown,
A thirsty land whose springs are dry.O that it were as it hath been!
When, praying in the holy place,
Thy power and glory I have seen,
And marked the footsteps of Thy grace.Yet, through this rough and thorny maze,
I follow hard on Thee, my God;
Thy hand, unseen, upholds my ways;
I safely tread where Thou hast trod.Thee, in the watches of the night,
When I remember on my bed;
Thy presence makes the darkness light,
Thy guardian wings are round my head.Better than life itself Thy love,
Dearer than all beside to me;
For whom have I in Heaven above,
Or what on earth, compared to Thee?Praise with my heart, my mind, my voice,
For all Thy mercy I will give;
My soul shall still in God rejoice;
My tongue shall bless Thee while I live.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] O Lord, My God, Most Earnestly
O Lord, my God, most earnestly
My heart would seek Thy face,
Within Thy holy house once more
To see Thy glorious grace.Apart from Thee I long and thirst,
And naught can satisfy;
I wander in a desert land
Where all the streams are dry.The lovingkindness of my God
Is more than life to me;
So I will bless Thee while I live
And lift my prayer to Thee.In Thee my soul is satisfied,
My darkness turns to light;
And joyful meditations fill
The watches of the night.My Savior, ’neath Thy sheltering wings
My soul delights to dwell;
Still closer to Thy side I press,
For near Thee all is well.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] O Saints Of Old, Nor Yours Alone
O saints of old, not yours alone
The search for God shall be;
We take the glory for our own;
Lord, we are seeking Thee.Not only when ascends the song
And soundeth sweet the word;
Not only with the Sabbath throng,
Our souls would seek the Lord.We would not to our daily task
Without our God repair,
But in the world His presence ask,
And seek His glory there.O everywhere, O every day,
The grace is still outpoured;
We work, we watch, we strive, we pray,
Behold Thy seekers, Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] Thou Art My God, O God Of Grace
Thou art my God, O God of grace,
And earnestly I seek Thy face,
My heart cries out for Thee;
My spirit thirsts Thy grace to taste,
An exile in this desert waste
In which no waters be,
In which no waters be.I long as in the times of old
Thy power and glory to behold
Within Thy holy place;
Because Thy tender love I see,
More precious far than life to me,
My lips shall praise Thy grace,
My lips shall praise Thy grace.Thus will I bless Thee while I live,
And with uplifted hands will give
Praise to Thy holy Name;
When by Thy bounty well supplied,
Then shall my soul be satisfied,
My mouth shall praise proclaim,
My mouth shall praise proclaim.My lips shall in Thy praise delight
When on my bed I rest at night
And meditate on Thee;
Because Thy hand assistance brings,
Beneath the shadow of Thy wings
My heart shall joyful be,
My heart shall joyful be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] When Mother Love Makes All Things Bright
When mother love makes all things bright,
When joy comes with the morning light,
When children gather round their tree,
Thou Christmas Babe, we sing of Thee.When manhood’s brows are bent in thought
To learn what men of old have taught,
When eager hands seek wisdom’s key,
Wise Temple Child, we learn of Thee.When doubts assail, and perils fright,
When, groping blindly in the night,
We strive to read life’s mystery,
Man of the Mount, we turn to Thee.When shadows of the valley fall,
When sin and death the soul appall,
One light we through the darkness see—
Christ on the Cross, we cry to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 63:1] While Thee I Seek, Protecting Power
While Thee I seek, protecting Power,
Be my vain wishes stilled;
And may this consecrated hour
With better hopes be filled.Thy love the power of thought bestowed;
To Thee my thoughts would soar:
Thy mercy o’er my life has flowed;
That mercy I adore.In each event of life, how clear
Thy ruling hand I see!
Each blessing to my soul more dear,
Because conferred by Thee.In every joy that crowns my days,
In every pain I bear,
My heart shall find delight in praise,
Or seek relief in prayer.When gladness wings my favored hour,
Thy love my thoughts shall fill;
Resigned, when storms of sorrow lower,
My soul shall meet Thy will.My lifted eye, without a tear,
The gathering storm shall see:
My steadfast heart shall know no fear;
That heart will rest on Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Proverbs 8:17
[Pro 8:17] I Found My God In Early Years
I found my God in early years,
He wept away my sins, my tears.
It was my best decision.
He filled my life with love and awe,
And I in light God’s Kingdom saw,
How wonderful a vision!I found my God, and He found me.
Now all my life my Lord’s shall be,
In honor of His glory.
From day to day, my journey long,
I’ll sow my seed and sing my song,
In spite of woe and worry.In early years my God I found,
Now for the land of Life I’m bound,
To Heaven I will hurry.
