Psalms 115:1
[A.M. 3108. B.C. 896. (Title.)]
This seems to be an [epinikion,] or triumphal song, in which the victory is wholly ascribed to Jehovah; and to none can it be referred with more propriety than to that of Jehoshaphat over the confederated forces of his enemies, 2 Ch 20.
Lord ........ name <03068 08034> [unto us.]
loyal love <02617> [for thy mercy.]
Psalms 15:1-5
Lord <03068> [Lord.]
guest <01481> [abide. Heb. sojourn. holy.]
Whoever <01980> [He.]
Whoever lives .... life does what <06466> [worketh.]
speaks <01696> [speaketh.]
slander <07270> [backbiteth.]
do <06213> [doeth.]
<05375> [taketh up. or, receiveth or, endureth.]
reprobate <03988> [a vile.]
honors <03513> [but.]
commitments ........ promise <07650> [sweareth.]
charge <05414> [putteth.]
take <03947> [nor taketh.]
lives <06213> [He that doeth.]