Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 51:1
'Ku Ingin Menghayati [KJ.158]
1. 'Ku ingin menghayati sengsara Tuhanku.
Semoga kudapati, ya Yesus, rahmatMu!
Beban kesalahanku membuatku lelah;
Berilah hidup baru, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
Mzm 38:5, 19
2. O ingat akan daku yang hilang tersesat;
bertimbunlah dosaku yang menekan berat.
JalanMu kulalaikan, hidupku bercela;
Engkau penuh kebaikan, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
Mzm 51
3. Waktu yang Kauberikan terbuang olehku;
tidak kuperhatikan nasihat sabdaMu.
Jiwaku menderita dan berkeluh-kesah;
O Sumber sukacita, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
4. Kiranya kausembuhkan hatiku yang sedih,
sudilah menghapuskan dosaku yang keji.
'Ku rindu akan hidup yang suci mulia;
hentikanlah tangisku, ya Yesus, tolonglah!1 Yoh 1:9
Psalms 103:10
Mari, Puji Raja Sorga [KJ.288] ( Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven )
1. Mari, puji Raja sorga, persembahan bawalah! DitebusNya
jiwa-raga, maka puji namaNya! Puji Dia, puji Dia,
puji Raja semesta!
2. Puji Yang kekal rahmatNya bagi umat dalam aib,
dulu, kini, selamanya panjang sabar, mahabaik.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, yang setiaNya ajaib!
3. Bagai Bapa yang penyayang, siapa kita Ia tahu;
tangan kasihNya menatang di tengah bahaya maut.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, kasihNya seluas laut!
Yak 5:11
4. Kita bagai bunga saja, layu habis musimnya,
tapi keadaan Raja tak berubah, tak lemah.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, yang kekal kuasaNya!
Yes 40:6-8
Yak 1:10-11
1 Ptr 1:24
5. Sujudlah, hai bala sorga, abdi Allah terdekat;
turut, bintang, bulan, surya, tiap waktu dan tempat.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, Sumber kasih dan berkat!Play
Psalms 130:3-4
'Ku Diberi Belas Kasihan [KJ.39]
1. 'Ku diberi belas kasihan, walau tak layak hatiku;
tadi 'ku angkuh, kini heran: Tuhan, besarlah rahmatMu!
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia,
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia!
Mzm 32:1
Mzm 130:3-4
Ef 2:4-9
2. Walau 'ku patut dihukumkan, Kaulah penuh anugerah:
darah PutraMu dicurahkan membasuh dosa dan cela.
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu,
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Ini tetap pengakuanku, jikalau orang ingin tahu:
hanya berkat pengasihanMu rukunlah aku dan Engkau.
'Ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu,
'ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu.
4. Jangan seseorang pun di dunia merampas harta hatiku:
dasar percaya yang 'ku punya dan alas doa yang teguh;
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam,
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam!
Rm 14:8
5. Ya Tuhan, jangan ambil rahmat yang Kauberi kepadaku,
kar'na dengannya aku s'lamat sampai ke dalam rumahMu:
di sana kumuliakanlah rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya,
di sana kumuliakan rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya!Mzm 23:6
Play Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24a]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, dosaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu,
Tak dapat 'ku bertahan.
Rat 3:55
2. Namun, ya Tuhan, padaMu terdapat pengampunan;
kesalahanku Kautebus, kasihMu Kautunjukkan.
Tiada insan yang benar, tetapi rahmatMu yang besar:
Terpujilah namaMu!
Mzm 32:1
3. 'Ku menantikanMu teguh, rahmatMu kudambakan;
tak kuandalkan jasaku, firmanMu kuharapkan.
Lebih dari pengawal pun menunggu fajar bertekun,
Kutunggu Dikau, Tuhan!
4. Hai Israel, berharaplah kepada Tuhan saja!
Maha Pengasih Dialah, Penolong kaum percaya.
