Psalms 10:1-5
stand <05975> [A.M. 3464. B.C. 541. standest.]
during <05956> [hidest.]
wicked <07563> [The wicked, etc. Heb. In the pride of the wicked he doth, etc.]
trapped <08610> [let.]
boasts <01984> [boasteth.]
[hearts. Heb. soul's. and blesseth, etc. or, the covetous blesseth himself, he abhorreth the Lord.]
49:11-13,18 De 29:19 1Sa 23:21 Job 31:24 Pr 28:4 Ho 12:7,8
Zec 11:5-8 Lu 12:19 Ro 1:29,32 2Ti 3:2-4 1Jo 2:15 [All]
Lord <03068> [whom.]
Isa 57:17 Jer 22:17 Mic 6:10-12 Hab 2:9 Mt 26:15,16 Lu 12:15
Lu 16:14,15 1Co 6:10 Eph 5:5 Col 3:5 1Ti 6:9,10 [All]
rejects <05006> [abhorreth.]
arrogant <01363> [the pride.]
hold ... accountable <01875> [will not.]
God <0430> [God, etc. or, all his thoughts are, There is no God.]
<04209> [thoughts.]
commands <04941> [thy judgments.]
disdains <06315> [he puffeth.]