And shall I sow my seed with tears,
When ended are at last my years,
With joy my sheaves I’ll carry.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Pro 8:17] I Will Early Seek The Savior
I will early seek the Savior,
I will learn of Him each day;
I will follow in His footsteps,
I will walk the narrow way.Refrain
For He loves me, yes, He loves me,
Jesus loves me, this I know.
Jesus loves me, died to save me,
This is why I love Him so.I will hasten where He bids me,
I am not too young to go,
In the pathway where He leadeth,
Not too young His will to know.Refrain
He is standing at the doorway
Of escape from every sin;
I will knock, for He has promised,
He will hear and let me in.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Pro 8:17] Little Friends Of Jesus
We are little children, very young indeed,
But the Savior’s promise each of us may plead.Refrain
If we seek Him early, if we come today,
We can be His little friends, He has said we may.Little friends of Jesus, what a happy thought!
Was a precious promise in the Bible taught!Refrain
Little friends of Jesus, walking by His side,
With His arm around us, every step to guide.Refrain
We must love Him dearly with a constant love,
Then we’ll go and see Him in our home above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Pro 8:17] Since I Found My Savior
Life wears a different face to me,
Since I found my Savior;
Rich mercy at the cross I see,
My dying, living Savior.Refrain
Golden sunbeams round me play;
Jesus turns my night to day;
Heaven seems not far away,
Since I found my Savior.He sought me in His wondrous love,
So I found my Savior;
He brought salvation from above,
My dear, almighty Savior.Refrain
The passing clouds may intervene,
Since I found my Savior;
But He is with me, though unseen,
My ever present Savior.Refrain
A strong hand kindly holds my own,
Since I found my Savior;
It leads me onward to the throne,
Oh, there I’ll see my Savior!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Pro 8:17] ’tis Not Far To Jesus
’Tis not far to Jesus,
He is everywhere,
Watching o’er His children
With a tender care.Refrain
Early if we seek Him,
Early we shall find Him;
’Tis not far to Jesus,
He is everywhere.’Tis not far to Jesus,
No, ’tis very near;
He is all around us,
He is with us here.Refrain
If we want to love Him
Let us go and pray;
Then our hearts can find Him,
Now, this very day.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Pro 8:17] We Pray Thee, Heavenly Father
We pray Thee, heavenly Father, to hear us in Thy love,
And pour upon Thy children the unction from above;
That so in love abiding, from all defilement free,
We may in pureness offer our Eucharist to Thee.Be Thou our Guide and Helper, O Jesu Christ, we pray;
So may we well approach Thee, if Thou wilt be the Way:
Thou, very Truth, hast promised to help us in our strife,
Food of the weary pilgrim, eternal Source of life.And Thou, Creator Spirit, look on us, we are Thine;
Renew us in Thy graces, upon our darkness shine;
That, with Thy benediction, upon our souls outpoured,
We may receive in gladness the body of the Lord.O Trinity of Persons! O Unity most high!
On Thee alone relying Thy servants would draw nigh;
Unworthy in our weakness, on Thee our hope is stayed,
And blest by Thy forgiveness we will not be afraid.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 6:33
[Mat 6:33] Seek Ye First
Seek ye first the kingdom; not the things of earth.
Priceless are the treasures of immortal worth.
Like a flitting shadow, time will pass away,
But the heav’nly riches change not, nor decay.Refrain
“Seek ye first the kingdom,” ’tis the Master’s voice;
In His precious promise evermore rejoice.
“All things else,” His words are true, “shall be added unto you.”
In His precious promise, evermore rejoice.Seek ye first the kingdom; seek the gift of God.
’Tis the Savior’s offer purchased by His blood.
Seek ye first His glory; be it life’s sweet aim;
Him to serve and honor, trusting in His Name.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:33] Take Not Thought For Food Or Raiment
Take not thought for food or raiment,
Careful one, so anxiously;
For the King Himself provideth
Food and clothes for thee.He Who daily feeds the sparrows,
He Who clothes the lilies bright,
More than birds and flowers holds thee
Precious in His sight.Would’st thou give a stone, a serpent,
To Thy pleading child for food?
And shall not thy Heavenly Father
Give thee what is good?On the heart that careth for thee
Rest thou then from sorrow free;
For of all most tender fathers
None so good as He.Seek thou first His gracious promise,
Treasure stored in Heav’n above;
So thou may’st entrust all other
Safely to His love.Unto Thee, O bounteous Father,
Glory, honor, praise be done;
With the Son and Holy Spirit,
God for ever One.Play source: Cyberhymnal