UmatNya dibebaskanNya dari segala dosanya;
Dib'riNya hidup baru!Mat 1:21
Tit 2:14
Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24b]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, doaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu, tak dapat 'ku bertahanPujian Malam Kunyanyikan [KJ.326]
1. Pujian malam kunyanyikan; syukur, ya Tuhan, padaMu.
Meskipun sinar surya hilang, Engkau tetap cahayaku.
Tiada sayang ibu-bapak yang menandingi sayangMu:
Tak putus 'ku Kau pelihara, Kau Sumber rahmat bagiku.
Mat 7:11
2. Dengan setia Kau menjaga, mengasuh dan membimbingku.
Engkau sertaku tiap saat, pun dalam susah dan keluh.
Sekarang tiba malam hari; tubuhku melepas lelah. Telah
Kautolong dari pagi: syukurku, Tuhan t'rimalah!
Mzm 121
3. Anug'rah yang Engkau berikan tak beralaskan jasaku:
jikalau dosaku Kauingat 'ku layak t'rima murkaMu.
Syukur, di dalam darah Kristus pengampunanMu
Tertera dan oleh pendamaian itu Kaubuat hatiku lega.
Mzm 130:3
Rm 3:23-25
Ef 2:3-10
4. Ya Tuhan, malam ini juga padaMu aku berserah.
Semoga 'ku bernyanyi pula ketika fajar merekah.
Dan bila Kau memanggil aku selagi aku terlelap,
Kiranya di depan takhtaMu sejahteraMu kukecap.
Mzm 5:4
Mzm 59:17
Mzm 92:3
5. Kutahu siapa 'ku percaya, baik siang atau malam pun:
Kau Gunung Batu kes'lamatan, landasan pengharapanku!
Sesudah hariku berakhir dan aku tamat berlelah, 'kan
Kusyukuri hari-hari yang t'lah kaub'ri di dunia.2 Kor 1:20-22
2 Tim 1:12
Mzm 62:3, 7
Mzm 95:1
Psalms 130:7
Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24a]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, dosaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu,
Tak dapat 'ku bertahan.
Rat 3:55
2. Namun, ya Tuhan, padaMu terdapat pengampunan;
kesalahanku Kautebus, kasihMu Kautunjukkan.
Tiada insan yang benar, tetapi rahmatMu yang besar:
Terpujilah namaMu!
Mzm 32:1
3. 'Ku menantikanMu teguh, rahmatMu kudambakan;
tak kuandalkan jasaku, firmanMu kuharapkan.
Lebih dari pengawal pun menunggu fajar bertekun,
Kutunggu Dikau, Tuhan!
4. Hai Israel, berharaplah kepada Tuhan saja!
Maha Pengasih Dialah, Penolong kaum percaya.
UmatNya dibebaskanNya dari segala dosanya;
Dib'riNya hidup baru!Mat 1:21
Tit 2:14
Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24b]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, doaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu, tak dapat 'ku bertahan
Luke 1:16-18
Siapakah Yang Menerima [KJ.124]
1. Siapakah yang menerima kabar mulia sorgawi?
Bukan para ahli Kitab, bukan pula para nabi,
Bukan raja Yerusalem, bukan kaisar dari Roma:
Hanyalah gembala di Betlehem.
Mat 2:3-4
, Luk 1:1-20
2. Apakah berita baru yang disiarkan malaikat?
Bukan kabar peperangan, bukan pengumuman iklan,
Bukan mengenai wabah, bukanlah bencana alam:
Raja damai lahir di Betlehem.
Yes 9:5
3. Dan di manakah tempatnya Anak Raja dilahirkan?
Bukan di rumah sakit, diawasi bidan ahli,
Bukanlah tempat yang mewah, rumah orang pangkat tinggi,
Tapi kandang domba di betlehem.
4. Lalu, siapakah di sana menunggui Bayi Yesus?
Bapak Yusuf, 'bu Maria yang merawat dan menjaga,
Biri-biri ikut juga dan gembala sederhana.
Bayi tidur aman di Betlehem.Play Waktu Herodes Raja di Yudea [KJ.78]
1. Waktu Herodes raja di Yudea, ada imam bernama Zakharia,
nama istrinya Elisabet, ialah bibi Maria.
