Psalms 115:1-12
[A.M. 3108. B.C. 896. (Title.)]
This seems to be an [epinikion,] or triumphal song, in which the victory is wholly ascribed to Jehovah; and to none can it be referred with more propriety than to that of Jehoshaphat over the confederated forces of his enemies, 2 Ch 20.
Lord ........ name <03068 08034> [unto us.]
loyal love <02617> [for thy mercy.]
God <0430> [But our.]
pleases <06213 02654> [he hath.]
idols <06091> [Their idols.]
They are metal, stone, and wood; and though generally made in the form of man, they can neither see, hear, smell, feel, walk, nor speak! Even the wiser heathen made them the objects of their jests.
Israel <03478> [Israel.]
trust <0982> [trust.]
deliverer <05828> [their help.]
notice <02142> [hath.]
family ... Israel ...... family <01004 03478> [the house of Israel.]