Luk 1:5-16
2. Di waktu Zakharia beribadah, turun malaikat Gabriel padanya,
ia terperanjat terkelu: apakah akan terjadi?
3. "Janganlah takut, bapa Zakharia, aku utusan dari sorga;
'ku bawa kabar bagimu." Itulah kata malaikat.
4. "Doamu dikabulkan oleh Tuhan: kau akan dianugerahi put'ra,
dilahirkan oleh ist'rimu; namakan dia Yohanes."
5. "Dan engkau akan sorak bergembira, kar'na Roh Kudus akan besertanya;
umat yang dibaptis olehnya akan kembali ke Allah."Play Ya Anak Kecil [KJ.105]
1. Ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut, Engkau diutus BapaMu dan dari sorga
Mulia Kau jadi hamba terendah, Ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut
2. Ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut, segala dosa Kautebus;
Kauhantar kami, umatMu, ke haribaan BapaMu,
Ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut.
Luk 1:16
Yoh 1:18
3. Ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut, Kau turun dari takhtaMu;
Engkau beri bahagia pengganti duka dunia,
Ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut.
4. Ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut, Kau citra kasih BapaMu;
nurani kami bakarlah dengan kasihMu s'lamanya,
ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut.
5. Ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut, padaMu kami berteut,
sejiwa-raga milikMu dan pasrah diri padaMu,
ya Anak kecil, ya Anak lembut.Play
Psalms 119:41
[Psa 119:41] Let Everlasting Glories Crown
Let everlasting glories crown
Thy head, my Savior and my Lord;
Thy hands have brought salvation down,
And writ the blessings in Thy Word.What if we trace the globe around,
And search from Britain to Japan,
There shall be no religion found
So just to God, so safe for man.In vain the trembling conscience seeks
Some solid ground to rest upon;
With long despair the spirit breaks,
Till we apply to Christ alone.How well Thy blessèd truths agree!
How wise and holy Thy commands!
Thy promises, how firm they be!
How firm our hope and comfort stands.Not the feigned fields of heath’nish bliss
Could raise such pleasures in the mind;
Nor does the Turkish paradise
Pretend to joys so well refined.Should all the forms that men devise
Assault my faith with treach’rous art,
I’d call them vanity and lies,
And bind the Gospel to my heart.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 119:41] Thy Promised Mercies Send To Me
Thy promised mercies send to me,
Thy great salvation, Lord;
So shall I answer those who scoff:
My trust is Thy Word.My hope is in Thy judgment, Lord;
Take not Thy truth from me;
And in Thy law forevermore
My daily walk shall be.And I will walk at liberty
Because Thy truth I seek;
Thy truth before the kings of earth
With boldness I will speak.The Lord’s commands, which I have loved,
Shall still new joy impart;
With reverence I will hear Thy laws
And keep them in my heart.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 51:1
[Psa 51:1] God, Be Merciful To Me
God, be merciful to me,
On Thy grace I rest my plea;
Plenteous in compassion Thou,
Blot out my transgressions now;
Wash me, make me pure within,
Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin.My transgressions I confess,
Grief and guilt my soul oppress;
I have sinned against Thy grace
And provoked Thee to Thy face;
I confess Thy judgment just,
Speechless, I Thy mercy trust.I am evil, born in sin;
Thou desirest truth within.
Thou alone my Savior art,
Teach Thy wisdom to my heart;
Make me pure, Thy grace bestow,
Wash me whiter than the snow.Broken, humbled to the dust
By Thy wrath and judgment just,
Let my contrite heart rejoice
And in gladness hear Thy voice;
From my sins O hide Thy face,
Blot them out in boundless grace.Gracious God, my heart renew,
Make my spirit right and true;
Cast me not away from Thee,
Let Thy Spirit dwell in me;
Thy salvation’s joy impart,
Steadfast make my willing heart.Sinners then shall learn from me
And return, O God, to Thee;
Savior, all my guilt remove,
And my tongue shall sing Thy love;
Touch my silent lips, O Lord,
And my mouth shall praise accord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 51:1] Show Pity, Lord, O Lord, Forgive
Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive,
Let a repenting rebel live:
Are not Thy mercies large and free?
May not a sinner trust in Thee?My crimes are great, but not surpass
The power and glory of Thy grace:
Great God, Thy nature hath no bound,
So let Thy pardoning love be found.O wash my soul from every sin,
And make my guilty conscience clean;
Here on my heart the burden lies,
And past offenses pain my eyes.My lips with shame my sins confess
Against Thy law, against Thy grace:
Lord, should Thy judgment grow severe,
I am condemned, but Thou art clear.Should sudden vengeance seize my breath,
I must pronounce Thee just in death;
And if my soul were sent to hell,
Thy righteous law approves it well.Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord,
Whose hope, still hovering round Thy Word,
Would light on some sweet promise there,
Some sure support against despair.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 69:13
[Psa 69:13] In Full Assurance Of Thy Grace
In full assurance of Thy grace
To Thee my prayers ascend
In Thine abounding love and truth,
O God, salvation send.Preserve my sinking soul, I pray,
From tides of hatred save;
Let not the waters overflow,
Redeem me from the grave.Because Thy mercy, Lord, is good,
O answer me in grace,
And in the riches of Thy love
O turn to me Thy face.Hide not Thy face from my distress,
A speedy answer send;
Draw near to me, my soul redeem,
From all my foes defend.Well known to Thee is my reproach,
My shame and my disgrace,
The adversaries of my soul
Are all before Thy face.My heart is broken by reproach,
My soul is full of grief;
I looked in vain for comforters,
For pity and relief.They gave me bitter gall for food,
And taunting words they spake,
They gave me vinegar to drink,
My burning thirst to slake.Their peace and plenty be their snare,
In blindness let them grope;
Thine indignation on them pour,
And desolate their hope.Because they proudly persecute
Those whom Thou, Lord, dost smite,
Let them be blotted from Thy book
And banished from Thy sight.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 69:16
[Psa 69:16] Thy Lovingkindness, Lord, Is Good And Free
Thy lovingkindness, Lord, is good and free,
In tender mercy turn Thou unto me;
Hide not Thy face from me in my distress,
In mercy hear my prayer, Thy servant bless.Needy and sorrowful, to Thee I cry;
Let Thy salvation set my soul on high;
Then I will sing and praise Thy holy Name,
My thankful song Thy mercy shall proclaim.With joy the meek shall see my soul restored;
Your heart shall live, ye saints that seek the Lord;
He helps the needy and regards their cries,
Those in distress the Lord will not despise.Let Heav’n above His grace and glory tell,
Let earth and sea and all that in them dwell;
Salvation to His people God will give,
And they that love His Name with Him shall live.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 18:13
[Luk 18:13] Have Compassion, Lord, On Me!
O my Savior, I am weary!
Let my cry to Thee ascend
While in humble supplication
Now before Thy throne I bend!Refrain
Weak and helpless, yet believing,
Casting all my care on Thee,
I am hoping, trusting, praying;
Have compassion, Lord, on me!O my Savior, tho’ unworthy,
I have nowhere else to go;
Thou canst pardon my transgressions,
Thou canst wash me white as snow!Refrain
O my Savior, by Thy Spirit
Thou hast called me o’er and o’er;
Now repentant I am coming;
Lord, my wand’ring soul restore!Refrain
O my Savior, do not leave me
Here to perish at Thy throne;
In Thy tender, loving mercy
Cleanse and make me all Thine own!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Lord, I Deserve Thy Deepest Wrath
Lord, I deserve thy deepest wrath,
Ungrateful, faithless I have been;
No terrors have my soul deterred,
Nor goodness wooed me from my sin.
No terrors have my soul deterred,
Nor goodness wooed me from my sin.My heart is vile, my mind depraved,
My flesh rebels against Thy will;
I am polluted in Thy sight,
Yet, Lord have mercy on me still!
I am polluted in Thy sight,
Yet, Lord have mercy on me still!Without defense to Thee I look,
To Thee the only Savior fly;
Without a hope, without a friend,
In deep distress to Thee I cry,
Without a hope, without a friend,
In deep distress to Thee I cry.Speak peace to me, my sins forgive,
Dwell Thou within my heart, O God,
The guilt and pow’r of sin remove,
And fit me for Thy blest abode,
The guilt and pow’r of sin remove,
And fit me for Thy blest abode.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Lord, Like The Publican I Stand
Lord, like the publican I stand,
And lift my heart to Thee;
Thy pardoning grace, O God, command,
Be merciful to me.I smite upon my anxious breast,
O’erwhelmed with agony;
O save my soul by sin oppressed,
Be merciful to me.My guilt, my shame, I all confess,
I have no hope nor plea
But Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
Be merciful to me.Here at Thy cross I still would wait,
Nor from its shelter flee,
But Thou, O God, in mercy great,
Art merciful to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] O Son Of God, In Glory Crowned
O Son of God, in glory crowned,
The Judge ordained of quick and dead!
O Son of Man, so pitying found
For all the tears Thy people shed!Be with us in this darkened place,
This weary, restless, dangerous night;
And teach, O teach us, by Thy grace,
To struggle onward into light!And since, in God’s recording book,
Our sins are written, every one,
The crime, the wrath, the wandering look
The good we knew, and left undone;Lord, ere the last dread trump be heard,
And ere before Thy face we stand,
Look Thou on each accusing word,
And blot it with Thy bleeding hand.And by the love that brought Thee here,
And by the cross, and by the grave,
Give perfect love for conscious fear,
And in the day of judgment save.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Only A Sinner
Naught have I gotten but what I received;
Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed;
Boasting excluded, pride I abase;
I’m only a sinner, saved by grace!Refrain
Only a sinner, saved by grace!
Only a sinner, saved by grace!
This is my story, to God be the glory—
I’m only a sinner, saved by grace!Once I was foolish, and sin ruled my heart,
Causing my footsteps from God to depart;
Jesus hath found me, happy my case;
I now am a sinner, saved by grace!Refrain
Tears unavailing, no merit had I;
Mercy had saved me, or else I must die;
Sin had alarmed me fearing God’s face;
But now I’m a sinner saved by grace!Refrain
Suffer a sinner whose heart overflows,
Loving his Savior to tell what he knows;
Once more to tell it would I embrace—
I’m only a sinner saved by grace!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Savior, Prince Of Israel’s Race
Savior, Prince of Israel’s race,
See me from Thy lofty throne;
Give the sweet relenting grace,
Soften this obdurate stone!
Stone to flesh, O God, convert;
Cast a look, and break my heart!By Thy Spirit, Lord, reprove,
All my inmost sins reveal,
Sins against Thy light and love
Let me see, and let me feel;
Sins that crucified my God,
Spilt again Thy precious blood.Jesu, seek Thy wandering sheep,
Make me restless to return;
Bid me look on Thee, and weep,
Bitterly as Peter mourn,
Till I say, by grace restored,
“Now Thou know’st I love Thee, Lord!”Might I in Thy sight appear,
As the publican distressed,
Stand, not daring to draw near,
Smite on my unworthy breast,
Groan the sinner’s only plea,
“God, be merciful to me!”O remember me for good,
Passing through the mortal vale!
Show me the atoning blood,
When my strength and spirit fail;
Give my gasping soul to see
Jesus crucified for me!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Sinful, Sighing To Be Blest
Sinful, sighing to be blest,
Bound, and longing to be free;
Weary, waiting for my rest:
God, be merciful to me.Holiness I’ve none to plead,
Sinfulness is all I see,
I can only bring my need:
God, be merciful to me.Broken heart and downcast eyes,
Dare not lift themselves to Thee;
Yet Thou canst interpret sighs:
God, be merciful to me.From this sinful heart of mine
To Thy bosom I would flee;
I am not mine own, but Thine:
God, be merciful to me.There is One beside Thy throne,
And my only hope and plea
Are in Him and Him alone:
God, be merciful to me.He my cause will undertake,
My Interpreter will be;
He’s my all, and for His sake,
God, be merciful to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal